28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 23
Day 23. Humbly.
If it's true that God spoke the Universe into existence, and then sent His Son into that world on a rescue mission of love--a mission He knew would cost Him His life and purchase ours--then let's come to Passion 07 carrying a hefty does of humility in our hearts...that attitude that says "You are God and we are not."
Humility, by the way, is simply seeing God. Pride, on the other hand, is seeing ourselves. No one has ever had a true glimpse of God and not ended up closer to the floor. He is glorious and massive and radiant and holy and imposing and awe-inspiring and intimidating. Yet, God somehow wedged all that into a Bethlehem manger in Christ so He could wrap us in His arms. Sin continually and deceptively puffs us up, making us think we're larger than life, while shrinking our ability to live in the fulness of His.
So, arriving at Passion 07 let's let the re-sizing begin.
Loved and treasured by God, let's insist less and say "yes" more.
Let's not stiffen our necks, rather let's soften our hearts.
Why act like we know it all already, let's come open to whatever He has to say.
Let's lay down our agendas and figure our where we fit in His.
Let's confess the shortcomings of "us" and embrace the sureness of Him.
Let's tread gently.
Come reverently.
Let's surrender first, before He even asks.
Let's stop assuming.
And demanding.
And ignoring.
And running.
Let's bow.
And bend.
And pause.
And honor.
Let's lift Him high and bow down low.
Down low, on our knees, is where the mighty river flows...the raging current of His love and power and peace.
Father, with one week until Passion 07, please soften our hearts so they can easily fit into Your hands and into Your plans. We are making a mess of our lives without You. We need You more than ever. Help us down to our knees where surrender ushers in Your marvelous rescue. We love You Jesus, Amen.
"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care." Psalm 95:6-7
If it's true that God spoke the Universe into existence, and then sent His Son into that world on a rescue mission of love--a mission He knew would cost Him His life and purchase ours--then let's come to Passion 07 carrying a hefty does of humility in our hearts...that attitude that says "You are God and we are not."
Humility, by the way, is simply seeing God. Pride, on the other hand, is seeing ourselves. No one has ever had a true glimpse of God and not ended up closer to the floor. He is glorious and massive and radiant and holy and imposing and awe-inspiring and intimidating. Yet, God somehow wedged all that into a Bethlehem manger in Christ so He could wrap us in His arms. Sin continually and deceptively puffs us up, making us think we're larger than life, while shrinking our ability to live in the fulness of His.
So, arriving at Passion 07 let's let the re-sizing begin.
Loved and treasured by God, let's insist less and say "yes" more.
Let's not stiffen our necks, rather let's soften our hearts.
Why act like we know it all already, let's come open to whatever He has to say.
Let's lay down our agendas and figure our where we fit in His.
Let's confess the shortcomings of "us" and embrace the sureness of Him.
Let's tread gently.
Come reverently.
Let's surrender first, before He even asks.
Let's stop assuming.
And demanding.
And ignoring.
And running.
Let's bow.
And bend.
And pause.
And honor.
Let's lift Him high and bow down low.
Down low, on our knees, is where the mighty river flows...the raging current of His love and power and peace.
Father, with one week until Passion 07, please soften our hearts so they can easily fit into Your hands and into Your plans. We are making a mess of our lives without You. We need You more than ever. Help us down to our knees where surrender ushers in Your marvelous rescue. We love You Jesus, Amen.
"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care." Psalm 95:6-7
Yes God I am not. Soften my heart, humble me before you. I am so unworthy and I take it for granted. Prepare us all for what you are going to do at Passion. May my life be a complete surrender to you. Change me. Fill me.
Anonymous, at 12/26/2006 12:15 PM
This made me think of Louie's book I AM not but I know I AM, and Steven Curtis Chapman's song "God is God". I love that simple message. I pray that God will blow us all away at Passion and prepares our hearts within the remaining days.(Only 5 days left!!)
Anonymous, at 12/26/2006 12:44 PM
O Divine Master...
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to CONSOLE,
To be understood as to UNDERSTAND,
To be loved as to LOVE,
For it is in giving that we RECEIVE,
It is in pardoning that we are PARDONED,
I love You so much my sweet Jesus
Karin du Toit, at 12/26/2006 12:46 PM
i'll have to go back to re-think all the thoughts i just had... wow! my head is huge at baseline...
Silke, at 12/26/2006 4:07 PM
God make me so much smaller. I am nobody apart from you and my desire for you is so small. I pray that I would starve for Your presence. You are good, Lord, and I love You
Anonymous, at 12/26/2006 4:27 PM
i am not..but i know I AM. you are my passion Father and my Purpose... Help me to remember i do your work for YOUR glory and not my own....make me humble in your presents and Bold for your purpose.
- Missionary in Mississippi
Anonymous, at 12/26/2006 5:20 PM
It is good to think about these things - let them seep into our soul and change us through His Spirit.
Thank you
Tanya Wilson, at 12/26/2006 6:38 PM
...i'm with you bro...can't wait to worship in Atlanta.
'09 Ukraine Orphan Care Trip Team, at 12/27/2006 12:44 AM
"Humility, by the way, is simply seeing God. Pride, on the other hand, is seeing ourselves."
Well said.
Anonymous, at 12/27/2006 2:39 AM
God, allow me to break down this week.
Allow me to see all my shortcomings to recognize my total dependance on you.
I ask for this not to suffer, but to know even more the joy that you have made possible for me.
I want to know that again and again.
I love you Lord.
Brenton, at 12/27/2006 2:46 AM
Man, I need a fresh glimpse of Jesus!
Anonymous, at 12/27/2006 9:30 AM
As a volunteer, I have been reading the Prayer Journey and the comments by the students. I have been so blessed by ALL. I look forward to serving you all in a few days.
Question: When I open iTunes, the last Podcast listed is for Dec. 13. How do I get the one for Dec. 20? Thank you for all that you are doing. May our Lord richly return to you the blessing.
Anonymous, at 12/27/2006 9:57 AM
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