Countdown To Kyiv
Well, it's on people! The Passion World Tour is happening! Finally, after 18 months of prayer and planning we have people on the ground in Kyiv and our flight leaves in a few hours from Atlanta. Finally! We have carried this vision for so long now and we are all ready to have a WT baby!
As we go we feel the prayers of so many around the world and are confident we are going to see our God do amazing and history-changing things.
Speaking of prayers, if you haven't heard the "Countdown To Kyiv" Podcast, we have all visas for Brazil and just received a text from our team in Hong Kong this morning that we have a venue there for October! The HK venue seats 3200, is right in downtown and is being renovated as we speak. Right on!
Please keep praying for Kyiv as we head to Friday night and Stockholm Sunday. Your first assignment, if you haven't already, is to grab your World Atlas (please tell me you do own a world atlas!) and find out exactly where these cities are. Then, you can known where in the world we are as you're praying. We'll land in Kyiv (Ukrainian spelling vs. older Russian spelling of Kiev, just in case you wondered) Wednesday afternoon after flying through Amsterdam Wednesday AM. Our core Passion team and logistics people are already arriving in Kyiv now.
Just imagine growing up under communism all your life, knowing very little else, experiencing some measure of political change and being part of the birthing of a new nation, yet never really hearing the story of rescue and grace, nor knowing what life is for and how to live it for the stuff that matters most. In large part, that's the student who is walking through the door Friday night. So let's pray the Story of God will be well told, fully received and celebrated by all!
As we go we feel the prayers of so many around the world and are confident we are going to see our God do amazing and history-changing things.
Speaking of prayers, if you haven't heard the "Countdown To Kyiv" Podcast, we have all visas for Brazil and just received a text from our team in Hong Kong this morning that we have a venue there for October! The HK venue seats 3200, is right in downtown and is being renovated as we speak. Right on!
Please keep praying for Kyiv as we head to Friday night and Stockholm Sunday. Your first assignment, if you haven't already, is to grab your World Atlas (please tell me you do own a world atlas!) and find out exactly where these cities are. Then, you can known where in the world we are as you're praying. We'll land in Kyiv (Ukrainian spelling vs. older Russian spelling of Kiev, just in case you wondered) Wednesday afternoon after flying through Amsterdam Wednesday AM. Our core Passion team and logistics people are already arriving in Kyiv now.
Just imagine growing up under communism all your life, knowing very little else, experiencing some measure of political change and being part of the birthing of a new nation, yet never really hearing the story of rescue and grace, nor knowing what life is for and how to live it for the stuff that matters most. In large part, that's the student who is walking through the door Friday night. So let's pray the Story of God will be well told, fully received and celebrated by all!
Praise Him from Hong Kong! The HK team is discovering that God's story continues full steam here in the city. We are united in prayer for Passion and the students of Kyiv and Stockholm! WT here He comes!!!
Unknown, at 5/13/2008 11:46 AM
Praying for you.
See you all in Johannesburg.
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 11:59 AM
Still Praying for the world tour.
God is going to move BIG time in Kiev!!!
so cool, that you are flying through Amsterdam!! (The plane will be flying over my hometown:-) )Thinking of you guys!! :-)
Looking forward to see you in Paris & London!!
Jacoline, at 5/13/2008 12:15 PM
Oh Yeah!
It's finally here!!!
Praise The LORD!!!!
I'm Soooo Excited for you all!!!
God Be with you all!!!
the Great state of TEXAS is Behind you all the way!
Karahly, at 5/13/2008 12:16 PM
Still holding this all up in prayer on a daily basis. He is faithful and capable of doing more than we could ever possibly imagine. Praying that this world tour would change the world forever in Jesus' Name...
Yeah baby, it's time...
Zach G, at 5/13/2008 12:29 PM
HALLALUJAH! Wish I could join you on the tour physically, but I will cover you in prayer from South Carolina!
Marcia B, at 5/13/2008 1:00 PM
As a matter of fact, I do have a world atlas and I've just pulled it out and found you on the map.(I might add that it is huge and has never fit on any book shelf so I've wondered why I've kept it all these I know) Will be finding you and praying each step of the way.
carolinabrown, at 5/13/2008 1:26 PM
Hey Louie!! Thanks for the explaination of Kyiv - I was totally wondering :) Yea for HK how awesome. I am expectantly waiting to hear of the awesome things God is doing Daily with Passion!! I don't have a world atlas but I am keeping track online LOL!! And definately praying
- Freedom (yes that is my real name!)
Freedom, at 5/13/2008 1:52 PM
Go SHINE and be the light in the dark places!
"We possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves".
2 Corinthians 4:7 (Amplified)
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 1:55 PM
Yes...I will continue to pray! I was a missionary in that part of the world for 5 years. I worked with about 200 students...I know this will spark something deep in each heart! They are looking for TRUTH.
Enjoy the tea and black bread!
Slava Bogu! (praise God)
~Ana C~
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 2:43 PM
The World Tour has been weighing heavily on me today (in a good way), and I wanted you guys to know that I am praying with an expectant heart for what God is about to pour out on His people. Keep us posted!
PrayforJapan, at 5/13/2008 2:45 PM
Yea!!! I'm so excited the WT is here!
Praying for yall daily from Bham, AL!
Safe travels, and I'm about to Google-Earth the locations! ;)
Ann Marie, at 5/13/2008 3:10 PM
This is sooooo exciting!!! It just feels like God is going to do something AMAZING through this World Tour!! Praying for you all as you take the revolutionary message of God's grace and salvation to the world!
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 3:48 PM
Praying for the light of Christ to shine in every corner of the world through Passion!! Looking forward to the updates!! God bless all of you!
A Passion DC volunteer
higgie08, at 5/13/2008 3:54 PM
What an amazing opportunity!!! Dreams do come true. May the Lord bless you and your team and cover you (Ps. 91) as you take this amazing message to students around the world. May He send His angels before you. Be sure to put daily armor on (Eph. 6: 10-19). We love you all so very much!. And we are praying for you.
Ro from Rockford, IL
PS ~and Louie, Shelley, what an example you both are to all of us as leaders, and students to never give up and to aim high...very high, and never settle when God entrusts us with a calling, a plan, a mission. We are with you today in His Spirit ~for His Renown.
Ro, at 5/13/2008 3:54 PM
I'm excited for you guys!
I'm praying!
psalmist, at 5/13/2008 4:06 PM
Hey LG! Thanks for the update...been praying for you, Shelley, the Passion WT team, all the band members and the students of course. Can't wait to hear what great things God will do during the WT. It's been a long time since the WT has been in my heart (Boston!) Can't believe its finally here! Feeling like I'm with all of you every step of the way...
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 4:11 PM
I'm just about jumping up and down out of excitement. The World Tour is HAPPENING! I can't wait to see what happens in Kyiv. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date, Louie!
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 5:01 PM
Hi! Cool to hear that you guys are for just a few hours in Amsterdam. Was thinking to go to the airport which is removed 15 km from my job, but I think my boss won't be happy if she founds out that I'm not at work :D
Anyway.. Good to know that you guys are so close tomorrow. Don't forget to buy our famous Dutch candy called drop!
Have a save trip and I see you in Paris!
Be blessed!
Jeroen, at 5/13/2008 5:20 PM
Hi! Cool to hear that you guys are for just a few hours in Amsterdam. Was thinking to go to the airport which is removed 15 km from my job, but I think my boss won't be happy if she founds out that I'm not at work :D
Anyway.. Good to know that you guys are so close tomorrow. Don't forget to buy our famous Dutch candy called drop.
Have a save trip and I see you in Paris!
Be blessed
Jeroen from Holland
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 5:21 PM
"Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in!!" (Psalm 24:7)
Praying for Kyiv from Manila!
We just met with Joshua and his team, Larry and Beth Murray, and they're doing such a great job in casting the Passion vision and fanning the flames that God had put in His people in this city!
We must say that Passion Manila is gaining so much traction by the grace of the Lord! We heard that the venue had already been secured, and we're looking to pack a 9,000-seater arena with College students on August 1! Advertising is very strategic to reach the right demographic, but it's well off the ground! Keep praying for us too. God is doing great things in our midst!
Hallelujah to You, Lord!!
Anonymous, at 5/13/2008 8:39 PM
wowww. this is going to be incredible! PRAYINGGGG!
Joe, at 5/13/2008 10:27 PM
2 Corinthians 4:6,
"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness,"made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
Praying with you and for you during these amazing times!
sandra r., at 5/13/2008 10:58 PM
Praying for you guys from the USA. Hope things go as God wills and many people come to know and treasure Jesus above all things through the Passion world tour.
God be praised.
Drew, at 5/13/2008 11:39 PM
Its quite incredible to think that some of these young people will be hearing the story of Grace and Truth for the first time on Friday in Kyiv. Wow!!!
We'll be praying that the Holy Spirit is drawing them to the night even now and preparing their hearts to hear the message that can change their lives for ever.
gail, at 5/14/2008 2:47 AM
people, its time to pray for all of the ashleys out in the world...may those who show up to kyiv (and other WT stops) take Jesus home to their campuses!
Unknown, at 5/14/2008 2:54 AM
I just said goodbye to a college student from Albania studying in the US, who grew up under communism - the first generation to begin young adulthood in a free nation. She heard for God for the first time when the government changed, and showing the care of God to her opened her eyes so much to see the possibility of Him in the world. There is an incredible opportunity for a generation like that to rise up in their nation and do great things for God. But so many have never even heard the name of Jesus!!!! It is a difficult and open door. What a great time for Passion to be in Kyiv!
Kendra, at 5/14/2008 12:01 PM
Right on!!
Anonymous, at 5/14/2008 2:33 PM
Hello Louie & Shelly and to all,
Good to her from others around the States the world and other World teams!!
YEAH World Tour is finally on
....... stoked and amphed up(surfer lingo :-)!!
Will be googling places tracking the tour (Atlas too big but there's always the library) and reading information about each city.
Of course still praying every step of the way. See you all in Seoul and maybe Hong Kong!!
God BLess,
Unknown, at 5/14/2008 4:25 PM
Hi! Wow, this is so exciting! I still remember when you told us at the Internationals meating in ATL about the prospect of a world tour. It seems like yesterday....and now it's on! No question about Who we serve!
I read this prayer from David during work this morning. It really touched me and made me think about Passion and the World Tour. So as you are on the brink of a global awakening, I want to encourage everyone involved with this:
David's Prayer
10 David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying,
"Praise be to You, O LORD,
God of our father Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting.
11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is Yours.
Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom;
You are exalted as head over all.
12 Wealth and honor come from You;
You are the ruler of all things.
In Your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.
13 Now, our God, we give You thanks,
and praise Your glorious name.
14 "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.
16 O LORD our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building You a temple for Your Holy Name, it comes from Your hand, and all of it belongs to You.
17 I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to You.
18 O LORD, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel, keep this desire in the hearts of your people forever, and keep their hearts loyal to You.
19 And give my son Solomon the wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands, requirements and decrees and to do everything to build the palatial structure for which I have provided."
20 Then David said to the whole assembly, "Praise the LORD your God." So they all praised the LORD, the God of their fathers; they bowed low and fell prostrate before the LORD and the King.
1 Chronicles 29:10-20 (NIV)
kari, at 5/14/2008 4:33 PM
i am so excited to see what happens in the wake of the WT stops and how our generation is going to change the world!! i can only imagine how pumped everyone must be who is going. my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
much love from hillsdale, MI
TRACE.FACE PHOTOS, at 5/14/2008 5:14 PM
Oh God is so good! Praying for the Truth to be palpable! I'll be praying daily - and checking back for updates just as often!
Jennifer, at 5/14/2008 10:42 PM
I have such an excitement knowing that the world tour is finally happening!
Oh, Jesus, be there in a powerful way in Kyiv!!!!
"Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the KING OF GLORY may come in.
Who is ths King Of Glory? The Lord strong and Mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in.
Who is He, this King of Glory? The Lord Almighty - He is the King of Glory... Selah" Psalm 24:7-10
Praying for protection and provision for the passion team!
- Anna
Anna, at 5/15/2008 12:58 AM
Wow Praise God!! I have just finished watching your Hope Passion Series and am in tears .. This was the Band-Aid that God has placed on my heart after the tragic death of my mom... Louie you have helped open my eyes.. Through this time of Grief I thank you for your great work.I was born in Ukraine andam SO happy to hear that you will be there for this tour..
Again, thank you for speaking about the hope that is helping me get through my mom's death
Anonymous, at 5/15/2008 3:34 AM
"The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth. Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before him, and around him a tempest rages. He summons the heavens above, and the earth, that he may judge his people: “Gather to me my consecrated ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice." Psalm 50:1-5
May His fire burn, may His consecrated ones gather all over the world - for His glory!
Louie and team we're praying for you all, strength of a wild bull:-), His perfect protection - our hearts are so expectant of the great things to come all over!
Quin & Sue
South Africa
Anonymous, at 5/15/2008 8:49 AM
Louie, can u please ask people pray for what's going on in China.
last i read, the death toll might be 50,000 people. FIFTY THOUSAND!
I can't fathom that...
but I also can't just brush it over and go about my day like normal.
But i guess all we can really do is pray...
Anonymous, at 5/15/2008 12:38 PM
My small group and I will be praying for you and I have been burdened all week for the upcoming world tour. We prayed for you on Monday at an event Kristian was at here in the Chicago area.
May the winds of the Holy Spirit fill you and the entire Passion team/volunteers in Kyiv Friday night and Stockholm on Sunday. May a new generation of Christ followers be born again in these lands.
Anonymous, at 5/15/2008 12:40 PM
It's 1 am here in Kiev and I can't sleep. I'll be there at 8:45 in the morning to volunteer...Sweet!
Ministry Happens in Ukraine, at 5/15/2008 6:06 PM
so so i am so stoked that you guys went to Kiev. yes thats how i spell it, after all i was born there although now live in California. woohoo. i wasnt around long enough to remember what the boundries were and the whole religion thing but i know that my grandparents were prosecuted for their faith. my grandfather was a pastor and the church of 10 people met in his house. but i am soo proud to know that you guys took passion over seas. and we dont really say wow in russian although in kiev you speak ukrainian. hehehe. klasno is cool but thats the closest i kknow of and i speak russian very fluently. if you need a translator next time just holla.
marianchik, at 5/30/2008 6:11 AM
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