Kyiv Is On, Atlanta Is Maxed!
Just in case you haven't heard the new Podcast, one of our prayer points from First Monday was answered last week when we finally signed a contract on a venue in Kyiv, Ukraine. Our team has been working so hard on this event (and even is on the way to Kyiv as I type tonight) and we were desperately running out of time when friends in Ukraine stepped in and helped secure the Sports Palace for Passion Kyiv. If not the most glamorous of venues, it's got plenty of space for us to have a ton of people for this event.
The date is Friday night, May 16, our very first stop on a World Tour journey that will take us to seventeen cities around the globe. Given the size of the Sports Palace, and the fact that we don't feel like there will be any capacity issues, Passion Kyiv is free. So far, we haven't heard from anyone in Ukraine as a response to the latest Podcast request, so I don't know if we are directly reaching people there. If you have contacts/friends there, please shoot them a message and let them know that Passion Kyiv is on!
Closer to home, Passion Atlanta sold out today. It's one of those happy/sad things, as we are thrilled to have a full house. But I know there are a bunch of people who have waited to the very end and you're not going to be able to be a part of a massive weekend for His glory. Just remember that registrations are transferable, and often groups end up with tickets to spare. So ask around and be creative, we don't want any sold tickets to go to waste.
If neither Kyiv nor Atlanta are close to home, please pray for both from where you are. We are one big family and we are all in this together!
The date is Friday night, May 16, our very first stop on a World Tour journey that will take us to seventeen cities around the globe. Given the size of the Sports Palace, and the fact that we don't feel like there will be any capacity issues, Passion Kyiv is free. So far, we haven't heard from anyone in Ukraine as a response to the latest Podcast request, so I don't know if we are directly reaching people there. If you have contacts/friends there, please shoot them a message and let them know that Passion Kyiv is on!
Closer to home, Passion Atlanta sold out today. It's one of those happy/sad things, as we are thrilled to have a full house. But I know there are a bunch of people who have waited to the very end and you're not going to be able to be a part of a massive weekend for His glory. Just remember that registrations are transferable, and often groups end up with tickets to spare. So ask around and be creative, we don't want any sold tickets to go to waste.
If neither Kyiv nor Atlanta are close to home, please pray for both from where you are. We are one big family and we are all in this together!
that's so great! if you're going to atlanta, prepare for something big to happen!
that's great about Kyiv too! looking forward to hearing confirmations about the other cities as we keep them in prayer
Axiomwear, at 4/01/2008 12:23 AM
Hey Louie and Shelly,
From one "night Owl To another", I am glad that Atlanta is sold out that Kyiv is ON and set in place at the Sports Palace. I am praying for Atlanta and the world tour. See you and passion team in 10 days to serve the collegiate generation!! (Woo-Hoo) I'm so excited to see what God will accopmlish in people's lives and for the World Tour!!
God Bless,
Unknown, at 4/01/2008 1:06 AM
Thank you for the podcast update. I find it so uplifting.
Mayra, at 4/01/2008 1:33 AM
Isn't He amazing!!
My prayers are with Kyiv, Atlanta, and the Passion Team. This is great news and i'll be praying that the Lord stirs hearts during both and really sets a new group of people on fire for His glory. The spirit is moving through this generation and it is thrilling to see these great things happening!
I'll be continuing to pray for all that is coming up.
In Him,
Meredith, at 4/01/2008 8:58 AM
I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT ATLANTA!!! I actually just woke up from a dream about it (during which you were playing guitar and leading worship Louie- Is that prophetic? ;). God is already doing something amazing in me and my friend who is coming too (for her first ever Passion!), and I can't wait to see what He has in store for everyone who will be gathered there. And the podcast was wonderful! There were so many things that were incredibly ispiring, but the 54 wells gave me chill bumps. God is SO awesome!! :)
And greater things are yet to come in Kyiv!!
See you all in 10 days!
Christis Joy
Aslan's Girl, at 4/01/2008 9:25 AM
Great news about Atlanta and Kyiv! Praise God for His provision! We have friends serving as missionaries in Kyiv. I sent them an email about 5/16 - for them to spread the word!
Because of Him,
Anonymous, at 4/01/2008 10:37 AM
God is doing great things! I'm from Northern Virginia and I attended the DC Passion Conference with other members of my youth group- it was amazing! people who went to DC convinced other members of of our youth group who have never been to a Passion conference to go Atlanta but as we waited for confirmation the tickets sold out! We are fasting and praying that God open doors for the conference-we only need 9 tickets so if anyone can help we would really appreciate it (you can contact me at thanks, and God bless!
Jael, at 4/01/2008 11:04 AM
Great! it's all going to fit into God's perfect plan :)
i love the big passion family!
Joe, at 4/01/2008 11:58 AM
Praise God for Kyiv & Atlanta! What great news and safe travel to those going to Kyiv from Passion.
It's wonderful to see God's hand at work. I will continue to pray for all the Passion Conferences and the work HE will be doing at these events.
He is Risen!
Anonymous, at 4/01/2008 12:12 PM
God is great beyond our understanding! It is awesome that Kyiv is a go, and that Atlanta maxed-out. I will be praying for Kyiv and Atlanta and the world tour and for the team. I look forward to hearing how Passion Atlanta goes and how the world tour goes.
In Him,
Lucy, at 4/01/2008 2:21 PM
If anyone would like to transfer their tickets, please let us know. We are a group of ten students who are ready to come to Atlanta from Virginia. We are dying to come!!!! We cannot miss this amazing blessing!!!!
Anonymous, at 4/01/2008 3:17 PM
WOW!!! That's amazing news! Definitely praying for both events. I'm so excited that Passion is coming to EUROPE. I'm already counting the days for Passion Paris & Passion London. I AM EXCITED. I enjoyed every bit of being at the Passion regional in Boston and I experienced amazing things there. I still can't believe this world tour is actually happening and I'm thrilled! I have been praying for it since jan. 2007 and will continue. We have a GREAT GOD!
Jacoline, at 4/01/2008 3:39 PM
I look forward to spending the weekend with you and the rest of the Passion team in Atlanta in a few weeks! It is encouraging to see that God is using Passion to reach not only the United States but the nations for His glory!
In Christ,
Anonymous, at 4/01/2008 4:26 PM
10 Days til ATL and I'm SO excited! God is doing AMAZING things through y'all here and overseas and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
I'll be the one jumping up and down in the "I Heart DCB" shirt :-)
See you in 10 Days!
Kate, at 4/01/2008 6:39 PM
yay! I'm so glad that Kyiv is confirmed! God is ever faithful!!!!
Looking forward to hearing about Atlanta - I trust it will be AMAZING!
Believing for Greater Things...
Anna, at 4/02/2008 1:22 AM
I hope this can possibly find it's way to Louie but anywho, here it goes.....
This past August, my dad, having battling depression for most of his life, decided to end his life and leave this world behind. we can rejoice that he was saved and is in heaven now but there's not a day that goes by that i don't think about him. These past two passions have been life changing for me and without them, i don't know where i'd be spiritually. passion gave me a hunger for Christ on my campus and reassured me that i wasn't the only Christian in college.
Secondly, april 12 is going to be my 21st birthday and there is no where else that i would rather spend it than at passion worshipping with 10,000 other college studens! hopefully i can buck the trend of "getting that first shot or going to a bar" on the 21st birthday and i can use it as a witness to tell people about passion and J.C.
Lastly, and i know this is a long streatch but for my 21st birthday, my biggest wish would be to meet the passion people, especially Louie. It would be the best birthday ever! thanks and God bless
Marc Hall
Anonymous, at 4/02/2008 11:08 AM
Hey Guys
A couple of us from TN really want to go are looking for 4 tickets. If anyone has any contact me at Please HELP!!!!
Anonymous, at 4/02/2008 12:52 PM
Yeh, praise God for the Kyiv news! Trust He'll do great things there as with all the World Tour stops!
Thanks too for the last podcasts, love them! Keep them coming guys!
Boaly, at 4/02/2008 4:55 PM
I heard back from the family serving orphans in Kyiv and they are excited about the Passion conference! Here's an excerpt:
"Dawn, Wow! Thank you, this is the first I have heard of this. My mind is racing of ideas to invite some of the graduates of the orphanage to this concert. Thanks for letting us know. I'm sure the news is spreading fast now."
I can't help but think of Chris' "Let God Arise" where he sings "Watch the waters part before us now/Come and see what He has done for us/Tell the world of His great love/Our God is a God who saves". It's awesome that we can approach the throne boldly because of what Jesus did for us and wait expectantly for God to work! I know He'll "part the waters" as you all "tell the world of His great love". God's going to do great things in Atlanta, Kyiv, and beyond!
In Him,
Psalm 5:3
Anonymous, at 4/02/2008 5:28 PM
we are a group from Destin Florida looking for two tickets. We will take one if at all possible. Please email at Thank you!
Anonymous, at 4/03/2008 12:07 AM
We are a group from Virginia. We need ten tickets! We wiil take anything... Please contact me at or We have evrything ready to come!!! ANYONE who will not be using their tickets... please let us know!!!
Anonymous, at 4/03/2008 11:00 AM
If anyone would like to transfer their tickets, please let us know. We are a group of ten students who are ready to come to Atlanta from Virginia. We are part of Iglesia Nueva Jerusalen. Please let us know if you know of anyone who has extra tickets or someone who might want to transfer them. We will take any amount of tickets you have. Please contact me at or my sister Jael @ Thank you! God Bless!!!!
Anonymous, at 4/03/2008 12:21 PM
answered prayers that atl is full
looking for TWO tickets to transfer
PLEASE email
thank you and God Bless
Newlin Family, at 4/03/2008 12:47 PM
I arrive in Kiev tonight and I'll be there next month, lord willing!
Ministry Happens in Ukraine, at 4/04/2008 10:58 AM
hey if anyone signed up and is now unable to go, my friend and i would really like to so please let us know and we can transfer the money!
Anonymous, at 4/04/2008 7:56 PM
I'm honored to be part of this big family...thanks Louie to not let us feel forgotten...I am far from Atlanta and Kyiv but I am happy to hear that Atlanta is sold out and Kyiv sooner will be :)
I pray for all those guys that will go to Atlanta and Kyiv...I pray that they will be fired up by God's presence, I pray that they will entwine their souls with Jesus, with His love and with His will!
I present these events before the throne of our powerful and merciful God. Thank you Jesus cause your grace will always be enough!!!
Ps:I will come to Passion Paris from Italy...I signed up and booked the fly!!!!I'm surely coming!!!
I want to tell you how this happened.
For my first degree my parents decided to give me a trip as a gift...I had to decide the destination...and when I see that you were coming to Paris...I decided that Paris would have been the destination!!!!So Passion Paris would be a special gift for me!!!
I think that this is a special gift from I have to thank firstly Him...He is AMAZING!!!
I'm really excited about it!!
Secondly I want to thank you!!Coming nearer you make this possible...for many people like me!!
Anonymous, at 4/05/2008 12:43 PM
If anyone has 2 tickets for the Atlanta Regional they would be willing to sell, please email me at or call 404-234-4875 (randy)
Anonymous, at 4/05/2008 2:31 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous, at 4/05/2008 11:04 PM
I am so stoked about ATL! My small group and I will be the small group from Conway, SC (close to Myrtle Beach)who is having the most fun out of anyone there! We are all so excited to worship with the very people who have helped to teach us what exactly worshipping the Ultimate God means. There are two of us who are celebrating birthdays this coming up week (my 21st is Tuesday and a friend of mine's 22nd is on Friday). We are so stoked to be celebrating our births with people worshipping the One who birthed us for a purpose.
We love you guys and are praying for all of you!
Anonymous, at 4/05/2008 11:12 PM
excited about atlanta!!
Anonymous, at 4/06/2008 12:01 AM
Looking for 10 tickets for students from KY...please email if you can help us. Money is ready to be sent from church.
The Norton 7, at 4/07/2008 9:56 PM
Praying for Atlanta this weekend!!
Anonymous, at 4/11/2008 11:53 PM
Hello Louie and Shelly,
My name is Evelina. I was at the Passion-Atlanta this weekend. That was the most AMAZING conference ever in my life!!!! It really changed my life. I came with some friends from Troy University, Al, but originaly I'm from Moldova, the boarder country with Ukraine. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw and heard that YOU guys are going to Kyiv!!! That is SO COOL!!!!! It is only few hours from my home city, I will tell all my friends to go!!! They cannot miss it!!!
Thank you for AMAZING work that you do to change our generation even world wide!!!
I will pray for your tour and especially for Kyiv!!!
May God bless you!!!
Evelina Dubceac
Evelina_D, at 4/13/2008 11:02 PM
Oh, Kyiv is definitely on!!! I've been promoting it here with my youth from «Нове життя» for months now... we are pumped!!! its on which is like a russian facebook! so yeah! Amen!
Joel Brown, at 4/16/2008 12:46 PM
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