Passion 07 Bundle #1 To iTunes
TOMORROW! That's when the first bundle of music and messages from Passion 07 lands at iTunes. Bundle #1, set to arrive January 23, contains the amazing talk by Francis Chan and music from Charlie Hall [You Are God] and Chris Tomlin [Friend Of God w/ Israel Houghton]. The price is low, so grab the whole bundle (album) and enjoy! More info on Bundles 2 and 3 is available at Latest on the Passion site... and we'll keep you posted here as well!
PS- If you don't have iTunes (we say this all the time) now is the time to make the leap. iTunes is free and works with Macs and PCs. If you're outside the US and Passion stuff is not available in your iTunes store, know that bugs us as much as you. But we can only do so much about it. We know you're out there and will keep pushing on our end.
awesome!Wish it would work :(
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 9:09 PM
can't wait!!!
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 9:15 PM
I am really looking forward to being able to share Francis'talk with more people.
And it is always great to be reminded of the amazing fact that I am a friend of God - WOW!
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 9:36 PM
Louie just wanted to say thanks for taking time out to be on today!!
am praying that God will breath a fresh for His kingdom!!
Liz from.. COLD Minnesota!!
Liz, at 1/22/2007 9:47 PM
I am so excited about this bundle I keep checking iTunes just in case it suddenly shows up early (which, knowing the awesomeness that is Apple and the iLife suite, is unlikely). I am waking up extra early before school tomorrow (and mind you that means at like 5:30) so I can download it!
I play Christian music for my students as they come to class and journal, and tomorrow I know exactly what I'll be playing...
Morgan, at 1/22/2007 10:05 PM
just to let you know. at the bottom of the Latest section. it says "DOWNLOAD DNS PDF HERE"
i'm guessing that's supposed to say DSN. :-)
Andrew Dale, at 1/22/2007 10:09 PM
Yeah baby! Can't wait to download it!! I loved Francis Chan and can't wait to hear it again! Thanks!!
higgie08, at 1/22/2007 10:18 PM
WOW! I cannot wait! I need to hear Francis Chan's speech all the time! I am going to be on the throne! It is all too amazing that God calls me friend! I will never forget that moment!
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 10:33 PM
for the ep you guys should put the song from the late night "at the cross" with that "O holy one" speaking part!!!! Thanks for continually serving us.
cant' wiat to see everyone on the THRONE!!!
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 11:09 PM
for the ep you guys shoudl put at the cross from the late night with everyone on there... including the o holy one speaking part.. WOW.
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 11:10 PM
I'm pumped about the bundle tomorrow! Could you guys please, please do a fourth bundle with Beth's talk about humility and a couple more songs (Let My Life Shine, We Shine, Fire Fall Down, Take It to the Streets, just to put a few out there to choose from ;-)). I really would like to get that talk and a couple of those songs!
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 11:10 PM
Anonymous, at 1/22/2007 11:15 PM
it's up! just so you all know!
Andrea, at 1/23/2007 12:03 AM
Where is it on iTunes?
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:08 AM
ahhh!!!! it's so good!! and thanks so much for confirming that that was indeed Israel up there. what a cool addition he was to the team!
Unknown, at 1/23/2007 12:16 AM
Ditto... where is it?
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:21 AM
i found it on the main page of the christian and gospel genre. right here in the top right corner where they have the three boxes that have new stuff in them.
hope that helps!
Andrea, at 1/23/2007 12:23 AM
It's there.
Jessica, at 1/23/2007 12:26 AM
you can also do a search for "Live from Passion 07 Pt. 1." that's the name of the album.
Andrea, at 1/23/2007 12:32 AM
Thanks Andra!! Also, just wanted to let everyone know. The song by Tim Hughes, Happy Day, is also now available on the new Worship Together: Favorites album. Thanks Passion team for all you do!!!!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:36 AM
I'm listening to the bundle right now! It's awesome! It's taken me back to those great days in ATL! Now I wait for Bundle #2...
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:44 AM
got it! i had to exit my itunes and open it again before i could find the bundle (maybe that will help those of you who can't find it), but i got it and am listening to it now!!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:51 AM
Thats awesome we can get the Tim Hughes song before his album comes out! I am pumped!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:52 AM
Awesome! This bundle rocks!! Definitely brings me back to those days in Atlanta ... we are indeed the friends of God! Wow.
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 1:47 AM
Thank you guys so much for the bundle! It is so awesome just to have a tiny snapshot of everything that happened during that week!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 1:59 AM
thanks for the bundle # 1. Listened to the music & talk of Francis Chan - wish there could also be a video of it, to be able to share it to everybody here in hawaii. Awesome podcast & interview with Chris Tomlin, remembering "standing in the Moment" instead of taking a moment with my small camera. Glory to God for bringing me there. - Thanks Passion - Glory to You JESUS.
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 3:32 AM
This is definitely the best way way to wake up this morning!!! Been waiting ever too anxiously to get the new Charlie song. WOO-HOO!!! <><
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 6:31 AM
I'm loving it!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 8:59 AM
hey guys, i just downloaded it , im loving chris and the friend of God song, it takes me back to the days in atlanta!, and (did any one hear louie on totalaxxess .. last night?)
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 10:16 AM
Francis Chan has more amazing stuff available (for free!) on his site ( - definitely worth checking out.
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:30 PM
from the podcast episode, about the whole diversity thing and how the majority of people there are white, i felt somewhat excluded as well. but when Francis Chan spoke (chinese represent!), and being the few chinese in philips arena who understood his chinese jokes, i felt more at home during those moments!
i received multiple pokes in the back from others who wished to have the joke translated/explained.
so thank you for bringing in Francis, and thank you God for using Francis!
on another note, i wish i could download/buy the bundle. but since it's ONLY available in the US store, i can't!
any chance it could be available in the Canadian store too? i'm really excited for DC*B's For The Glory Of It All, Charlie's Marvelous Light (acoustic version, was it?), and Chris' Amazing Grace!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:35 PM
I just downloaded it and it and Friend of God reminded me of what an incredible moment that was! I haven't listened to Francis Chan's talk yet but am excited to!
There was a song that Charlie Hall sang....Let my light shine come on let my heart shine. We're gonna rock the world and raise the bread and wine! Is that a new song?? and will that be availible ever??
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 12:50 PM
It looks good, but it's not available in the Canada Itunes Store :(
Jesse, at 1/23/2007 1:23 PM
this is so exciting, Louie! i'm pumped! i left an itunes review on the first bundle :) great stuff! praise God!
Joe, at 1/23/2007 3:02 PM
i second the motion for a 4th bundle (fire fall down and/or from the inside out plz!!) b#1 is wonderful though! thanks for all your hard work!
BUT, i see that it is not even in the top 100 yet... we need to get on that ppl! gift it to someone! its only $3.49... skip your starbucks today and send it to someone!
TRACE.FACE PHOTOS, at 1/23/2007 3:48 PM
this is incredible! Charlie singing You are God was such an amazing worship experience. Thanks so much for putting that on itunes!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 3:50 PM
is there anyway we can get beth's talk?
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 3:52 PM
the other new charlie hall song and we shine from steve fee and beth's talk would make a perfect fourth bundle!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 4:14 PM
just a suggestion of the many: i have friends listening to these amazing messages, but it is hard for them to understand some parts (like when Francis talks about the Bible and the pez in the beginning)by just hearing the message. I know you were able to do this last year with the bonus video on the Passion06 album. Could you guys PLEASE put the video versions of the messages on iTunes and not the audio-only versions. It'd be a great help! Thanks!
William Mattingly, at 1/23/2007 4:35 PM
loving this bundle and looking forward to the next ones you guys have in store! thanks for making avaiable so fast!!!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 5:28 PM
Thanks for basing your decisions in the music industry off of God. I don't know of a Christian who isn't, but I'm sure glad you guys do. And I trust that you base all of your decisions prayerfully.
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 6:29 PM
#14 and climbing!!!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 7:23 PM
I can't wait to hear these again! SHINE!
Anonymous, at 1/23/2007 10:20 PM
its #12 now!! keep it up!
TRACE.FACE PHOTOS, at 1/23/2007 10:59 PM
hey yall,
i went to work tonight and my boss, up out of the blue, said she wanted to go to church with me. how awesome. i had been praying for her all semester. when i got back from atlanta she asked me how my break was so i told her and mentioned i went to atlanta. i then proceeded to tell what i did and that God moved in a pretty powerful way. she then told me about her past and how her family is really sick. i offered her my prayers and that ended it. then tonight, how amazing. praise God for boldness and strength. praise Him for using broken vessels and hearing prayers. praise Him for moving among awesome is our God.
Anonymous, at 1/24/2007 12:37 AM
i work with middle school girls after school on wednesdays. last week was our first week back this semester. a couple of them asked what my wristband was from and i was able to share a little about Passion. another gave me a note asking if i could help her get saved, so tonight i get to talk with her about that!!
even though we're not still at Passion, God is DEFINITELY still working!!!!
Anonymous, at 1/24/2007 8:58 AM
Hey Sarah...I've had a similar experience...I just started teaching and it seems like every day at least one of my students looks at my wristband and asks me what "SHINE" means. So then I get to tell them! God is being glorified even in a godless public school setting. I go to work every day excited with anticipation.
Anonymous, at 1/24/2007 1:10 PM
On Day 19 of the Prayer Journey we prayed Psalm 81:10 - "open wide". I didn't expect my heart to be so filled up at Passion. We were so poured into with so many different truths... You just can't capture everything into words. You're left speechless and still processing.
Thanks for Francis' message in the iTunes bundle. It's great to have those reminders of the milestones that mark your heart...
Praying for you three above this post (Anon 12:37 AM, SarahC, Anon 1:10PM)as you "cultivate" these relationships for His renown.
John 4:39-42, "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, 'He told me everything I ever did.' So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers.
They said to the woman, "We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world."
sandra r., at 1/24/2007 2:10 PM
I was just wondering if there was a way to get a Tim Hughes song on the EP for all of us who didnt get the privilage of seeing him live in a session. I heard amazing things about his worship of God from Louie on the podcast as well as others at passion and I would love to be able to share a part of that with everyone. Just an idea. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 1/24/2007 4:20 PM
keep praying! my student didn't come to the program tonight. pray that God will keep the desire in her heart and that she'll come back next week so i can talk with her!
thanks Passion community!
Anonymous, at 1/24/2007 7:35 PM
I can't seem to find the Bundle anywhere. I searched every possible keyword under "Album" I could think of, but nothing seemed to work. Anyone else seem to have that problem?
Anonymous, at 1/24/2007 8:17 PM
it's at #10 now! i see it in the top 10 album charts! hurray!
Anonymous, at 1/24/2007 9:12 PM
josh... the bundle is listed right under new releases on the MAIN iTunes page. also, look at the top ten albums on the main music page or #1 on the top christian album chart.
#10. great stuff!!
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 12:58 AM
Or, Josh, you could follow the direct link that's already in the thread.
Thanks for even doing this! You didn't have to release anything, and you definitely don't have to release an EP later - so thanks!!
Jessica, at 1/25/2007 1:47 AM
yay!!! #9 on iTunes!! hopefully people will see it and wonder what it's about!
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 9:13 AM
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 11:17 AM
woo! 9!!! :) praise God!
Joe, at 1/25/2007 3:12 PM
how can you get the bundle #1 from passion 07? I have iTunes but its not there when I go there.
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 3:52 PM
it says #9 on the front page, but if you open the top albums page it says #8. moving on up!
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 4:57 PM
where's the beth more video?
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 10:40 PM
Does anyone know the girl from Bob Jones University who came to Passion? I REALLY want to email her! No I dont go to Bob Jones University. My email is
I think her name is rachel or rebecca. PLease!
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 10:42 PM
Yeah, in response to what someone said earlier, Tim was such a blessing to hear play live. His heart for worship is amazing and he is such a humble person. I loved this song he did called "Everything". I dont know if they would put him on the EP because he is not a sixsteps guy.
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 12:54 AM
Louie and gang, WOW, I just listened to the podcast and thank you for your honesty in wanting to not enphasize "pictures" of a moment but encouraging us to live in the moments of passion first hand.
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 4:18 PM
it's catching on....#8!!!
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 5:59 PM
wow! i wish i could have been there
Anonymous, at 1/27/2007 2:23 PM
My roommate and I have been rocking out to Tim Hughes's song Happy Day!!! I was so excited to find out that I could get it on itunes because it wasn't there right after Passion. I was in the GWCC Wednesday morning and was amazingly blessed by him!
Louie thank you for the continued podcast! It is so great to be able to still feel connected to friends all over the world as we continue to unpack all that happened at Passion.
Anonymous, at 1/28/2007 12:21 AM
Hey Louie!
I'm a 12th grade student from Vancouver, Canada going into university next year. I love the concept behind the Passion movement and the impact it's making in the lives of college students.
Are there any plans for a Passion event in the future for British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest? You mentioned that "the light shines brightest where there's less light", and British Columbia is most secular province in Canada. I'm pretty sure Washington and Oregon are among the most secular states.
These past few months I've been helping contact churches for a high school youth rally that in 52 days of planning became one of the largest ever in Vancouver, with 1400 youth from over 80 churches. We're all excited about how God is moving in the most secular region in Canada.
I hope you'll find some time to get back to me, my e-mail is God bless! =)
Anonymous, at 1/28/2007 4:47 AM
I cannot find the Walk-In Music on iTunes. What is the secret to finding it??????
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 10:32 PM
Will the breakout sessions be available to purchase? Specifically the Breakout on Singleness.
Anonymous, at 1/31/2007 5:53 PM
Will any of the breakouts be available online or to purchase? Especially the one on Singleness.
Anonymous, at 1/31/2007 5:54 PM
any word on when the second bundle will be released?
Anonymous, at 2/01/2007 1:00 PM
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