Time doesn't permit massive posts...but we feel your prayers and know you guys are with us.
Images are on the Passion 07 main page. The sessions will keep on coming!
Images are on the Passion 07 main page. The sessions will keep on coming!
Can't wait to see it. =]
Brittany, at 1/02/2007 10:42 PM
Wow thanks for the pictures on the site!! And I can't wait for the next streaming Session, so totally excited for it!! Praying for ya'll with you all in Heart!!
My chains are GONE, I have been set FREE my God my Savior, has Randsom me, and like a flood his mercy rains, Unending LOVE amazing grace!!!
Thank you Jesus may you be lifted high at Passion!!! Let the anthem of your renown be sung!!
FanofGOD, at 1/02/2007 10:49 PM
Thanks for the streaming sessions! I'm watching them from West Palm Beach, FL. My best friend is at the conference and told I was missing out and just had to see the sessions online. It's more than just a video, knowing how much passion and prayer has gone into making it all happen. I feel like the video really lets me see what God is doing 600 miles a way. You are all in my prayers.
Anonymous, at 1/02/2007 11:12 PM
I am watching from Kansas City, and God is amazing. His rescue daily blows my mind. I am so thankful for these streams, God will use them for some amazing things.
Adam Truax, at 1/02/2007 11:31 PM
I'm watching from Macon, GA. My husband and our awesome College & Career Sunday School class are in Atlanta. Couldn't make it this year, but I'm praying for you all!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 12:07 AM
I'm a college student here in New York. I was unable to come to Passion07 for various reasons, but I'm soooo grateful for the streaming sessions. It's almost feels like I'm there. I'm praying for you all. I have a couple friends there I'm especially praying for also.
Thanks again for the sreaming sessions!!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 12:08 AM
Praise God for what he has done. I am at my hotel in ATL just getting back from and incredible movement in my life at Passion 07. God convicted me tonight through Francis Chan and I will never be the same again. I accepted Christ tonight and I don't think that I will be able to go to sleep anytime soon. I am too excited.
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 12:18 AM
still praying for y'all at Passion! Campus Crusade conference in western canada was nothing short of amazing. God is at work in our generation! Lord, use us to reach our fellow 100+ million college students around the world!
steph, at 1/03/2007 12:20 AM
louie, can you please keep the main sessions online for more than 24 hours.
Unknown, at 1/03/2007 12:22 AM
I just watched the first session. Seeing it just through my computer was amazing. I can hardly imagine the weightiness of the presence of God in both venues. I wish I had come to know about this earlier, I would have saved money and came. But there's always next year and the next video for session 2.
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 12:22 AM
I'm watching from Wichita, KS. My girlfriend's there in Atlanta and I'm incredibly jealous! However, I'm so excited to hear and see the way that God's moving in this generation. He is so faithful!
Matthew Snyder, at 1/03/2007 12:30 AM
Egad. Can't believe I'm missing the live action.
Dan Wilt, at 1/03/2007 1:39 AM
I am watching from Jonesboro, Arkansas and wow what a blessing! My best friend and several other friends of mine are at passion. Due to a huge mission trip I am taking later this year and some other circumstances I just couldn't make it to Passion 07, needless to say I was bummed. With the sessions online, it is almost like I am there! Thanks for following God's will guys!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 1:42 AM
hello everyone,
our team is equally exausted from Passion07 thus far! God has really been moving through the main gatherings, community groups, and the simple enviroments that surround you wherever you go!
For those of you that are out there sharing in the week with us through the web, we appreciate your desire and devotion to what God is calling us as a generation to.
Be blessed. We're all in this together!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 1:58 AM
Watched and will be watching from Scotland (UK). Some of us 40 year olds have a lot of passion for Jesus just like you young guys. Would love to be there. AWESOME!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 3:31 AM
it is so cool that they put up the morning session, when it came out at this time i thought it was only the evening, any ways i am excited.
just some thoughts i have
1)if i were to set up a paypal account to donate the recieved money to passion for these projects is that something that we would want to do?
2)we should do something for us onliners to form sometype of community/family groups, my thoughts would surround using IM.
spreading passion in Canada, at 1/03/2007 5:06 AM
Watching from England!
Was a bit worried about the smoke behind Louie in the first session!
Praying for you all!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 6:25 AM
I have a question I have went to both websites passion and 268 and i have tryed to pull up the videos of the sessions but for some reason they wont play or pull up. does any body know what i should do
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 7:43 AM
very nice, but Louie... for somereason??? I was able to view session 1 it has option for dail up... but session two does not?? is there a reason for that ??? I really want to veiw it it came in first session. please!!!can thaT BE FIXED??
Liz, at 1/03/2007 9:39 AM
Watching what the Lord is doing at Passion '07 in Brandon, MS. I was able to attend '05 and '06 and wish I were with you guys in Atlanta. Alas, grace and peace to you from Jesus. Worship Him!
cl, at 1/03/2007 11:32 AM
I am watching from South Carolina! It feels great to be a part of the meetings, all of us together in unity.
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 12:33 PM
watching the next session:-) Thanks Passion staff for all of this! Louie...we have the same plant! I loved what you said in the first session!! Amazing!
You guys are all in my prayers and in my heart!
Love from Hollanda ;-), Jacoline
Jacoline, at 1/03/2007 1:01 PM
Hi, I work on the 8th floor of the CNN Center. My office overlooks the GWCC and Philips Arena. My coworkers and I have been watching thousands of people flow in and out of the the venues. This has given me the oppertunity to share with my coworkers what the Passion ministry is all about.
It is INCREDIBLE. I am excited to know that praises are being sung to our Father right next door to me.
Molly, at 1/03/2007 1:11 PM
chris here from hanover, maryland saying thanks for the streaming session videos. wish i could've been there where some of my friends are right now, but i know that God is working powerfully there in the ATL. keep up the great work you guys do in the name of our Lord and Savior.
Salvation is here!!! and there!!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 1:36 PM
Watching from Texas. Amazed!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 2:29 PM
If any one has any of thier own photos from Passion, you can add them to the Passion '07 Flickr photo pool!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 3:14 PM
Thanks guys ....
my wife and I couldn't be out there this year because we re in Miami serving our church .. but thanks for the streams .. its as if we were there!!
Much love
Heredes & Marcella
@heredes, at 1/03/2007 3:35 PM
Keepin an eye on it here in Nashville TN. Wish I was there but the streaming sessions are GREAT.
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 3:59 PM
God, period. That is so awesome!
I couldn't watch from the 268 site either, so here's what I did.
Go to and register for free. Then type in Louie Giglio in the search bar and it will pull all the sessions up.
Crazy, but it works.
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 6:05 PM
I was snowed in, in Durnago, CO and missed my tavel arrangements to passion and then could not leave the state of New Mexico because of bad roads until yesterday! I was so excited and pumped about coming to passion 07, but I am so thankful that you are streaiming the main sessions online. I look forward to worshipping with you online!!!
Anderson, at 1/03/2007 6:23 PM
From-Kingston, Jamaica
I am on this journey with all of you, praying for you and being blessed. Do Something Now campaign is an amazing opportunity, thank you for it
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 7:44 PM
Hey I am in Louisville, KY and my boyfriend is there at the conference and he said that its pretty amazing and that God is just moving. I am 19 and I hope to go to Passio 08! Maybe Passion next year can come to Louisville, KY! Keep up all that you do for God!! I am praying for the rest of the conference that God will continue to move!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 8:18 PM
Mom, praying for her college students at the conference...go God. He is amazing!
Thanks so much for streaming I can be in agreement in prayer with all of you.
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 8:21 PM
Praying for all of you here in Naperville, IL.
God is GLORIOUS............
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 8:28 PM
Praise God! My prayers are with all of you in ATL. I'm watching from Auburn, AL.
The web streams are a true blessing to those of us who couldn't make it...thank you!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 9:33 PM
Please help - I am a parent of 2 attendees and I can't seem to get the video to play. When I click on the Watch Passion 07 little blue box on the main page, I will get a popup that says the videos will be up for 24 hours but nothing to click on. Can someone please tell me what to do?
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 9:56 PM
Try expanding that popup window...
There's a link at the bottom that says
"Click here to watch"
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 10:24 PM
tuning in to the passion stream from findlay ohio...and joining in the worship around the throne. praise god!
Anonymous, at 1/03/2007 11:26 PM
yall are such a blessing in my life and i will thank God everyday for that. the video stream is just awesome... the news about the Kurds is even more amazing.. what a great time to be alive eh? we could actually see an awakening in the world!! how awesome is that?!??!?
praying for passion as it nears the last day.
TRACE.FACE PHOTOS, at 1/03/2007 11:57 PM
Candlelit service: awesome
Having everyone together for a session: awesome
A solid wall of students blocks long going down Andrew Young International Drive to hotels from Philips all the way to the Sheraton: priceless.
Though I do feel sorry for the people who wanted to actually drive on the road.
Jessica, at 1/04/2007 1:11 AM
about Bible translations we are here from FBC Irvington in Mobile Alabama and we have a Laotian Mission and the Pastor has a team of people that are translating the entire Bible into Laotian language. I just wanted to tell you that because the Bible translation is a great cause that goes unnoticed many times.
And I think that you guys are doing a great job. This is our first Passion and my Pastor is here with us and wants us to be invovled more with Passion.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:19 AM
Oh Jesus, Glorify YOURSELF, take all the Glory Jesus! You have done exceedingly abundantly things, remind us all to never stop praying! Let Your voice be heard clearly by every person in Atlanta right now! Jesus, give Louie, Beth, Francis, Steve, Shelley, Matt, Charlie, Chris and David and their friends much REST in YOU!!!
allpraiseJC, at 1/04/2007 1:20 AM
Our community group made a facebook group.
we believe we can better pray and serve each other this way, through the Coming Year of risky living.
Forest Green 7, ya'll. REPRESENT.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:30 AM
Favorite P'07 Moments:
* everyone getting on their knees to pray (in an arena with not so flexible seats)
* the visualization in our minds of the Throne of God (thank YOU, FATHER, for Francis, this picture has been on my mind since)
* Matt's "Praise the Lord and Chris is short" (why does Matt win every time? :)
* "glorious, gutsy guilt" (Piper)
* Charlie's opening night, leading us in worship THROUGH past hurts, pains, stolen things, and lack of approval
*NICK!!! (he's from SD)
* for-ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
* the towel slide (ok, don't repeat after us:)
* the cut of the Amarillius - it cut deeply.
* watching 24000 walking around in complete silence
* WAITING for God when there was nothing to do
* seeing "old" sisters and meeting new ones...
* Matt's "plectrum?!"
* getting lost to share the WORD with the homeless of "the ATL"
* "having a giggle" in the hotel room with some "mates" from "Oz" and other places:)
* "You're the OVERFLOW/You're the fountain of my heart"
* Beth asking us to "put our tape-measures away" because we know who we are in Christ (Yeah!)
* the GLORIOUS wall
* sharing stories of the Kingdom coming
* Global awakening...
* many many new songs about broken lives being fixed, and ourselves being rescued... oh, and better than just the repair jobs... the fact that despite our brokenness we SHINE
* thanks to everyone putting this together... especially God
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:49 AM
I thought I would share with some of you a panormaic photo i took/constructed with my mobile.
A Panoramic Photo of the GLORIOUS banner:
Yeshua, have mercy on us as we GO!
{case Y}{}{}{}{}, at 1/04/2007 2:00 AM
what a beautiful night of worship!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 2:59 AM
Absolutely loving it..watching via the net from Malaysia! :D
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 5:02 AM
I'm watching this from Singapore, South East Asia, and I am so glad i can participate in this conference through the internet. I was thinking (at first) of flying over to Atlanta to join you guys (Passion and Piper are my two greatest influences right now and I just wanted to see both first hand) but i thought it was only for college students so I thought i was disqualified. I've been real blessed just being able to see how Passion conducts its sessions, prays and worship, something i never quite caught from the video sermons in the 268 website. Thanks for your ministry Louie! It is impacting my life and my ministry here in Singapore! Keep streaming the videos! We love Passion here in Singapore!
Hsia Pin, at 1/04/2007 5:30 AM
Hey guys... watching from Belfast, Northern Ireland. WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...
this is Soul food!
teachin is fantastic...
God is here...
God is amazin
keep it lit guys.
Buff, at 1/04/2007 6:25 AM
sorry not buff, refering to the post above
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 9:53 AM
the streaming is awesome. i couldn't make it this year, so it was really cool to be able to listen and watch everything my friends were talking about.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 10:00 AM
i was not able to access the sessions from the 268generation website either so what I did was to go to and then click over to the Passion 07 website that is at the top of the 268generation page and watch the sessions from there. Works every time.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 10:25 AM
Hey Louie, is there any way to save the main sessions to my computer? My friend is down in Atlanta at the conference but really wants to watch the sessions again when she gets home.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 10:53 AM
Awesome! Watching the webcasts from Liberty, Utah. Thank you so much for streaming the sessions so that many others can be a part of what is happening there in Atlanta. God is AMAZING!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:06 PM
Ragin, I missed the Francis Chan stream! Gettin the Piper one now, Praise Jesus for John Piper!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:10 PM
That comment about the video seems to go hand in hand with what was said the other night about coming under attack when things are going well!!!
Louie - Watching from England! - Don't suppose it's possible to upload the worship from each arena, would have loved to see Steve Fee the other night as i tune in with 7|22 every week and also Tim Highes...
Not complaining i love it all and don't prefer anyone, great stuff guys praying for you from the other side of the pond!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:24 PM
Have been watching the conference from just outside the ATL via the Web; missed going to the conference due to holiday plans, but the rest of my senior class is there. Unfortunately I missed Tues. streams, since they are taken off after a while, but I saw Monday's. The music and messages are overwhelming and have been reminding me of just how blessed I am that God chose me, a filthy sinner, to redeem me and make me His child.
Can't wait to watch Wed.'s sessions while they're available!!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:47 PM
Louie, I just got home and all I can say is what an amazing God! The phrase "I'll never be the same" seems to be ringing in my ears. But one quick question: There was a CD that was played a lot before different things start, and is there any chance we can know what those songs were? Some songs I knew but some of them I really want to find out what song it was. Maybe an iMix or something? Butanyway, thanks again for a great conference.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:52 PM
I think a bunch of people missed the Francis Chan session. Was it up for 24 hours? any way we can get that one back up?
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 1:56 PM
Does any1 know how many more sessions there are? We are on wedensday morning just now, i guess there is still the evening session then the thursday morning one, was there also a thursday evening session? Please keep them coming!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 2:19 PM
Any way to keep the posts up longer than 24 hours? There was not enough time to watch them all in one day. Thanks!! Watching from Louisville, KY! The streams are incredible!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 2:20 PM
I´ve been watching all of the sessions. What a blessing those have been to me.
Youth pastor from Finland
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 2:28 PM
I was up until 12:30 last night watching session 3. I was totally blown away. What a blessing it is to be able to experience Passion 07. Watching and waiting in Oregon
Brian Sporer, at 1/04/2007 2:41 PM
WOW Thank you Louie for allowing people all over the STates and the worls to join you all at passion !!! WOW God has changed my life !
God's presence and Holy Spirit Hit me HARD !!
Passion team All I can say is thank you for my renewal in God's precese in my life and dreams reawakened !!!!!
"God is our rescue.."
"Humility before God and GOD period !!!" Micah 7:8-9 WOW that I may me be able to fight against the enemy with new revelation from scripture - God's Holy Word
Angela From NC
"When I Fall, I will rise up
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 2:49 PM
Rock it Passion 07! I was able to make it to Passion 06 and was changed and influenced so much. Our God is so big that even though I can't be there this year, through the streaming messages he is speaking to me. I have heard the first four sessions and I am listening to the fifth session as I type this. I felt like Beth Moore was speaking straight to me, through my headphones at work. What an amazing two days I have had listening to you Louie and Francis Chan was incredible. Thank you for your love and hearts and for your commitment to make famous the name of God. Rescue has come!
Brian Moffitt, at 1/04/2007 3:03 PM
i just got home from passion07. i live in cumming, so it was a short drive home :) it was SO amazingly encouraging to come on here & see all the comments of people praying. we felt your prayers & God was moving THE WHOLE TIME i was there. in my heart & others around me. THANKS FOR EVERYONE IN was everything i expected & more. im excited for the future of passion!!! :) im going to go take a nap :)
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 3:15 PM
I am watching from Germany. A friend of mine told me about these session and I am glad she did. I watched session 1 and 4, unfortunately I missed sessions 2 and 3. Is there a way to put them on here again?
Anyway, thanks a lot for this opportunity to be a part of Passion over the net. May God bless you all for this work. I am praying that you have a great last day there in Atlanta and that God will use Passion to work in people's live even when the conference itself is over...
Greetings from Germany
Love in Christ, Dani
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 3:16 PM
Hey Louie,
Watching from Hudsonville, MI. I just finished the 4th session. I was wondering if there was a way of being able to give a gift to your ministry and in return an opportunity to download all 5 of the main sessions you posted on the 268 site? Thanks so much. It is truly amazing at how great our God is!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 3:18 PM
I'm watching Session 5 right now... David Crowder Band! Finally! THEY ROCK! Except you messed up the first song "No One Like You" It has words for "Your Grace Is Enough for about 10 or 15 seconds. But Who cares... It's Awesome!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 3:24 PM
Missionary in Edinburgh, Scotland being encouraged by the sessions. Keep up the good work and thank you for blessing me and others with the streaming video.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 3:47 PM
I am serving and living in Romania but my home church is Francis Chan's church! I was so excited to hear Francis speak and realized how blessed I was to go to that church when I lived there. That is truly his heart and how he preaches every Sunday! I have been watching all the sessions and I am blown away! We have an absolutely amazing God!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 4:16 PM
thanks for having the sessions still up, I know they would have only been up for 24 hours, but luckily you've kept them up longer! With work and stuff it's hard to watch 2/3 sessions a day...but I'm trying:-) and although I won't get much sleep right now, it's all WORTH IT!
Continue to pray for you all!!
Love from the netherlands, Jacolien
Jacoline, at 1/04/2007 4:44 PM
I've been watching from Starkville, Mississippi and have watched at work. We really wanted to be there even though we are too old! Thanks for streaming this! I don't have to wait till the fall to get a DVD. Our small group will join with you via the web and worship the famous one and learn more about him tonight.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 4:48 PM
From Minnesota!!! a big thank you!!! this is so great to be apart and to have God touch me right where I am at!!! it is hard to stay on top but am listening when I can. good thing there is email!
Liz, at 1/04/2007 5:23 PM
Thank you for putting all the messages up, how long will they be up for?
I'm in the middle of the 5th one, my wife wants to watch them all though!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 5:24 PM
though is there a reason sessions three and 5 are not able to be email???
Liz, at 1/04/2007 5:30 PM
Where is the David Crowder Band?
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 5:31 PM
Thank you so much for putting all the sessions up again, session 3 is amazing! cant wait to hear session 5, just about to start, looking forward to Louie's talk - he always challenges me! Keep up the amazing work
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 5:34 PM
Hey Did anyone see the picture of CP30 and R2D2 in the Breakout sessions that Matt and Chris were doing?? I heard that there was a picture of them as R2D2 and CP30?
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 5:39 PM
Hey Guys!
It's amazing to see what Gods doing in Atlanta! Passion going global is absolutely amazing! thanks to Passion for putting it all online for everyone to be able to be part of being Passion 07 as well this way!!
Am I the only one for who all sessions have been available ALL the time??? I've seen all sessions available so far all the time, so its kinda weird to read that people have been missing sessions....
And a lil message for all the Dutch out here!
Shall we go to passion 08 with a group ?? A friend of mine and myself are trying to go there next year!! Anyone else considering this, even though its expensive?
God bless!
Cya / Doei! ;)
Jesse from the Netherlands!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 6:06 PM
i can also access session 1 even now
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 6:58 PM
I'm a Mom - Continuing to watch and pray. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 7:41 PM
Just praying for you and wishing i wasn't like 39 so i could be there too...just teaching high school kids now though and praying for you.
geoff in ca
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 8:51 PM
Thank you so much Passion07 and EVERYONE involved. Truly amazing. GLORY to GOD!!
"he is no fool who gives that which he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose"
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 8:55 PM
Wow! I have been so encouraged, challenged, and ministered to by watching these streams here in Austin, TX. I am a Passion '99 alumni and am always so sad to not be able to go to the new Passion experiences. Now I feel like in a small way I have been there...and I am affected the same way I was 8 years ago!!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2007 11:25 PM
SHINE!! I can't begin to express how awesome Passion '07 was. I can't wait to see what God has in store for Global Passion and for the spread of Passion around the states. Thanks for bringing Passion to its home town of ATL for the final year, it was AMAZING!!
Representing Kennesaw State University!
Anonymous, at 1/05/2007 12:00 AM
Please keep the sessions coming. Thank you for making so much available online!
Lord Grimthorn, at 1/05/2007 1:07 AM
I've now watched 5 sessions and although I'm on the other side of the Atlantic I've felt over the past few days that I was part of what was going on at Passion 07.
God bless you guys real good.
PS. David Crowder was brilliant (session 5)
Anonymous, at 1/05/2007 3:53 AM
Passion is awesome. They have been such an encouragement to me even though I am hundreds of miles away. Continue to lift up the mighty name of Jesus to a lost and dying world!
Unknown, at 1/05/2007 7:34 AM
hi jesse from the netherlands, can you e-mail me;-) Click on my name, and you'll find my e-mail on my profile...
There won't be a Passion '08, but they will be going abroad next year...just e-mail me;-)
Jacoline, at 1/05/2007 10:01 AM
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