
Friday, February 23, 2007

Also Known As The Keystone State

How Great Is Our God Tour Update [Geographical].
Currently canvassing the great state of Pennsylvania with Redman and Tomlin. Cleveland, which is not in Pennsylvania, though you must travel the entire length of Pennsylvania to get to when coming from NYC, was great, as was Lancaster, PA...two new stops for us...which brings us to State College/University Park (the town that has two names!?!?) and the campus of the mighty Penn State Nittany Lions, of which I intend to find out while we are here just what a Nittany Lion is vs. a regular lion (which I have seen in the African wilderness), which is a long way from Pennsylvania. Headed to Cincinnati, which is not in Pennsylvania either, but I would imagine we will drive, again, through much of Pennsylvania tonight to get there,
[turns out PA is 283 miles wide & 160 miles high, making it the 33rd largest State, though it feels much larger when you've been driving around in it for a while, thus explaining why PA, though originally called the Quaker State, is also known as the Keystone State-due to it's location in the center of the original thirteen colonies-but also Key to anyone traveling the upper-central, mid-northeastern areas of the nation, as Pennsylvania shares borders with New York, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland and Ohio and is a virtual hub of our recent leg of the Tour]....then to Fort Wayne, Indiana, for the end of a stretch of five straight nights that allowed us to traverse Pennsylvania multiple times. Only if it had been daylight while we were doing all that driving I could tell you how beautiful Pennsylvania is. Thank you Cleveland and Lancaster for such warm (figuratively) receptions.


  • We had an amazing time worshipping with you in Lancaster last night. Thanks so much for coming to Pennsylvania...twice!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/23/2007 1:00 PM  

  • Louie, that is a hilarious summary of how many times you've been through PA this week! Yes, it is a verrrry long state. Be thankful you weren't here last week when the ice storm hit and shut down 3 major interstates for days. It wasn't pretty, trust me. :) Yes, it was quite cold last night (this coming from someone who waited outside 2 hours prior to the doors opening so we could get good seats!) but the church was filled with the warmth of God's love. He was all over that place!

    Thank you all again for the concert in Lancaster last night. The whole night was truly amazing and I am so thankful for the chance to really let go in worship and "go for it!" I am not the same today. Thank you so much again for taking some time to talk with my husband and me and take a photo with me (even though at the time I was at a loss for words because I was so overwhelmed at what I had just experienced). May God continue to show His favor on everything you do.


    By Blogger higgie08, at 2/23/2007 3:17 PM  

  • Please come to Canada! Vancouver this time! =D that would be swell.

    By Blogger steph, at 2/23/2007 3:27 PM  

  • did you know the keystone is the stone at the top of the arch that holds everything together?

    safe travel!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/23/2007 6:01 PM  

  • Oh, this geographic course was nearly as good as ZachG's on Frequency :o) ...but just nearly.

    Greetings from Germany

    And even I should never get the chance to be an eyewitness of what is happening during the "concerts", I'm happy that I can be part of it through prayer.
    Thanks for being obedient to our God and expanding his Kingdom on our earth.

    By Blogger Rahel, at 2/23/2007 6:06 PM  

  • thanks louie!
    now i'm ready for when i get to compete on jeoprady!
    anyways, love what you guys are doing and keep truckin along for the glory of God!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/23/2007 6:52 PM  

  • It was "warm" (nearly above freezing) when you guys were in Cleveland!!
    Thank you for coming, it was an amazing night.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/23/2007 8:30 PM  

  • Awesome ... glad to hear the tour is continuing to go well. Just curious ... are we going to get another podcast soon? I'm missing the Passion podcast ... it's always such a great start to the week.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/23/2007 9:27 PM  

  • Did you say that all in one breath???? (LOL)

    By Blogger Sarah Lovelace, at 2/23/2007 11:07 PM  

  • Louie, we enjoyed the concert tonight (2/23) in State College! It was an amazing 3-hour worship experience for both my wife and I.

    That stuff about the stars, not to mention Laminin, was incredible!

    Thanks for coming to State College!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/24/2007 3:03 AM  

  • You know.... I think you people should come thowards Malaysia... well if you can laa... Anyways,Louie Gigilo and band, I will try to translate the songs in the Passion CD (so far(version) and post it to you. I hope that the songs I try to translate will be of good help to your ministry. Thank you all very much for the CD and...I hope to see you all. (Pray that I remember to traslate them to chinese and pray that I will send them to you)

    Untill then, keep in touch


    By Blogger Liew Shan Berg, at 2/24/2007 6:15 AM  



    By Blogger Liew Shan Berg, at 2/24/2007 6:18 AM  

  • Thank you for the update, Mr. Giglio! Will continue to pray pray pray. Love you guys!

    BTW...did you know we got up to 80-some-odd degrees here on Wednesday? (Thank you Sarah!:) Glad it's not quite as cold up there as it was. :)

    Be sure to let us know about the lions.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/24/2007 9:47 AM  

  • And just went to Tomlin's blog...

    Look just like the footballers, huh?

    Action figures for sure.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/24/2007 9:53 AM  

  • to funny Louie, thanks for sharing. I love P.A.!! I used to live in P.A. for fives years, I miss it!! your are right it is beautiful!! remember that you are in my prayers every night and that God loves you!

    elizabeth,,,( for some reason I can not post with my blog??) so I do it this way!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/24/2007 1:03 PM  

  • Just had to echo my thanks for coming to Lancaster. I had a few of my youth group students with me and they haven't stopped going on and on about how amazing the night was.

    The kicker came this morning. One of them walked into church, called my name and tossed me a golf ball. She and another student decided to get them to remind them of the great God who never lets go.

    Thanks again!

    By Blogger Tammie, at 2/25/2007 5:37 PM  

  • The ballroom at the Grand Wayne Center in Fort Wayne had never seen an event such as what we had Sunday afternoon. Thank you so much for taking time to allow God to use you to minister to us through your words. Your speaking, and Tomlin and Redman's music, are truly a blessing in many lives! It was good to talk to you afterwards about Passion, but I love going to events such as these.. where the artists/speakers are so humble and do not make it about THEM! God bless you guys as you finish up the tour!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/26/2007 10:36 PM  

  • So now that Delaware, "The First State" has at least had a shout out in a blog - let us know when you are ready to come! We have the perfect venue right on the heart of the UD campus just waiting for you and some hundreds of college students to come worship! (Ok, so that was a little shameless plug to come see us but for real, we are ready when you are.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/27/2007 4:23 PM  

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