28 Day Journey-Day Twenty Six

26 Eight
As in 26:8.
Well, the Passion House is getting emptier by the day, as most of our team is already in Nashville making plans for you to arrive. And as you make your way, carry with you today's simple prayer: "Yes."
That's it. The whole prayer. Everything.
Yes Lord, walking in the way of Your truth we wait eagerly for You, for Your name and renown are the desire of our souls." Isaiah 26:8.
Since Passion's birth this has been our theme, and will always anchor everything we do. While we usually focus more on the last phrase of this confession, the most powerful part of the declaration may be that simple little three-letter word at the beginning. Yes means I trust You... trust You enough to say yes before I even know all You are going to say. Yes means I must say no to something else, or someone else, I've looked to to satisfy my soul. Yes is daring. All in. Anticipating. Calculated. Weighty. Waiting.
Yes without a blueprint, only You. Yes to whatever, as long as it's for Your fame. Yes alone or with others, as long as You are there. Yes to You, Jesus, the one who said yes to the Father and purchased me forever.
Father, Your cross beckons me to say nothing less than yes today.
Through the day: Trust.
Thank you Lord. Let this be my prayer and my plea in 2006 - Yes to everything you ask of me. Its all for your glory, your love, and your way. I put my full faith and trust in you Lord and follow your path always saying Yes Lord.
Anonymous, at 12/30/2005 8:47 AM
Wow! Easy to say, hard to do. God, I pray that you would so take over our hearts, that instead of just saying "yes" to You, we would put our whole hearts behind that "yes" and follow Your will for us in every decision of our lives, no matter how small it seems at the time. Give us courage and power from Your Holy Spirit to live our lives entirely for You! Amen!
Silke, at 12/30/2005 10:05 AM
Yes, Lord for your name are renown are the desires of our souls! Not to us but to your name be the glory.
Lord I pray that you would be the desire of all of our souls, and that we would live like it. That we would let others know about you and not be afraid to share it. Thank you Lord for all that you do and will do in the lives of all people who will attend Passion 06. Thank you Lord, Amen
Anonymous, at 12/30/2005 12:05 PM
I just want to thank Louie and his team for posting this blog each day! It has been so encouraging as I have prepared my heart for PASSION! I'm from Nashville so it is very exciting knowing that 18,000 people are coming to invade my city for Christ!!! My heart is already racing! I wake up every morning and read Isa. 26:8 on my wall! I can't believe we are only 3 days away...
My prayer now is that we can find my cousin a ticket. We found out this morning he can come and I cannot even begin to share his story, but it's definately the Lord who wants Him here! To Him be ALL the glory for His Faithfulness ~ Blessed be your Name!
Anonymous, at 12/30/2005 12:14 PM
PRAISE GOD, we just found a ticket for my cousin! (20 minutes after my last post) Just felt like sharing that with all of you! God is so good!!!
Anonymous, at 12/30/2005 12:40 PM
I have 3 tickets for $149/each available for Passion 06. If interested, please contact T.T. @
Thanks and everyone have a refreshing renewal at Passion. Last year was wonderful and I know this year will be just as awesome!
Anonymous, at 12/30/2005 4:07 PM
yes is so much more beautiful than no, don't you think?
Anonymous, at 12/30/2005 7:39 PM
I am so excited about Passion 06, and I'm not even going!(I am too young but I am counting down till the year I can come) I just have an awesome feeling about what God is going to do. I just finished listening to the "For the Glory" talks. I am saying yes to dying to trying. I am praying for you all. I know that God is just calling His people to Himself.
Anonymous, at 12/30/2005 7:42 PM
i have a ticket for sale... $130... i dont have the money to go and my friend registerd me... and i cant refund it... so pleeeaaasssee call 770-8264970... or e-mail... frecklesonyourbutt@hotmail.com or stephanie.mitchell@jbc.edu... or my aim is stephascopes
Anonymous, at 12/31/2005 12:46 PM
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