We Need Your Help...Tonight!!
Today in Birmingham started early (7AM) with a visit to the Rick and Bubba morning radio show. If that doesn't mean anything to you, I'm at a loss for words. For openers, their listener call-in number is 1-877-WE BE BIG. They are Alabama boys through and through, have one of the leading morning shows around on any format and are lovers of Jesus...and crazy. Their show is syndicated in lots of markets and live on Turner South. Chris, Matt and I were on for about 45 minutes and had a blast!
Bubba took up the cause to get the iTunes Bundle to the top today. "Louie, get ready. It's going to number 1 today." Bubba even downloaded the Bundle on air! How poetic that we might get to the top with the help of Rick and Bubba In The Morning! Well, I think their listeners/viewers definitely got "Made To Worship," pushing it to #1 on the Inspo song chart, but the Bundle didn't move. How is that possible?? We need their listeners to grab the whole Bundle to get some movement. If it works, maybe Rick and Bubba will have us back to play Party live on air!
What do we need you to do??
E-mail Rick and Bubba tonight (their show starts at, like 5 AM tomorrow) and say thank you for helping the Passion Movement get to the top of iTunes with stuff that honors Christ. How fun if their mail box is busting when they arrive tomorrow (Friday) with mail from all these nice Passion people from across the world saying thank you.
Call your friends and get them to send an e-mail. Tons of e-mails. Happy, thank you e-mails.
We want hundreds in their box in the morning. If we send enough, maybe they will spend Friday trying to help us get the Party Song going!! Can we do this??? Drop a quick Blog and let us know you made some noise!
Copy to all:
speedy@rickandbubba.com (He's their producer, I think. Cool guy who got behind the Bundle).
Let's go for it....only 6.5 hours till they arrive.
Bubba took up the cause to get the iTunes Bundle to the top today. "Louie, get ready. It's going to number 1 today." Bubba even downloaded the Bundle on air! How poetic that we might get to the top with the help of Rick and Bubba In The Morning! Well, I think their listeners/viewers definitely got "Made To Worship," pushing it to #1 on the Inspo song chart, but the Bundle didn't move. How is that possible?? We need their listeners to grab the whole Bundle to get some movement. If it works, maybe Rick and Bubba will have us back to play Party live on air!
What do we need you to do??
E-mail Rick and Bubba tonight (their show starts at, like 5 AM tomorrow) and say thank you for helping the Passion Movement get to the top of iTunes with stuff that honors Christ. How fun if their mail box is busting when they arrive tomorrow (Friday) with mail from all these nice Passion people from across the world saying thank you.
Call your friends and get them to send an e-mail. Tons of e-mails. Happy, thank you e-mails.
We want hundreds in their box in the morning. If we send enough, maybe they will spend Friday trying to help us get the Party Song going!! Can we do this??? Drop a quick Blog and let us know you made some noise!
Copy to all:
speedy@rickandbubba.com (He's their producer, I think. Cool guy who got behind the Bundle).
Let's go for it....only 6.5 hours till they arrive.
You gotta love a good southern boy! We just know how its done in the south! I will definately email them. Even if the bundle doesnt reach number one, God's glory will still be displayed whether or not we choose to proclaim it. "Even the rocks will cry out!"
For HIS Fame,
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 10:46 PM
one more was just sent!
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 10:56 PM
and another email...what an incredible opportunity to see Christ radically represented in a music culture defined by MTV. Jesus...i pray in your name that You will draw some to yourself through curiousity in this "passion movement" bundle that keeps showing up on itunes.
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:05 PM
loving this! im definently sending emails to all 3 of them! its so awesome that they are on with the passion movement and working to help spread the fame of Jesus with the bundle!
lesykes, at 2/23/2006 11:07 PM
so... either we have already excedded bubba's emails or he hasnt read them in a long time becasue my email bounced back this message: "531 bubba@rickandbubba.com Mailbox has exceeded disk quota"
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:07 PM
so Rick and Bubba are awesome. I'm from Columbus, MS, about 2 hours from there. makes me happy that they're helping
Andrew Dale, at 2/23/2006 11:23 PM
Bubba's mailbox is full!
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:28 PM
sent one... and that was fun!
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:33 PM
just sent all three of them an e-mail!
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:36 PM
Exceeded Disk quota 99....
I'm ready to start a party. . .
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:37 PM
Just e-mailed them. So excited how God is using you all once again ~ even on the crazy Rick & Bubba show. Love how the Lord works!
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:48 PM
cooool! i'm in! =D
steph, at 2/23/2006 11:49 PM
is there a way to find out the # of bundles sold... and how many more we need to beat out the Prince album??? LOUIE??? any inside scoop?!?!?!?
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:55 PM
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steph, at 2/23/2006 11:55 PM
sent one...would love to see it move up from #5
Anonymous, at 2/23/2006 11:58 PM
i sent an e-mail:)
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:02 AM
sent one.
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:05 AM
heheheeh. I tried to send it and it bounced back. The reason? MAILBOX OF RECIPIENT FULL!!!
HAHAHAHA. Praise Jesus!
Brittany-University of Arkansas -Fayetteville
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:25 AM
just sent the email to rick, bubba, and speedy..haha! I hope it works..I'm sure it will!
--Lindsey Goins, Lexington Kentucky
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:33 AM
I'll send an email to all of them!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:34 AM
Sent one to Rick and I don't even know who he is .
Any way to get it to # 1.!!!
gail, at 2/24/2006 12:41 AM
well Louie, it looks like Bubba's email is full, but i sent it to speedy and rick!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:46 AM
Email sent.
- Sean
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:47 AM
Hey Louie!! Just letting you know that I just sent an e-mail to Rick, Bubba, and Speedy letting them know how much I appreciate their efforts. Even if Passion doesn't get to the number one spot (hopefully, in God's will, it does) it's still really cool that the bundle made it into the top 10 where other iTunes people can see it!! By the way, Passion sign-up is only 5 days away (I didn't know whether you knew that or not, haha) and I'm really excited. See you later!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:52 AM
I just got a message from everyone's favorite MAILER-DAEMON. Mailbox full!!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 12:53 AM
Hey you can go to http://www.rickandbubba.com and click on Staff on the left hand side and email some more people on the staff. Blarin' Karen and Don Juan both where at the show tonight at Brookhills in b'ham praising JESUS. Great time tonight. Wish yall would have played PARTY but still a good time.
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 1:20 AM
Great job guys! I would say that their mail boxes are sufficiently full! I tried to send an e-mail just now... and I figured that Bubba's would come back... but Rick's came back as well! So... I think my e-mail made it in to Speedy at least!
*Sigh* This makes me smile. God's glory being declared! YAY!
I may try in another hour or two to send my e-mails again!
Enjoy your weekend, guys, and get some rest!
For HIS Glory,
Andrea, at 2/24/2006 4:36 AM
message error:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 12): 531 bubba@rickandbubba.com Mailbox has exceeded disk quota (99).
yeah!! we did it. will party know be posted?
i am looking forward to march first soooooo much. 10 months to PASSION 07!!!!
spreading passion in Canada, at 2/24/2006 4:42 AM
hey, consider it in the bag!!!
God is so good, i emailed.
Liz, at 2/24/2006 9:38 AM
Mornig Louie, I am happy to report that Rock and Bubba this morning were blown away by the e-mails they received from all around the country, and they once again are making a BIG push for everyone to download the bundle. Callers who were at the show last night were calling in and telling them all about it! So hopefully, and prayerfully, we'll get the bundle to #1!!!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 9:41 AM
Mornig Louie, I am happy to report that Rock and Bubba this morning were blown away by the e-mails they received from all around the country, and they once again are making a BIG push for everyone to download the bundle. Callers who were at the show last night were calling in and telling them all about it! So hopefully, and prayerfully, we'll get the bundle to #1!!!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 9:42 AM
I think we need to get the guys to check their e-mail. I tried to sent one but it wouldn't go through because the mailbox was full.
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 9:44 AM
I just e-mailed all three of them.
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 10:57 AM
Has anyone thought about the fact that Passion registration opens up on Wednesday? Who's ready to go?
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 11:00 AM
After the way Christ has used your words to impact me, this is the absolute least I could do!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 11:29 AM
Wow, God is sooooooo Good!!
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 1:41 PM
That is so awesome. I usually listen to Rick and Bubba on the way to work in the mornings, but today I just listened to the road. I will definitely be emailing them before i leave today. Oh this is great. I love their 7AM song. Everyone should tune in just for that.
will polley, at 2/24/2006 2:43 PM
Well... the brown bundle hasn't moved... but the white bundle has moved up to 67 from 70 on Wednesday. So that's cool.
Another fun thing... The top 6 of the Inspo top 10 are Passion and sixstep family albums! Seven of the top 10 are Passion and sixstep. Very cool.
So grateful for Bubba and Rick! The Glory of God is becoming known!
For HIS Glory,
Andrea, at 2/24/2006 4:53 PM
kay, so i left an email for all three!! haha can't wait to hear party! :)
Whitney, at 2/24/2006 7:04 PM
i just watched part two of remix.
thank you it was good!!!
in every thing Lord live thru me!!!
is there a P A R T Y goin` on????
God is in the house.
Liz, at 2/24/2006 10:23 PM
There ain't no party. . .like a Holy Ghost party.
I said, There Ain't No Party. . .Like a Holy Ghost Party.
Anonymous, at 2/24/2006 11:47 PM
I thank God for passion, for you, and for the indescribable tour! God is so indescribable, but doing so many little describable things that are indescribable... thanks for coming to Birmingham this week; it was HIS perfect timing; I'm spending time with Marla; we came to see you all last night and had an amazing time; and today, God led us by HIS hand to get into Beth Moore's conference (and of course she's addressing the one question both of us were just struggling with:)
Silke, at 2/25/2006 12:00 AM
I don't know if Rick and Bubba contacted Louie but they did talk about all the e-mails on the air on Friday. They said they had gotten e-mails (and lots of them) from people all over the country! Thanks Louie, Chris, and Matt for your stop in B'ham! I needed to be reminded again of how incredible tiny I am and how massive my God is. And in light of all of that, He called me by name! Thanks guys!
Anonymous, at 2/25/2006 9:22 AM
Just sent a few emails in. A little late yes...
Garrett, at 2/25/2006 8:22 PM
so looking foward to Passion '07! Got hotel rooms today! Y'all better book 'em fast because they're filling up!
S.D.G., at 2/25/2006 10:50 PM
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