First Monday Prayer Guide - February
Updated 2/6
Our friends at Union, located in Jackson, TN, suffered massive damage on campus Tuesday night as a result of fierce storms, but amazingly, no lives were lost. This was not the case in other towns and cities throughout the south. Please keep all those impacted in your thoughts and prayers and seek ways to assist them as they rebuild. The following update from the school's President is on the school's website:
A message from President Dockery
At 7 p.m. on Tuesday evening, the Union University campus was devastated by serious tornadic activity, resulting in extensive damage to the facilities. Following a nearly five-hour emergency effort, all students -- including the 13 who were trapped in the fallen rubble -- were rescued. Fifty-one students were taken to the hospital, nine of whom suffered serious injury. By God’s providence, no lives were lost.
Seventeen buildings received some kind of damage. Approximately 40 percent of the dorms were destroyed, and another 40 percent were severely damaged. Additional damage has been observed in other academic and administrative buildings. The damage from this storm exceeds the impact of the 2002 tornado by 15-fold.
Classes will not begin again before Feb. 18. We encourage all Union friends to stay in touch with us through the Union Web site at
Original First Monday Post
The LORD is the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You support my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.
I will bless the LORD who has counseled me;
Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night.
I have set the LORD continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will dwell securely.
For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol;
Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.
You will make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
Psalm 16:5-11
For those of you just finding the 268Blog, we are on a journey to inspire and awaken the university-aged generation to live for what matters most, making their lives count for the glory that lasts forever. The Passion Movement is (and has been) a pretty amazing God-story. Yet, taking life, purpose and a new way of looking at everything to the 150 million university students of the world is not without massive challenges and costs. So at the beginning of every month we collectively pause right here to look up and affirm that all of our hope is in the One who leads us. Since day one, this truth has guided us with confidence: Faithful is He who calls you, He also will bring it to pass. (1 Thes 5:24).
Thank you for believing with us. We are not a huge organization and do all we do with a really small team. From all of us at Passion/sixstepsrecords, thank you so much. We are buoyed by your prayers and His hand.
16 (2+6+8) Prayer Points For February
1. Thank you for praying for our Passion/Staff Team, especially Daniele V. and her family back in Sao Paulo. (And thank you for all the e-mails of support for her family.)
2. Please continue to pray for those of us in the Passion House. Pray for a covering from above in the midst of storms, for unity and for protection from distractions.
3. Thank you for praying for physical strength during the LA Regional, especially for me. God answered so powerfully!
4. Thank you for praying for Passion LA. Wow! Continue to pray for the 3400 students and leaders who are still processing this incredibly powerful gathering.
5. We are two weeks away from Passion Dallas. Over 5000 students have already staked their place and are heading toward this event. We are asking God for more than just another conference, but an encounter with Him that will shake and shape a generation.
6. Pray for those leading in the weekend in Dallas (Louie, Francis, DC*B, Kristian, Chris) that they will have fresh words and clarity as they prepare and lead. In DC: Louie, Francis, Charlie, Chris, Matt.
7. Ask God to prepare the way for this gathering (physically and spiritually), that His Kingdom would come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Click on the Passion Dallas list below (schools students are attending from) and choose one or two to pray for the students coming from these places leading up to and during this event.
8. Soon we will be in DC, in the midst of so many university campuses and the nation's Capitol. Pray for Passion DC, that these days will be catalytic for the District, Northern Virginia and the eastern seaboard.
9. Over 260 colleges and universities are represented by those coming to Passion DC. Choose a school from the Passion DC list (there may just be one student coming from this campus) and pray for them everyday.
10. We want to see more people connect in DC. Pray the news will spread like crazy in the next 20 days.
11. Thank you for praying for the January 19 World Tour meeting. We dodged a rare Atlanta snow storm and had a great and productive meeting. Please keep praying for our World Tour City Team Leads and their families.
12. We asked for clarity on Dubai and God answered. Sadly, the clarity was a "no" for now, but please pray for the university students in this city and those seeking to share Jesus with them.
13. We asked for venue clarity in Sydney and that is happening.
14. Pray for Passion Manila, as we are getting a late start here and need traction quickly.
15. Pray for Passion Vancouver. Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and possibly one of the most spiritual. Yet, followers of Christ are few. Campuses have a huge need for Jesus.
16. Please pray for the Tuesday (February 5) release of our new CD, Passion: God Of This City. We are asking God to take the songs (and the movement they represent) to the ends of the earth, breathing hope and proclaiming His Kingdom in the hearts of people in every nation.
For yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory. Forever.
List of Dallas Schools
List of DC Schools
Printable version of First Monday
Our friends at Union, located in Jackson, TN, suffered massive damage on campus Tuesday night as a result of fierce storms, but amazingly, no lives were lost. This was not the case in other towns and cities throughout the south. Please keep all those impacted in your thoughts and prayers and seek ways to assist them as they rebuild. The following update from the school's President is on the school's website:
A message from President Dockery
Dear Parents and Friends of Union University
At 7 p.m. on Tuesday evening, the Union University campus was devastated by serious tornadic activity, resulting in extensive damage to the facilities. Following a nearly five-hour emergency effort, all students -- including the 13 who were trapped in the fallen rubble -- were rescued. Fifty-one students were taken to the hospital, nine of whom suffered serious injury. By God’s providence, no lives were lost.Seventeen buildings received some kind of damage. Approximately 40 percent of the dorms were destroyed, and another 40 percent were severely damaged. Additional damage has been observed in other academic and administrative buildings. The damage from this storm exceeds the impact of the 2002 tornado by 15-fold.
Classes will not begin again before Feb. 18. We encourage all Union friends to stay in touch with us through the Union Web site at
Original First Monday Post
The LORD is the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You support my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.
I will bless the LORD who has counseled me;
Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night.
I have set the LORD continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will dwell securely.
For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol;
Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.
You will make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
Psalm 16:5-11
For those of you just finding the 268Blog, we are on a journey to inspire and awaken the university-aged generation to live for what matters most, making their lives count for the glory that lasts forever. The Passion Movement is (and has been) a pretty amazing God-story. Yet, taking life, purpose and a new way of looking at everything to the 150 million university students of the world is not without massive challenges and costs. So at the beginning of every month we collectively pause right here to look up and affirm that all of our hope is in the One who leads us. Since day one, this truth has guided us with confidence: Faithful is He who calls you, He also will bring it to pass. (1 Thes 5:24).
Thank you for believing with us. We are not a huge organization and do all we do with a really small team. From all of us at Passion/sixstepsrecords, thank you so much. We are buoyed by your prayers and His hand.
16 (2+6+8) Prayer Points For February
1. Thank you for praying for our Passion/Staff Team, especially Daniele V. and her family back in Sao Paulo. (And thank you for all the e-mails of support for her family.)
2. Please continue to pray for those of us in the Passion House. Pray for a covering from above in the midst of storms, for unity and for protection from distractions.
3. Thank you for praying for physical strength during the LA Regional, especially for me. God answered so powerfully!
4. Thank you for praying for Passion LA. Wow! Continue to pray for the 3400 students and leaders who are still processing this incredibly powerful gathering.
5. We are two weeks away from Passion Dallas. Over 5000 students have already staked their place and are heading toward this event. We are asking God for more than just another conference, but an encounter with Him that will shake and shape a generation.
6. Pray for those leading in the weekend in Dallas (Louie, Francis, DC*B, Kristian, Chris) that they will have fresh words and clarity as they prepare and lead. In DC: Louie, Francis, Charlie, Chris, Matt.
7. Ask God to prepare the way for this gathering (physically and spiritually), that His Kingdom would come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Click on the Passion Dallas list below (schools students are attending from) and choose one or two to pray for the students coming from these places leading up to and during this event.
8. Soon we will be in DC, in the midst of so many university campuses and the nation's Capitol. Pray for Passion DC, that these days will be catalytic for the District, Northern Virginia and the eastern seaboard.
9. Over 260 colleges and universities are represented by those coming to Passion DC. Choose a school from the Passion DC list (there may just be one student coming from this campus) and pray for them everyday.
10. We want to see more people connect in DC. Pray the news will spread like crazy in the next 20 days.
11. Thank you for praying for the January 19 World Tour meeting. We dodged a rare Atlanta snow storm and had a great and productive meeting. Please keep praying for our World Tour City Team Leads and their families.
12. We asked for clarity on Dubai and God answered. Sadly, the clarity was a "no" for now, but please pray for the university students in this city and those seeking to share Jesus with them.
13. We asked for venue clarity in Sydney and that is happening.
14. Pray for Passion Manila, as we are getting a late start here and need traction quickly.
15. Pray for Passion Vancouver. Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and possibly one of the most spiritual. Yet, followers of Christ are few. Campuses have a huge need for Jesus.
16. Please pray for the Tuesday (February 5) release of our new CD, Passion: God Of This City. We are asking God to take the songs (and the movement they represent) to the ends of the earth, breathing hope and proclaiming His Kingdom in the hearts of people in every nation.
For yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory. Forever.
List of Dallas Schools
List of DC Schools
Printable version of First Monday
Thank you Lord, for everything you have done and are still to do... we are believing you will move beyond our wildest imaginations as we seek you...
"We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests. Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he answers him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand."
Ps. 20:5-6
Anonymous, at 2/04/2008 11:52 AM
I just pray for a WIDE breaking open of hearts and tremendous freedom for students in Dallas, DC, and all over the world.
I also will be praying for protection for the team. IN JESUS'S HOLY HOLY HOLY NAME.
Lindsay Rae, at 2/04/2008 12:28 PM
Praying in Birmingham, AL
Love yall!
Ann Marie, at 2/04/2008 1:34 PM
praying from the UK-for His renown
Anonymous, at 2/04/2008 1:58 PM
Praying in Los Angeles, CA... =)
Anonymous, at 2/04/2008 6:50 PM
Hello Louie & Passion Team and world tour teams,
Louie thanks for the inspiring Scripture references!!
You have been prayed for and continue to be covered in prayer !! Thank you for keeping the passion "extended family" of volunteers and others updated who are believing with you !!
Believing God will move mountains to place you all where He wants Passion to go !!!
God Bless,
See you all in DC and Atlanta
Unknown, at 2/04/2008 7:40 PM
Praying God would work wonders in Dallas, DC, and Atlanta as the Passion Regionals spread across this nation. I pray that God's hand would be upon this generation in a mighty way, that lives would be changed and transformed as mine has been. God is so good! I pray the lightning bolts flashing in the sky will hit the ground and take root for the fame of our great God and King. (Thank you Pastor Piper for this great image!). Thank you Mr. Giglio and the entire Passion team for all you have done for us college students that we may be challenged to change the world for God. Praise His name! Amen.
Anonymous, at 2/04/2008 9:40 PM
Hi Louie, everybody.
Manila's students are just so ready and open for a counterculture that declares Jesus Christ is King! The wave has started to build, and Passion Manila will help tremendously to continue building up precious momentum!
We're believing God for a fresh new culture to just EXPLODE into the city scene as this wave crests and crashes down on Manila. A Christ-centered culture that'll capture our country's future leaders! And one that will have a rippling effect not just to the rest of the region, but to the ends of the earth!
Daniele has been so gracious to us as we continue to correspond with each other. We're praying that Passion Manila barges its way through whatever obstacles lie between today on August 1!
Please pray with us.
For His renown!
Anonymous, at 2/05/2008 2:24 AM
God, I pray for Louie and all the team of Passion, I pray that YOu can give them strenght in the body and in the spirit. That you can lift up them like eagles...I pray that You can send Your wisdom over them and Your Spirit can overflow in them...They are all your children and all your servants that want to lift up the name of your Son Jesus...For the love of your name God bless them.
Recieve all the honour, the glory, that are due to your name.
I pray for all the students that will be in Dallas and in DC...That they can found in You the most precious treasure that exist in the universe.And for those that already know you burn them with the passion for your kingdom and your glory.
Thanks God for what you have done till now, I know that things that overcome our knowledge will come for those who loves You.Amen
Anonymous, at 2/05/2008 8:44 AM
Praying in Boiling Springs, NC!
Anonymous, at 2/05/2008 10:14 AM
Praying ferverently for you all in Kentucky! Can't wait to see you in DC!
Aslan's Girl, at 2/05/2008 11:11 AM
Check it out ... the new Passion cd, "God Of This City" made it onto MTV's website too ...
How awesome is that? :D
Anonymous, at 2/05/2008 1:54 PM
whoops ... here's the fixed link:
Anonymous, at 2/05/2008 1:55 PM
sorry, you need to add .htm to the end of the link to see it.
Anonymous, at 2/05/2008 1:55 PM
We're praying in Boiling Springs, too .... only we're in PA!
Tammie, at 2/05/2008 3:37 PM
Just got the Passion Cd on iTunes...It is amazing
akinney29, at 2/05/2008 3:41 PM
Thank you everyone who is praying for Vancouver. As a university student from Canada, I have many friends involved with Campus Crusade in that city. At the University of British Columbia they recently held a "Does God exist?" debate with a turnout of 1200 students (with 200-300 additional people having to be turned away due to lack of seats!). The Christian debater described the crowd as one of the most atheistic crowds he has spoken to.
The campus ministry at Simon Fraser University is also having a really fruitful year as they are connecting with many spiritually searching students.
Good things are happening in Vancouver, but the spiritual need of the city is still immense.
Ben Harrison, UWO
Anonymous, at 2/05/2008 8:17 PM
praying for #7.
Lord make Your power know and have Your way.
You are the God of this city.
Liz, at 2/05/2008 9:16 PM
Praying in Durbanville, Cape Town!
May Christ supply all your needs and grant you all His perfect wisdom as the Regionals and World Tour planning continues.
Psalm 62
Anonymous, at 2/06/2008 1:24 AM
#11 on itunes right now...not a bad start at all.
Chris, at 2/06/2008 3:59 AM
Union University is on the list of those coming to Dallas. If this is Union from Jackson, TN, they were devastated by a tornado last night. Dorms destroyed and multiple injuries... No loss of life reported so far.
Isaiah 25
Prayers for Union University.
Anonymous, at 2/06/2008 11:57 AM
Praying from Fullerton, Ca!
Anonymous, at 2/06/2008 12:53 PM
How fitting a verse posted a just a few days before???
Thank you Father, for your everlasting comfort
En Gedi, at 2/07/2008 8:29 AM
Praying for Union University...
I am going to be volunteering at Passion DC and I'm happy to see that some of the schools in my area are represented. I'll be praying for the students attending from Millersville University (my alma mater) and Lancaster Bible college (5 minutes from my house). I'll continue to lift up the Passion team, all the volunteers and people behind the scenes as we draw closer to this event.
higgie08, at 2/07/2008 9:18 AM
This often feels like the ends of the earth down here :) But the CD and the songs have made it and are being played and very much enjoyed.
I am so looking forwards to the uni students gathering in Sydney, for Passion in Oz, having an opportunity to sing them and praise Jesus.
gail, at 2/10/2008 6:54 AM
Hey 268gen,
Thanks so much for posting those portions of Psalm 16 & I Thessalonians 5
Praying for this weekend in Dallas… for each person who God wants to touch there… to be drawn there with an open heart...for nothing to keep them from being there.. and a hunger for more of Him. Praying for students traveling from colleges on the Dallas list - Crowder College, Evangel, OzarksTC, Indiana State, Purdue, Missouri State, Arkansas State, & ORU.
Also for those leading or serving in Dallas – to have a fresh touch… direction in what to share… and to be a transparent vessel that He can pour through to accomplish what He wants during this weekend.
Continuing to pray for you all- that God will help you to focus on the important things… cover you… direct you… keep you, and prepare the way before you for these world cities for a great impact for Jesus.
Btw-‘God of this city’ was ever-so-quietly waiting for me in my mailbox the other day! Thanks so much for all that you guys put into it... :)
Blessings 268gen~
Kimmer, at 2/11/2008 8:58 PM
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