It's Officially Freezing
We've arrived in DC for the Fairfax stop tomorrow after a great night in East Lansing. Thanks to everyone who came out on a freezing night (at least for us) and worshipping with us. We loved East Lansing, loved the people, loved being smack in the middle of MSU... and felt like God did something really special. It was also cool meeting two people from Canada who had made the three hour drive to be there...and to hear one of them tell the story of fully surrendering His life to Jesus at the Passion Toronto event two years ago. Amazing!
Another long drive brought us to the DC suburbs, where the cold weather seems to be following us (or we are following it!) and, once again, it's really, really cold outside. Then again, we are on tour in FEBRUARY! But we're excited to be here. The DC crowds (especially the Baltimore people) nearly tore the place down on the Indescribable Tour last year. It was crazy and we expect more of the same in the Patriot Center tomorrow night.
Thanks for continued prayers and encouragement as we go...we are so grateful to all of you who have taken up the mission of this tour with us.
See you in Fairfax!
P.S.-The iTunes Bundle seems to be holding its own today. Thanks to all who have shared and enjoyed!! Let's keep it going.
Another long drive brought us to the DC suburbs, where the cold weather seems to be following us (or we are following it!) and, once again, it's really, really cold outside. Then again, we are on tour in FEBRUARY! But we're excited to be here. The DC crowds (especially the Baltimore people) nearly tore the place down on the Indescribable Tour last year. It was crazy and we expect more of the same in the Patriot Center tomorrow night.
Thanks for continued prayers and encouragement as we go...we are so grateful to all of you who have taken up the mission of this tour with us.
See you in Fairfax!
P.S.-The iTunes Bundle seems to be holding its own today. Thanks to all who have shared and enjoyed!! Let's keep it going.
come on y'all..we can do much better with this 2nd itunes bundle...we can at least get it in the top 10 on the itunes top album page. let's go everyone! haha
yeah it's completely freezing up here in Massachusetts. i miss Atlanta and Passion 07. the colder and colder it gets, the better the South looks haha
Joe, at 2/15/2007 7:42 PM
Louie, you're realizing what we DC area folks have been dealing with for a few days now :) The wind chill is ridiculous!
Absolutely CANNOT wait for tomorrow night!
Anonymous, at 2/15/2007 8:40 PM
Louie you guys are wimps!! saying that with love don`t you know! Stay warm and wear layers thats the ticket. Thanks for the update and glad you got to hear that story. pray God does amazing things tommorow night. It is so fun to be apart of this with you. Prayers are prayed for all of you during this time. God is so pleased. just a few more days of the cold then you all can get back to the heat.
stay cool ( literally!)
Liz, at 2/15/2007 9:30 PM
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gail, at 2/15/2007 9:31 PM
WOHOO! God did amazing things in East Lansing! What a great night of worship! :)
Anonymous, at 2/15/2007 10:13 PM
Ok, so...who won the snowball fight? And how tall was the snowman? :)
Tuesday at work I was listening to "My Glorious"--had never heard it all the way through. (I know, I know, don't ask me why.) God being "bigger than the air I breath and the world we'll leave" has been in my head since. I needed that.
But it gets better. Speaking of the Indescribable tour, even though I have had the DVD for a while, I hadn't ever sat down and watched it--I've been busy replaying the Passion06 DVD and keeping up with the stuff online instead. But today I watched it and was blown away. Now, I've heard a number of your astronomy lessons before, Mr. Giglio, but that was awsome. Haven't gotten over it all day. Much as I love the song, and it's true, and continues to be a blessing, 'bigger than the air I breath and the world I'll leave' got blown out the window today!
Good night! We're small! And God is BIG! We know that, but it's good to stop and think about it again (and that's one of the things your tours and talks help do). And the conversation only STARTS with size, then goes on to God's character and our sin and His mercy and redemption! I could do nothinng but marvel and praise my God after that lesson. And how I love Isaiah 40! Oh, that we can KNOW God!! And it was His choice to give us that gift! Mercy. Grace. Love. Amazing.
And satisfying.
Ya know, I used to try convey the astounding condescention of Christ by comparing me to an ant. Texas ants are kind of big, but it still works. Would I become the size of an ant, enter the ant world and die for the entire race of ants? No. And I don't have to. Particularly if they made it their habit in life to dishonor me and all I stand for. But if I'd scratch your heads. But it would say something about unmerited favor (grace) and a whole lot of other things. But anyway, I feel like I can't use that illustration anymore. Maybe I should reduce it to strings. Cells are too big. :)
I don't know. But that God would reach down--COME DOWN--to redeem an itty bitty part of His creation specially made to know and respond to Him, but does not cease to offend Him to His face by our sin every moment of every day of our lives who deserve eternal a speachless wonder. Indescribable.
That Majesty would have mercy.
We HAVE to love Him!!! :) He is so wonderful!
Bless You, Lord Jesus!
Thanks, guys, for proclaiming how great our God is. There is NONE like Him!
Anonymous, at 2/15/2007 11:01 PM
My Shine bracelet came off today. I was sad. Thankfully, I can rest assured that the change God did in my heart and life at Passion will NOT come off as easily as the bracelet!
Anonymous, at 2/15/2007 11:05 PM
will the tour ever come up to the northeast, namely boston? seems like tours never make it up this far. it is definitely cold up here too, but we are in great need of rekindled passion!
Anonymous, at 2/15/2007 11:24 PM
It is so good to hear what God has done through both the HGIOG tour and the Indescribable tour. How great to know that He is being glorified through the talents that He has given you guys and that peoples lives are being changed forever by Him.
At Passion a young woman wrote on the grafitti worship art that she was unmarried and pregnant.She felt sacred, forgotton and outside of God's grace or mercy. I'm just writing this here in the hope that she reads this little note and finds that she is being prayed for.We are praying that she comes to realise that our Heavenly Father is full of grace and mercy, that Jesus loves her unconditionally and that she can find hope and meaning in life through Him.
gail, at 2/15/2007 11:40 PM
Yes, this is for the same gal who wrote on the art wall that she just found out she was pregnant before Passion. I am so proud of you for sharing that with all of us. I have been praying for you and for your baby.
Erin, at 2/16/2007 12:21 AM
Louie, Shelley, Chris, & Matt...
God bless you guys for all the hard work you do to take the message all over! Your hearts are so genuine...that is so refreshing in these times. I am praying for each of you(& the others with you)to be safe & rejuvenated during your travels. Look forward to seeing you in St. Louis!'s pretty cold here in Franklin, too...makes me miss West Palm:)
Many blessings to you all!
-Psalm 91-
Anonymous, at 2/16/2007 1:12 AM
Hey Louie,
This is Alicia and Mike, the 2 Canadians you met!!! just want to say thanks for mentioning us in your truly was a blessing to meet you and the others..last night the concert was already powerful but to have an angel give us a chance to meet you was awesome!!! to meet amazing people who are not afraid to use their talents to their fullest!!! It's great to see God work through you guys to inspire others and even have others come to the Lord's feet.
When I met Mike he always talked about how he wanted to share with you his story about Passions Toronto and to see him have that chance last nite was great.. The Lord is so huge and powerful and this experience has really sparked us...we are just 2 ordinary Canadians who went to a concert but came home on fire!!!
For my story, I've grew up a Christian but I have always struggled with self-esteem and self-confidence because of my learning disability, I'm about to finish college but worry about my future...but after last nite...I'm gonna be fearless and know that God will place me where I can be the best me..I'm really discovering with many experiences on how HUGE God really is and thanks for helping me see that.
We are so glad to have that opportunity last night and we hope you come to Canada!!! If not we will keep adventuring to the States to see you guys pursue your talents.
May God Bless you guys on the rest of this Tour.
- Alicia and Mike
Anonymous, at 2/16/2007 1:35 AM
alright! go canadians! haha..
and wanted to say bundle #2 is amazing! i've told many people basic summaries of what i heard at Passion07, but now i can finally share it in whole with them!
Anonymous, at 2/16/2007 1:49 AM
rock on. it's freezing in my southern section of the Appalachian mountains as well. stay warm.
lifting you up to Father this very night.
Anonymous, at 2/16/2007 2:53 AM
East Lansing was AMAZING. We drove over from Detroit, MI. God showed up in a very real way. Our hope as Christians is so profound and secure because God is so infinitely strong. reconnecting with his strength and power renewed my hope in God. When God increases our faith in how great He unleashes a hope that no circumstance or situation can rob or take away. It is completely based on the everlasting God, His promises, character and abilities and not ours. Maybe that's why the prophet Isaiah said that those who hope in the Lord will "renew their strength"? Hope understands that God is the God of the helpless and the weak and in that reality we find rest for our souls.
Praying for you guys,
Baligians, at 2/16/2007 8:30 AM
yay! exciting!! Can't wait to see ya guys in St. Louis!!!!! Stay bundled up! :) Praying for you guys!!!!
Anonymous, at 2/16/2007 8:49 AM
Keep it up Louie. Praying!
Daniele Valadares Flickinger, at 2/16/2007 9:36 AM
I'm in Florida, it's in the 40s, and I'm freezing, so I'm totally feeling you guys freezing your tails off up north, I don't think I could handle it.
Glad to know that the Holy Spirit is being poured out over the people you guys are worshipping with, and I'm still praying for you.
Both bundles appear to still be going strong, praise God, that His word is getting out!
Morgan, at 2/16/2007 9:51 AM
By the time y'all get to LITTLE ROCK...It'll be nice and warm here!
I'm really getting excited about the How Great Is Our God tour..
Anonymous, at 2/16/2007 10:28 PM
Chris, Louie, Matt and everyone else...AMAZING tonight in Fairfax! God is so amazing!!!
Anonymous, at 2/16/2007 11:44 PM
I am so completely floored by our incredible God......
All of your stories are amazing, and I am so encouraged when I read them. Keep telling them!
Anonymous, at 2/17/2007 12:44 AM
Thank you for an amazing night of worship! God lifted a very heavy weight that night, that i didn't even realize i was carrying. Thank you for sharing your hearts, and for giving so much of yourselves. God Bless.
Anonymous, at 2/20/2007 9:53 AM
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