28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 4
Day 4. Feet.
If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.
For the next few days our team is downtown Atlanta, working on final details for Passion 07, walking in and through the places you will be walking in just a few days. I couldn't help but think this morning that my feet are landing on the exact spots that yours will. And as I walked I wondered who you are and what you need.
Some of your feet will be wounded. Others bruised. Some broken.
Some feet will be tired, others happy, some running, others stumbling.
Some lying, ceased living, trapped, confused, deceived.
Some feet dancing, leaping, springing, bounding.
Others limping, bleeding, dying.
Some frustrated, angry, cheated, beaten, abandoned.
Some freshly free.
Others bound, shackled, enslaved, darkened.
Some needing, waning, wasting, crying.
Others smiling, sharing, going, giving.
Which are yours?
His were pierced. And though risen, the feet of Jesus still bear those wounds. His hands and feet have been run through by whatever yours feel and face today. How beautiful are His feet, and the feet of those who bring the good news of Jesus.
Father, so many feet. So many needs. Needs not met by an event, but by You. Please do what You alone can do...heal, free, rescue, restore. For Jesus, Amen.
"But he (Jesus) was pierced for our wrong deeds, he was crushed for our sins; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 55:5
If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.
For the next few days our team is downtown Atlanta, working on final details for Passion 07, walking in and through the places you will be walking in just a few days. I couldn't help but think this morning that my feet are landing on the exact spots that yours will. And as I walked I wondered who you are and what you need.
Some of your feet will be wounded. Others bruised. Some broken.
Some feet will be tired, others happy, some running, others stumbling.
Some lying, ceased living, trapped, confused, deceived.
Some feet dancing, leaping, springing, bounding.
Others limping, bleeding, dying.
Some frustrated, angry, cheated, beaten, abandoned.
Some freshly free.
Others bound, shackled, enslaved, darkened.
Some needing, waning, wasting, crying.
Others smiling, sharing, going, giving.
Which are yours?
His were pierced. And though risen, the feet of Jesus still bear those wounds. His hands and feet have been run through by whatever yours feel and face today. How beautiful are His feet, and the feet of those who bring the good news of Jesus.
Father, so many feet. So many needs. Needs not met by an event, but by You. Please do what You alone can do...heal, free, rescue, restore. For Jesus, Amen.
"But he (Jesus) was pierced for our wrong deeds, he was crushed for our sins; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 55:5
amen and thank you for that prayer...Im one of those whose feet are wounded, who sometimes feel a liar, who sometimes feel like I dont deserve anything that God have given me...But I do hope, that when that day comes I will be experiencing a freedom like never before...I do hope in those words from Matt Redman's song: 'THERE WILL BE AN END TO THIS STRUGGLES, BUT UNTIL THAT DAY COMES...STILL I WILL PRAISE HIM..." thats my prayer for all of those who will attend Passion 07..Im Felix from Puerto Rico.. I love you passion staff..for all the good things you have sowed in my life through prayer, worship and WORD..May God continue magnifying His Word above His own name..In His word we find the hope we need! IN HIM, FELIX-PUERTO RICO
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 10:59 AM
GREAT POST!!! Heh.. i really enjoyed the end about it's not an event but Jesus himself. I've been waiting for what seems like forever for Passion 07. So i can finally start over again. I mean, it's a new year, it's a perfect time to just encounter Jesus and just lay it all down right there and finally start anew. For real this time and for once become that person God created me. Heh.. just imagine that i could do all that right here right now. This semester has been a hard one.. i feel like ive been 2 or 3 different people. Through this prayer journey God is truly showing me different things along the way. It's a hard thing but i think God is already starting to tweek little things to make me realize that!!
Rodrigo, hows everything going?? I can't wait to hear an update!!
Silke, thanks for your encouraging note in the last one post!!
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 11:02 AM
Thank you for all of the wonderful words of encouragement, prayer, and scriptures you have given us on our 28 day prayer journey to passion 07. They have encouraged me, and I hope they have encouraged many others. May God abundantly bless those that are working on the Passion Team and everyone who is a part of putting Passion 07 together for all of us who are going. Thank you for all you are doing for all of us who are reading these inspiring words.
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 12:05 PM
Tired and tangled Feet.
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 12:20 PM
amen. we are praying...
We are so excited for Atlanta in January.
Our group has ended up with a bunch of extra registrations. If your group would like to buy these and transfer them to your group please email me. (It IS at the price break amount)....
mstudentz, at 12/07/2006 12:38 PM
wounded, sad, and heartbroken feet
HannahGrace0108, at 12/07/2006 1:06 PM
Tired, stumbling, confused,lying, frustrated, angry feet.
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 1:25 PM
Amen!!! I will continue to pray for the people who will be attending Passion that whatever wounds or hurt they may have would just be healed, and that they would meet Jesus at Passion and be renewed,restored and find uncontainable joy!! Lord we ask that the tired feet would become alive,the tangled would be untangled Lord just wash it all away let there feet dance before you once again!!! Show them your love!
FanofGOD, at 12/07/2006 1:34 PM
With the weather here, I have cold feet, in need of multiple socks:)
Seriously, though, they have some old, mostly healed scars, they are often tired, they love to run (in one direction), and they stumble and fall while running. Some days they dance and skip. They are deceived at times, and then they stop running. They begin to walk, and to walk in the wrong direction. Until they're freed by knowing and seeing the truth, which they always need more of (yet they don't always accept it). They're not always sure of themselves, a little afraid that what they might step on next might hurt them. So, they do need protection, like a pair of good shoes. But they do smile often, and they like to share and give when possible.
And that's probably more than any of you wanted to know about my feet.
Silke, at 12/07/2006 1:34 PM
My feet are tired. I have been running from God's guidance, trying to do it all on my own...and my feet haven't taken me to a place I want to be. I just want to give Him control, you know, but it's so hard to. God wants the best for my life, He doesn't want to hurt me or make things terrible. I am ready to hear what He has to say, and to celebrate Him with all of you at Passion!
Megan, at 12/07/2006 2:10 PM
Hey guys!! I am praying for all of you as i know you are praying for me too!! This poast is so encouraging and i cannot wait to worship will all of you at PASSION!!
(P.S. This is the same "ashley" as before but now i have a new blogger thingy!!)
Ashley, at 12/07/2006 2:26 PM
happy feet.
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 2:31 PM
Hey Saints! How you doing?!
Some news! We're seeing something coming.
Some friends here in Brazil are getting together to help with this visa stuff.
Well, tomorrow morning we'll be scheduling a new interview at US Embassy, maybe to February!!!!
But, even though, we'll keep in touch with the Consulate to try to move this day for the next days before Passion07.
We're doing what is possible for us to do. I know God will do the impossible! There's no impossibles for Him! Hallelujah!
I thank you all very much for all your prayers and ask you for keep on praying!!!!
WE'RE A BIG FAMILY ON GOD!!! PRAISE THE LORD! Hope to see each one of you and thank in person!!!
I'll keep you posted!!!!
God bless you!
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 2:59 PM
praise God for sending his Son for us. =)
Rodrigo, we'll be praying for tomorrow morning.. hopefully you'll get it before February! you're so right about doing what's possible and trusting God with the impossible.. thanks for encouraging us!
steph, at 12/07/2006 3:21 PM
So, Louie, you keep talking about reading these things... if you really do read all these comments, that's an amazing commitment to your blog.
Towels and socks. We can do that.
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 3:47 PM
These feet were previously tired, worn, and broken....but the broken feet have not traveled to a season of dancing and joyfulness - there are no feet like the beautiful feel of our Savior. Romans 10:15
Praying for Passion 07 - excited volunteer!
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 5:14 PM
For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. (Colossians 1: 9-11)
We are praying for Passion 07 and are so grateful for you all! May He bless you extravagantly!
Friends from the International House of Prayer-Kansas City
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 5:37 PM
Can you post about the last podcast so that those of us who don't have itunes can listen?
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 6:36 PM
Amem. As a dancer I especially appreciated that. No matter the way my feet arrive, I can anticipate how they will leave.
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 6:46 PM
Good stuff as always Louie!! thanks
Rodrigo, I love your spirit, am praying!!
Scared- doughtful- do not understand- unclear- shy-... but all at the same time, Happy, thankful, trusting, committed, uplifted...feet!!
Liz, at 12/07/2006 8:43 PM
Hey Rodrigo!!
Praise God for what He is doing through your life right now! God is taking all of us on this journey with you--you're going through it for real, and we're with you in prayer. I know God's teaching me through what He is orchestrating in your life and the others who are having a hard time getting visas.
Thanks for the update the other day, and now today. Will continue to pray!
And y'all in Romania--any way you can comment? I don't know what things are like over there, but it would be nice to hear directly from you. Prayin for you, too.
Y'all remain steadfast in your trust in the Lord. He never changes. He's good when we get what we want and He's good when we don't. And He's especially precious to us when we don't. But let's keep hoping you can come!!!
Anybody had feet in tar? Never think you'll get out?--and it's a fault of your own you can't undo? Shackled too? This year, these feet have been learning to walk again, learning to run, and now they're learning to dance. All because of wonderful Jesus. :)
Thanks so much for the post Mr. Giglio!
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 9:26 PM
Amen. How beautiful are the feet of Jesus. That we can sit at His feet, like Mary, that we can tarry there for a while.
Father, I ask for all the weary college students right now that they could come to your table, and lie down at your feet. That they will rest in knowing that the work you have started in them you will bring to completion.
Continuing to pray for you Rodrigo...keep giving us updates! Praise His Holy Name! Lord Jesus!
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 9:28 PM
Amen... I have been reading the 28 day prayer journey to passion and I am SO excited!!! I haven't went to passion but just reading this is seriously pumping me up... I love the fact that there are so many people on fire for God. It is awsome. My college and career group is so ready for this and I love the fact that so many are coming because like in the devotion we are all somewhere different and yet God is bringing us all together at the same place, at the same time, for the same reason. May all the glory for this event be for God and God alone!
Amber-West Virginia
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 10:31 PM
My feet are adventurous. They are moving me out of my comfort zone, into new unfamiliar territory. And they are expecting an amazing walk :)
Anonymous, at 12/07/2006 10:33 PM
WOW! Because He bears the scars upon Him we are able to walk in freedom, then why do we walk around as if we are bound? Because we believe, we believe the lies that Satan throws at us...Lord, I pray that these people attending will walk away freed from the chains of belief, belief in the lies of Satan, Lord, I pray that you will take my chains off so that I might walk freely, as you inteded..
Shanna Sanders, at 12/07/2006 11:55 PM
it's amazing to read through the comments of people sharing their current struggles and states of their feet. not only is the beauty found at Christ's feet, but it's also found from the fragrance that rises up from the feet of those who walk in the way and the light of Christ. Though we once walked in the darkness, covered in mud, dirt, thorns, etc, we have been washed in the cleansing word of God we become as fresh and as fragrant to Him (and the world) as the air after a rainshower. God loves those who come to Him with the broken feet, because He can use them to show His power and glory to the world.
Praying for you all, whether you're going to Passion or not, and may God's glory continue to be revealed to us all!
Darcy, at 12/08/2006 12:17 AM
wow guys, this is amazing, while i was reading the posts, i couldn't help but think, man, we are a bunch of torn down, beaten, messed up group....and yet, that's when God said, we are all saints, and we are all broken, we are all needy, and we are all coming to worship the one who came to us when we were in need, when we were in our sin, when we were still rag dolls, filthy....and yet He calls us HIS BELOVED!! praise the Lord, i can't wait to worship with ya'll, cause OUR GOD is an AWESOME GOD
Anonymous, at 12/08/2006 12:19 AM
The Christ centerdness of these posts just get better and better!
Anonymous, at 12/08/2006 7:58 AM
Tired and sometimes confused feet. Thanks for this post
Anonymous, at 12/08/2006 11:39 AM
tempted and tired feet
Anonymous, at 12/08/2006 2:41 PM
I'm just in love with the beauty of Jesus' feet and I want mine to be more like his. Praying for you Rodrigo. I want real, honest, joyful, moving feet.
Anonymous, at 12/09/2006 12:13 AM
My feet are none of those feet.
Instead my feet are the feet of my heart. They are the feet of the Master. I has asked Him to go in my place where ever it is that I can not go and be with those I can not be there for myself.
I pray the powerrr of God surround you, the grace of God empower within and the love of God fill you to heal, restore, comfort from the feet up and out and back in again for it to go on forever!! In Jesus' name Amen.
Barbara from Gepc in Lawrence,KS
Anonymous, at 12/09/2006 12:30 PM
"His hands and feet have been run through by whatever yours feel and face today."
What an amazing, encouraging truth...it leaves me speechless. Looking forward to Passion07! You're all being prayed for constantly!
Shiana, at 12/12/2006 2:35 PM
Thank you...
We're gonna meet with Jesus... All 21,000 of us... and nobody will walk away the same
Justin Vance, at 12/12/2006 2:53 PM
I think the verse is Isaiah 53:5.
Anonymous, at 12/18/2006 1:47 PM
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