Hello, San Jose
Well, we are in California again today after arriving in Corona yesterday. Though the weather is a bit iffy, it's still the land of happiness! Our Tour kicked off Thursday with two nights in Phoenix, then Corona last night and today we're sitting on the campus of San Jose State University (rock on Spartans) and getting ready for night four.
It's a little surreal being back on the road with Chris and Matt, leading a seamless night of worship that we hope is as meaningful for those who come as it is for us. The theme is How Great Is Our God and, once again, we are lifting our eyes to the Star-breather who knows our names and is holding onto us no matter what.
That truth never meant more than two nights ago in Phoenix when I got to meet Jason's parents for the first time. Jason was a beautiful young man struggling with an addiction which had led to violence and many troubles. Having just come back in town with nowhere to stay (his addiction had made it impossible for family to allow him to stay with them) when his cousin agreed to keep him for the night if he would come to the Indescribale tour. The cousin asked if I would talk to him that night and we spent about 30 minutes backstage together talking about the things that mattered most..a perfect Father in heaven who loved Him no matter what and Jesus Christ who had given His life to make right everything he (and I) had made wrong in our lives. As we talked and prayed I knew that Jason believe in what Jesus had done for him.
Later that night, Jason was in an altercation and was shot and killed. The next day the news reached us and went through me (and all of us on the tour) like a knife in the heart.
Friday night Jason's mom and dad came to the tour (they are related to the promoter) and I was able to hug their necks and remember with them the last night of their son's life on earth. Though everyone surrounding Jason's life has more questions than answers, and more than a few regrets and what ifs, I was able to remind them of the miracle that happened that night...that an addict from the street in trouble with the law and everyone else in town was in the house of God worshipping in the final hours of his life. One of his last images on earth was a massive picture of the outstretched arms of Jesus purchasing his freedom and redemption.
I will never forget Jason, nor his family, and am praying that they will know in these days mercy, and the mighty hand of the Creator of the Universe holding onto them.
Later than night when I crawled into my bunk for the ride to California there were a few notes for me that had been handed to the crew and put there after Thursday night's tour stop (we weren't sleeping on the bus yet). Before I went to sleep I opened them all. The second was a little card that reads:
Louie Giglio:
Thank you for your commitment to the young people of this generation. I believe in your vision for the Passion Conference and one day bringing it to the rest of the world. May God continue to expand your vision and bring it to pass.
In Christ,
In the little card was a check for the Passion World Tour for $7,000! I don't know the person it's from, or how they know about the World effort, but a gust of wind went in our sails that night, reminding us that God is going before us as we carry Passion to the nations.
The last little envelope had no note, just $50 cash, which I assume is for the World Tour, as well. Thank you both so very much! What a potent night in Phoenix with a little God-twist on the end for all of us on the Passion wave.
Not to leave California out...Corona rocked like crazy!
More to come,
It's a little surreal being back on the road with Chris and Matt, leading a seamless night of worship that we hope is as meaningful for those who come as it is for us. The theme is How Great Is Our God and, once again, we are lifting our eyes to the Star-breather who knows our names and is holding onto us no matter what.
That truth never meant more than two nights ago in Phoenix when I got to meet Jason's parents for the first time. Jason was a beautiful young man struggling with an addiction which had led to violence and many troubles. Having just come back in town with nowhere to stay (his addiction had made it impossible for family to allow him to stay with them) when his cousin agreed to keep him for the night if he would come to the Indescribale tour. The cousin asked if I would talk to him that night and we spent about 30 minutes backstage together talking about the things that mattered most..a perfect Father in heaven who loved Him no matter what and Jesus Christ who had given His life to make right everything he (and I) had made wrong in our lives. As we talked and prayed I knew that Jason believe in what Jesus had done for him.
Later that night, Jason was in an altercation and was shot and killed. The next day the news reached us and went through me (and all of us on the tour) like a knife in the heart.
Friday night Jason's mom and dad came to the tour (they are related to the promoter) and I was able to hug their necks and remember with them the last night of their son's life on earth. Though everyone surrounding Jason's life has more questions than answers, and more than a few regrets and what ifs, I was able to remind them of the miracle that happened that night...that an addict from the street in trouble with the law and everyone else in town was in the house of God worshipping in the final hours of his life. One of his last images on earth was a massive picture of the outstretched arms of Jesus purchasing his freedom and redemption.
I will never forget Jason, nor his family, and am praying that they will know in these days mercy, and the mighty hand of the Creator of the Universe holding onto them.
Later than night when I crawled into my bunk for the ride to California there were a few notes for me that had been handed to the crew and put there after Thursday night's tour stop (we weren't sleeping on the bus yet). Before I went to sleep I opened them all. The second was a little card that reads:
Louie Giglio:
Thank you for your commitment to the young people of this generation. I believe in your vision for the Passion Conference and one day bringing it to the rest of the world. May God continue to expand your vision and bring it to pass.
In Christ,
In the little card was a check for the Passion World Tour for $7,000! I don't know the person it's from, or how they know about the World effort, but a gust of wind went in our sails that night, reminding us that God is going before us as we carry Passion to the nations.
The last little envelope had no note, just $50 cash, which I assume is for the World Tour, as well. Thank you both so very much! What a potent night in Phoenix with a little God-twist on the end for all of us on the Passion wave.
Not to leave California out...Corona rocked like crazy!
More to come,
What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous, at 1/28/2007 7:20 PM
God is truly amazing! It's truly beyond our comprehension what He does in our lives and around us. I can't wait for the tour to reach us in Fairfax, VA. Already got my tickets :)
Anonymous, at 1/28/2007 8:26 PM
What a heart touching story about Jason.I am so pleased that you were able to share with him about God's Father heart for him and Jesus sacrifice too.Thank God that Jason believed in what Jesus had done for him.
gail, at 1/28/2007 8:42 PM
praise God from whom all blessings flow...
no matter what package those blessings happen to come in...
lesykes, at 1/28/2007 9:25 PM
Brittany, at 1/28/2007 9:30 PM
Beautiful! Glory to God! I'll be at the Atlanta Civic Center for you guys on March 2. Looking forward to it!
Anonymous, at 1/28/2007 9:59 PM
Is Louie's message on the tour this year the same as the one from last year??
Anonymous, at 1/28/2007 10:37 PM
what an remarkable story about Jason. I am so thankful that his cousin asked him to come that night and that God worked everything together to use you all in what came to be his final hours on earth. What a stark reminder that we never know when it is someone's last day on earth... their last hour to make a decision for Jesus... a reminder to be sensitive when we sense a prompting to speak with someone or to invite someone along.
I pray that God will be the Comforter to Jason's family and friends... that He hold them steady in His arms & peace... that God will continue to use this tragedy in the lives of people that knew Jason... to draw each one ever closer to His heart and to salvation.
thanks so much,
Kimmer, at 1/28/2007 10:57 PM
can't believe the amazing stories that are already coming out of the tour... God is amazing and I'm so excited that you guys have let God pull your sails wherever He wants to lead you... can't wait to see you in Atlanta in March...
The BOB-O, at 1/28/2007 11:32 PM
Wow. Yes, Lord, comfort Jason's family. And continue to use all this to bring them closer and closer to You. It's an odd thing and hard for us to wrap our minds around many times, but 'precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.' Your influence through someone doesn't stop with their death. Just here on the blog, You've challenged us. Thank You.
Wow. Thanks Mr. Giglio for sharing that. Reminder of the things that are really important in life--finding eternal life.
Excited for you guys as the tour gets underway! Glad you're coming to Dallas! But I'm dying because I'm not sure I can make it! We'll see what happens. :)
And praise God for His provision and direction!
Thanks for the update.
Anonymous, at 1/28/2007 11:45 PM
Thank you, Jesus...for giving another fresh wind to those sails.
Praying for you guys and pointing towards the Father along with you...
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 1:03 AM
Wow ... the Lord truly is our Provider, Healer, and Restorer. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and that we will one day see our brother Jason in heaven!
The concert in Corona was amazing! I took by 16 year old brother and we both felt like that we had a glimpse of what it will be like to worship around the Throne of God. Thank you so much for traveling all over to share your gifts with others! We were truly blessed and refreshed by the concert last night!
Praying that the joy of the Lord sustains you as you travel the next couple of months!
Chatty Girlz, at 1/29/2007 1:15 AM
Hey Louie! Thanks for sharing your heart about Jason and God's faithfulness through it all. Y'all are headed here to Colorado in just a few days. Besides my youth group, I have 4 college-age residents coming to the night of worship. They, like Jason, have a heart-wrenching story of addiction, abuse, severe issues, crazy battles with darkness, and homelessness. They're residents at a shelter for at-risk, troubled, homeless teens ages 15-21. Every day is a hard-core battle w/their peculiar addictions and dysfunctions, but they're fighting to believe the gospel despite the pull of their flesh. We have meet and greets, Louie. Please pray for these 4 youth in particular. We have a whole network of people praying that God will speak and sing through you, Matt, and Chris on the 31st and personally and potently rend their hearts and open their eyes to see God magnified in His true character and greatness. Your story of Jason cut through my heart as I work with youth like him here in the Springs. God is with you and for you, in you and through you as beautifully as ever! See you soon! Joan
Joan, at 1/29/2007 2:02 AM
amazing story...thanks for sharing.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 2:19 AM
Thanks for sharing Louie. Tonight in SJ was incredible. Thank you for reminding us of how GREAT our God truly is. We can totally trust Him no matter what is happening in our lives. He is definitely for us.
May God continue to bless you, Chris and Matt on the rest of the tour! :-)
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 3:02 AM
Dear Louie,
Did anybody receive my Malaysian flag pins? :)
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 6:24 AM
jason's chains are gone...he's been set free
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 9:53 AM
It is amazing to see how God is working through you guys! I can't wait to follow the blog as you guys (slowly!) approach Mobile, AL where I will get to worship with you.
I have been praying for you guys everyday, that God would be working powerfully through you, and that the time on the road would continue to go smoothly and fruitfully.
Praise God for continuing to provide the money for the Passion World Tour! He is so good!
Morgan, at 1/29/2007 11:05 AM
wow...amazing story. Can't wait to see you in Ft Myers,FL in March!
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 11:30 AM
It was a blessing to be at the San Jose State Event Center last night with you and to get a fresh new glimpse of the greatness of God. I'm amazed that as we look out into the heavens, and even at our own miraculous bodies, we can see God in it all. Thank you for reminding us that God is for us and that in all our circumstances He will bring us through.
I'll be praying for you, Chris, Matt, and the rest of the team that you are touring with as you continue to reach out to others with this amazing message of love and hope. God Bless!!!
Terence <><
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 12:50 PM
What a humbling story that really just puts into perspective what our lives are all about... worshipping our creator and all that He's done.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 2:24 PM
awesome!!! ive been praying for you guys on tour. Can't wait to cya in March! The world tour has really been on my heart for the past few days. I really believe that God is going to provide and I will keep lifting it up in prayer. God Bless!!!
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 3:50 PM
Speaking of big and little, did you know, quantum mechanics may refers to the smallest and/or the largest movements of energy through the physical universe, and while your at it check out "M" theory, hot stuff, and remember 'the hardest thing to open is a closed mind,'open eyes mean open minds. Shine (LOL)
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 4:10 PM
Louie, after Saturday night in Corona, I just had to put a picture of Canis Majoris on my blog -- the Big Dog rocks! Thanks so much for your heartfelt and thought-provoking talks that help us regain and maintain perspective.
Sunny, at 1/29/2007 5:24 PM
hello everyone. i'm asking a favor for all of you who read this..please pray for me. over the last few years, i have struggled a great deal with a certain habitual sin.....it seems that everytime i do it, i repent to God and then i'm sure that i'll never ever do it again....and then it comes back and happens again. i'm struggling so much. please please pray, i need your help. i believe in the power of Christ and in the power of prayer, but this one sin keeps tripping me up, time and time again. please pray. thank you and God bless.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 5:58 PM
I had the opportunity to not only attend Friday night's concert in Phoenix, but also the Frequency Worship gathering prior to the show and I cannot tell you how inspired I was by the entire evening. Our great God is taking me on a very exciting journey and that was one of the highlights. The hand of God truly was hovering above us!
Also, I don't have any idea about the great gifts that Passion received, but perhaps that guy in the audience who had a million dollars made his way to the stage! :)
You, Chris & Matt created another Passion fan Friday! I am looking forward to keeping up with the movement and praying for the World Tour to make its first stop here in the desert! Bless you all and be safe in your travels.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 6:57 PM
wow. to know Him is our life and breath. what a great message we are privileged to carry, one that jason now sees face to face.
there is no better place, no better effort in all of life's doing than to stand in the will of God.
thank you for sharing.
Kendra, at 1/29/2007 8:22 PM
WOW! What a great story! God is so amazing! I am so excited about the gift to the world tour! WOW, when you trust God-He provides! I cannot wait for the tour to come to Lansing, MI! I will be there-Valentine's Day! Praise God for working in His ways-God knew it would be Jason's last chance. We always need to be ready to share about our Savior, Jesus!
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 8:26 PM
see you tonight in vegas!!
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 8:27 PM
LOUIE....in regards to Jason...the story is incredilbe how GOD totally planned out that evening...GOD knowing what was about to come, but yet before anything happens...Jason sees the arms of CHRIST spread wide for him...GOD never counted him out....and LOUIE EITHER DID YOU...it could have been so easy for you to be so busy with the tour,things going on,etc...But you stopped for thirty minutes for someone you didnt even really know. IT says alot about the "CHRIST IN YOU"....thanks LOUIE for being so open and yet sensitive to others...CHRIST SET THE EXAMPLE AND YOUR FOLLOWING HIM IN A INCREDIBLE WAY.....THANK YOU LOUIE. WE ALL NEED TO FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE.
WORSHIPPAINTER, at 1/29/2007 8:35 PM
Dear anonymous with the habitual sin:
I'll definately pray for you. I've been where you are before, and I can completely relate. That has to be one of the most frustrating things I've ever experienced. Hating what you do, but feeling helpless to stop.
Focus on God. Focus on His grace. One thing I was impacted with at Passion is that because of the amazing grace I've been given, and because of who God is, there isn't a single thing on this earth that has any kind of power or authority over me, unless I allow it to. And, as Beth Moore said in her breakout session, take it one day at a time. Right now, staying away from that sin for the rest of your life is pretty daunting, and seemingly not possible. God knows that. You may say, "God, I know I'm going to fail somewhere in the near future!" He says, "Don't worry about that. Can you stay away and follow me today?" That's a lot easier. Be faithful today. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.
God is amazing. He is faithful, and He will do it. I have been 100% free since 2007 began. I know that's not a super long time, not even quite a month yet. But one day at a time, I've made it this far, and one day at a time has lasted a month, and then it will grow to 2 months, and then 6, and then a year.
My prayers are with you. Lean on Him, you can beat this.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 8:43 PM
Anonymous asking for prayer, you are being lifted up!
Christ did it for you.
Camp on Romans 6.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 9:08 PM
Louie thank you for sharing, Our God is great!! I am so glad you were able to take the time to talk to and love Jason. And make a heavenly impact on him. How sad. But God is rejoicing for yet another one of His to come home.
And praise our God for those sacrifical funds to futher the vision.
Jasons family are in my thoughts and prayers May God use this to bring them ever closer to Him self.
Praying Chris, Matt, and all the team for the nights ahead, may God break many hearts and grow a new and fresh hunger for Him alone.
keep on keeping on for His greatness.
Liz, at 1/29/2007 9:38 PM
GOD never ceases to amaze me!
Louie, that is just one more awesome story of how God changes lives. He just does it; and always does a fabulous job of it!
Anonymous in need of prayer, you've been prayed for; and will be prayed for in the future. Know that GOD is faithful; and that HE will increase your faith and your strength in HIM. Be patient, but persistent in your quest for a better life. Christ died for all of us, so whatever it is, it's not too big a sin for HIM not to cover over it.
i command those who are grieving into YOUR embrace tonight. FATHER, just like YOU knit every one of us together in our mothers' wombs, so YOU puzzle together all the pieces in all of our lives, and all of OUR lives YOU form into one: that of YOUR church. Those who are seeking YOU, FATHER, show them as much of YOUR infinite glory as they can handle. Overwhelm them, blow them away with YOUR love and YOUR grace. Those who are lukewarm, give them a SPIRIT of fire for YOU. Thank YOU for all YOU'VE done, all YOU'RE doing, and all YOU will do. In Jesus' name,
Silke, at 1/29/2007 10:13 PM
Louie, thank you for modeling to us what it means to be available for God. You did not have to take that time with Jason - I am sure the enemy was pelting you with reasons not to. Yet, you made yourself available, sensitive to the Spirit.
It is so easy for us, in the flesh, to not have hope for others and to not extend the hope they so desperately need.
God bless you, Louie, for your availability. I only hope I would respond the same way.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 10:29 PM
Amen to Silke's prayer.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 11:26 PM
...what evidence of how sovereign you are Father. You’re Word says that You desire for all to come to know the riches and grace in Christ Jesus. Your abounding love through those nails and Your perfect sacrifice of Your beloved spotless Lamb...Your grace is so hard to fathom. As amazing grace by chris tomlin flows throw my headphones...the lyrics “...how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed, MY CHAINS ARE GONE, I’VE BEEN SET FREE..." how powerful and tender this song must be for jason’s family and friends. Daddy as jason’s family and friends face this confusing and painful time in their life please wrap them tenderly in your arms. May they rejoice in You that in Your mercy You brought jason home where he is finally free celebrating with the saints and most importantly You my Lord. Daddy, thank you that You still find us in our mess and pick us up...You still chase after us while we're deliberately running away and spitting in Your face. Thank you Father for your mercy.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 11:58 PM
just in case you forgot, the King is wild about you!!! His love will never be conditional nor do His promises ever fail. your new identity is in Christ...you were chosen before the foundations of the world, a fellow heir with Christ, righteous and blameless before His throne of grace, a beloved saint, and ransomed by God...
i would encourage you to know where your new identity rests...and like someone said earlier, Romans is a great start. take it one day at a time, it’s going be tough...but don’t fool yourself to think you can do it alone. Lots of times through the bondage of sin, it is also the bondage of pride. If you’re not already accountable to someone, pray and seek out someone to be accountable to. we need the Body for this very reason. don’t allow satan to get you alone and whisper those lies and temptations in your heart...bring that darkness to light with a trustworthy and accountable believer. Sanctification is a process. The Holy Spirit woes us step by step.
Your sins are gone...you’ve been set free...
no matter how far we’ve strayed...there is an even greater grace and redemption to meet us. (1 corinthians 6:11)
i am praying for you my friend.
Anonymous, at 1/30/2007 12:03 AM
Great story! Thank you so much for sharing. Is there anyway that the tour could come to New England?
Sarah, at 1/30/2007 12:31 AM
Wow that is amazing. I was at Passion and the last session when Louie gave us the results of the Global Awakening Center gave me chills! And this story blew me away! I am seriously sitting here crying thinking about how amazing and faithful God is! What an awesome God we serve!
Anonymous, at 1/30/2007 7:40 PM
You are an amazing speaker and my wife and I enjoyed you in San Jose. It was a great show that Chris, Matt and yourself put on. The only thing that I was sad about was that matt had lost his voice. He is my one of my favorite worship leaders and even though he could not completely perform he was still worth the money. You guys are truly blessing the Christian community each and everyday.
Anonymous, at 1/30/2007 11:51 PM
As one of the californians at passion I couldn't wait for the Corona night, as it is 10 minutes from my University!
Unfortuntely a school committment was in the way of being able to be join you that night... and though i was very dissapointed, (seriously ...) These stories make me so excited for where the Spirit is continuing to lead passion in speaking his truth among the U.S... and the world.
Because the very core of everything that passion is involved with, from the music to the speaking, to the media and the details of planning... is his truth.
From Isaiah 43
This is what the LORD says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
"For your sakes I will send an army against Babylon,forcing the Babylonians* to flee in those ships they are so proud of.
I am the LORD, your Holy One, Israel's Creator and King.
I am the LORD, who opened a way through the waters,making a dry path through the sea.
I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses.
I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned,
their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.
"But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
The wild animals in the fields will thank me,
the jackals and owls, too,
for giving them water in the desert.
Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland so my chosen people can be refreshed.
I have made Israel for myself,and they will someday honor me before the whole world.
Anonymous, at 1/31/2007 4:33 PM
Thank you Louie for sharing this with us. My heart just goes out for Jason's family, being a mom of a 19 year old son who has gone astray as well. God is just truly amazing in how He places these divine appointments in our lives and that is exactly what He did here. To know that Jason's last day here on earth was to see and hear the truth about Jesus is so beautiful. I will be praying for his family for God's loving arms of comfort around them, that the enemy will not use this situation to turn their hearts from God, but rather this will strenghthen them to grow towards our loving Savior.
I continue to pray for all of you while on this tour. May your hunger and passion for Jesus continue to overflow into the hearts of everyone around. It truly is evident to see where the students that go to the Passion conferences have grown in their walk and humbled themselves to the Lord by the examples they see in each and every one of you. Blessings to you.
Donna, at 1/31/2007 8:28 PM
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