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Many Prayers For Notre Dame...
Very cool to see people from around the world all leaning the same direction, asking God to have mercy on the students of Notre Dame. Thank you for all the posts. Beautiful.
In case you missed it, we did hear from K. Her name is Kelly with a Y! Here's her post:
Hey all! Wow! Praise God! Thanks all for the prayers, even you mom (how embarrassing!). My friends were David and Ty. They would love prayers too! It would also be awesome if y'all would pray for Redford and Liz. They are a couple in town who have a huge heart for our campus and they have already done some awesome stuff to bring God's glory to ND! Thanks again and Praise His Name! HisNDgirl, Kelly
As God's Spirit continues to bring K and her friends to mind (and the Fighting Irish) let's commit to praying. Often that's a better path than big promises. Just tell the Holy Spirit, "When you bring K and her friends at ND to mind, I will pray for them." You'll be surprised when and how He will!
Encouragement for K and all of you like her...
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay that the all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7.
The same passage from the Message: It started when God said, "Light up the darkness! and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful.
If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. Thats to prevent anyone from confusing Gods incomparable power with us.
Jesus shine.
Very cool to see people from around the world all leaning the same direction, asking God to have mercy on the students of Notre Dame. Thank you for all the posts. Beautiful.
In case you missed it, we did hear from K. Her name is Kelly with a Y! Here's her post:
Hey all! Wow! Praise God! Thanks all for the prayers, even you mom (how embarrassing!). My friends were David and Ty. They would love prayers too! It would also be awesome if y'all would pray for Redford and Liz. They are a couple in town who have a huge heart for our campus and they have already done some awesome stuff to bring God's glory to ND! Thanks again and Praise His Name! HisNDgirl, Kelly
As God's Spirit continues to bring K and her friends to mind (and the Fighting Irish) let's commit to praying. Often that's a better path than big promises. Just tell the Holy Spirit, "When you bring K and her friends at ND to mind, I will pray for them." You'll be surprised when and how He will!
Encouragement for K and all of you like her...
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay that the all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7.
The same passage from the Message: It started when God said, "Light up the darkness! and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful.
If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. Thats to prevent anyone from confusing Gods incomparable power with us.
Jesus shine.
Louie, that is so amazing! I am from Michigan(Go MSU)So, when I think of ND, it is uasually not positive! :) I will be in prayer for K, and the whole ND campus. I just discovered the passion website, I love it. I am really hoping to come to the Passion 07' in Atlanta. God bless you for the work you are doing. I pray for you as well!
Pete Sheffer
Anonymous, at 2/10/2006 1:08 PM
great seeing the Passion family praying together. praying for you k.
Anonymous, at 2/10/2006 1:21 PM
What an encouraging day! I got an email from a former student in China, now a university student in Beijing. She is not a believer. While at Passion 06 as a volunteer, God placed in my path throughout the week people from every walk of my life…traveling camp ministry, China, Texas, Indianapolis, Kansas, and from the 268blog a young lady (Hey, Emmsy!) from Northern Ireland where I was this summer. And what a surprise to see a team member from…CHINA! She’s still in Beijing for the semester serving the Lord. I’m trying to get her and my former student’s wires to cross, and eventually with another former Chinese student, now our SISTER, who is also in Beijing. It can’t happen without God’s big hand. If you read this, please send out a gladdening shout to God.
Secondly, I also received an email today from a girl I met in Northern Ireland. This fall I sent over a video curriculum to her to lead a study with her and some other “uni” (university) students in the UK. I didn’t have the money to send it and my hours were cut at work, so even food was going to be an issue. That week mentioning my need to God, I got three checks in the mail and seven meal invitations! The study got there with God’s miraculous provision for them and for me. She reported back today that the study has brought the college ladies together closer in prayer and in being transparent with one another on a daily basis. The church body is getting stronger…more dependent on Him!
Flex those muscles, Body!
Kendra, at 2/10/2006 2:13 PM
i always love checkin on what goin on in passion land... love your updates louie! i met ya after the show in milwaukee, WI. that was such and amazing night!!
Anonymous, at 2/10/2006 3:24 PM
amazing. what a beautiful passage...i just got back from lunch with a girl on my hall that i am trying to invest in and reach out to. wow. i needed that. thanks for the encouragement.
Kelly, at 2/10/2006 3:52 PM
I think it is so great seeing all these other people praying together!Prayer is so powerful--And when we all gather as one and pray for something God works in mighty ways!It's great!!Yes Jesus Shine on the ND campus!You are the LIGHT of the world!Yes Lord AMEN!!
FanofGOD, at 2/10/2006 4:57 PM
...let's commit to praying. Often that's a better path than big promises.Just tell the Holy Spirit, "When you bring K and her friends at ND to mind, I will pray for them."
^^I just love that. it's a very new approach to me for praying for someone. I like it... b/c its making the committment but not trying to remember all on your own. It allows God to still have control.
Laura, at 2/10/2006 6:07 PM
My red wristband isn't going to survive the night probably. I like it being on my wrist though, sort of as a reminder, and a conversation starter.
Anonymous, at 2/10/2006 8:19 PM
hey k! praying for you. don't be weary in doing good, for in due time you will reap if you don't faint.
stay strong!
Anonymous, at 2/11/2006 12:48 AM
Hey Louie and Passion family!
Just wanted you to know that I am praying for you all and for ND! May God do great things through His faithful for His glory!
You guys are rollin' through Wichita tonight and we can't wait to come and worship with you! My friend Steph had wanted to go to Passion with us, but was unable to, so she is coming with us to the concert to get a taste of how truly indescribable God is! She's so stoked!
Can't wait to worship with you tonight guys!
PS~ Because you are such a lover of Panera Bread... I thought I should share with you that there is one just a little ways down from where you guys will be doing the concert tonight. Just ask a local... they'll point it out! ;)
Andrea, at 2/11/2006 10:55 AM
It is amazing when we all come together to pray. And to see how big the passion family really is. United for His name and renown are the desires of our souls.
For where two or three are gathered in my name there I am. Let us gather in the name of the Lord because He is here!!
Thanks Louie for keeping us updated. It must take time to right long posts like you do.
Anonymous, at 2/11/2006 12:30 PM
Praise God! Ministry, really this is a large part of what it's all about. Thanks for the updates and the prayers will continue to roll froem here in South Bend/Granger.
aaron dewinter, at 2/11/2006 11:09 PM
Hello Louie, Matt and Chris and band.
I have been sitting in the sun on the back porch down here in Oz and praying for you. Louie some of your thoughts from your series on "Grace " which I had written down, from Philippians 3, fell out of my Bible and so that prompted the prayers.
I pray that you all travel safely. Get enough rest. Don't miss your loved ones too much and that they are doing alright without you.
At each event I pray that Jesus is glorified, that people see the awesomness of God at that new believers are added to the Kingdom.
Bless you all as you allow God's power to shine through you.
You have had a busy few days and I hope that you have a good rest on the 13th.
gail, at 2/12/2006 1:02 AM
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