We Believe
This quote opened a newsletter from a church we are linked with in one of the townships outside Cape Town, SA.
"People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are usually the ones who do."
I smiled reading the comment that followed: I don't know who Steve Jobs is, or what he did with his life, but I like this quote of his. It reminds me that faith is believing in things unseen, and that God is doing powerful things through crazy people who believe he can...and will.
Funny, they have no clue who Steve Jobs is. And true.
I've been at GMA this week in Nashville, and every conversation or interview comes back to the same topic, brought up by people with looks that are part "that's amazing," part "are you crazy," and part "thank God it's you and not me" as they say, so I hear Passion is about to launch a world tour!?!?
I've found myself quietly thinking, we are crazy! But we believe we are going to see God do amazing things! And more than ever I'm convinced we need a movement of prayer like nothing we've ever seen before. I'm not talking about a nice post or a few words on our behalf, but a wave of people who feel engaged by the Holy Spirit to kneel down and carry this journey with us. I'll let Him lead you as to how you can be a part of this growing wave, but I am humbly asking on behalf of our team that you consider what role you can play as you believe with us for what He alone can do.
It's not First Monday...but a few brief updates as we form a global prayer triangle and believe together. :)
Mexico City. We mentioned at passion Atlanta we lost our venue. It's back on the table and we need it to solidify soon.
Kiev. Lot's of bureaucratic and governmental hurdles. Word needs to spread.
Stockholm. Pray for clarity with key leaders there.
Sap Paulo. Space is going fast. Pray the right people will be in the building.
Kampala. Massive details for this outdoor event. People to share workload. Many things outside our control.
Paris. Very slow response. Can this really happen, God?
London. Students coming back from term break this week. Vision needs to be spreading rapidly.
We will update with many more needs along the way, trusting an army will be behind us each step of the way.
To make Jesus famous,
Praise God that He is faithful! My knees will hit the floor and believers will come together to lift up His fame. Lord I praise you that you are powerful beyond our rekoning and that you are worthy of our trust. We trust you in this moment, and wait for you.
Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 11:05 PM
my knees, too.
Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 11:07 PM
steve jobs is the creator/ceo of apple.
rachel, at 4/22/2008 11:39 PM
MIAMI was at ATLANTA, MIAMI will be in MEXICO CITY. MIAMI will be praying earnestly for the WORLD TOUR! this will happen... and i can sense the roaring of the 10,000 in Atlanta... all over the world!
Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 12:47 AM
Praying for you, that the Lord will go before you...preparing the way in each city... making a way where it presently seems there is no way... that the dealings with those in authority in each city would be saturated with the favor of God...that doors would be opened which to this point have been shut...for His covering on each team member in every city(health, family, safety, unity)... that each person God has in mind to hear the message He's given you to share would be drawn to attend and not be kept from it... for God to prepare their hearts and minds in the weeks & days before, so they will have focus on what He wants to share with each person...for ears to hear and hearts to respond... for each person to be drawn closer in their walk with Him...for the local churches to be connected and help make these nights ones which have lasting impact on their people and cities for Christ.
praying with you 268gen~
Kimmer, at 4/23/2008 1:28 AM
I hope this comes as some reassurance for your wave. As soon as I got back from Passion Atalanta I put all the tourdates on my calender, and set up a plan of prayer for each one so that I would remember not to just pray on the days you would be there, but also preparation for each indiviual event :) I hope that's of some comfort.
Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 4:16 AM
I'm praying for you...
Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 9:36 AM
OF COURSE IT CAN HAPPEN! Is anything too hard for God? But I will say that you all have got some nerve... because you are willing to take Jesus at His Word that He will draw all men to Himself when He is lifted up. So just keep lifting Him up- He'll take care of the rest!
My heart and prayers are with you all the way!
Aslan's Girl, at 4/23/2008 10:29 AM
Praise God, He will make it happen, to His glory and purpose for every person who attends every venue! I'll be among the army of prayer warriors behind you and the passion team.
Marcia B, at 4/23/2008 10:33 AM
I am on my knees!
psalmist, at 4/23/2008 10:57 AM
how many things has God done that seemed 'crazy' to our finite brains? Nothing is immpossible
Yes, I join you in prayer!
Anna, at 4/23/2008 12:15 PM
I am with the whole team and hope to bring this to the attention of others that they may also bathe it in prayer.
As the old Spiritual goes...
His Truth is Marching On...
Zach G, at 4/23/2008 12:55 PM
GOOD LUCK on The World Tour. I will keep the Passion Team/Ministry in my prayers.
Unknown, at 4/23/2008 2:07 PM
Yes Lord, raise up an army who will pray, alert them to pray and lead them in it. You know what needs to happen Lord and you know the hearts of those asking. We are expecting and believing great things for Your Kingdom to come!
Thank you Lord!
Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 7:13 PM
So be it!
Trust that the God who provides a peace beyond all understanding will go before you in all the cities of the world tour and pave the way for young people to rise up and say YES!
Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 11:14 PM
We are praying this over you all as you embark on this amazing journey.
Thanksgiving and Prayer :Ephesians 1
v 15For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 17I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
gail, at 4/23/2008 11:44 PM
This post shot like an arrow straight to my heart... Praying about how to be a part of this call to global prayer. Let's sound the charge!
Praying with you all and for you all as we believe and trust God for all that He has in store during these amazing times...
Joshua 21:45,
"Not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled."
sandra r., at 4/24/2008 12:28 AM
Thanks for the updates! God really laid Paris on my heart at Dallas, and I've been praying every day that God will cause life and breath to be breathed into that city through the work of your ministry.
I normally just read the posts for information to pray about, but today your post reminded me of the sermon of Eze. 37. (It’s been going around in my area.) My favorite part is when God askes Ezekiel, "Son of man, can these bones live?" Ezekiel's response is "O Lord God, You know." It's my favorite part because Ezekiel knew that when something looks impossible, God knows what to do. My Lord God knows how to make dry bones live!
Many prayers go before you and with you, so that God's glory can be proclaimed throughout this world; and so that this generation can live and stand as "an exceedingly great army."
And remember they thought Ezekiel was crazy, too. So I think we're in good company. :)
Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 12:52 AM
"Steve Jobs (born Steven Paul Jobs on February 24, 1955) is the CEO, chairman and co-founder of Apple Inc., and is the founder of Pixar Animation Studios and was its CEO until its acquisition by the Walt Disney Company in 2006." - wikipedia
To all my fellow South Africans reading this blog... now we know who Steve Jobs is :)
(I also didn't know... but now I do!)
Praying for you guys from over here in Cape Town!
annami, at 4/24/2008 4:11 AM
Louie and everyone else reading this blog, check out this verse;
Habakkuk 1:5;
The Lord 's Answer
5 "Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.
notice the last line there. "that you not beleive even if you were told".
God has done SO many great things and He has told you and shown you SO much more that He is going to do. I COMPLETELY believe that he is going to KNOCK you socks off! As you know:
how great,
chris huff
Unknown, at 4/24/2008 9:33 AM
oh, and i WILL be on my knees for you and the entire team! i will also be praying for safety and that God allows the right people to show up at each stop. Louie remember the words of Francis in Atlanta..."how much more can the Holy Spirit do?"
love you guys!!
Unknown, at 4/24/2008 9:36 AM
"My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit-- not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength-- that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything, you know-- far more that you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all mellennia! Oh, yes!" -- Ephesians 3:14-21 (The Message)
Passion:Atlanta changed my life and I cannot wait to see what Passion:World Tour is going to do for people around the world. I'm praying for the World Tour. God is going to do amazing things! Our God is great and worth a thousand Hallelujahs!
Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 11:10 AM
"But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not "Yes" and "No." For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by me and Silas and Timothy, was not "Yes" and "No," but in Him it has always been "Yes." For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 1:18/20
Just as we are called to say "Yes" to Christ, He says "Yes" back to us, for the sake of His glory.
Let's not be people who just talk a good game, but let us remember eternity is on the line for many people. May God stir in us a passion for prayer to come before His throne with humble confidence. Church, we need to rise up on our knees and pray, not just say we will, but do it!
Louie, we are with you and the team. Anytime you can send us info, we'll pray over each request. We know the implications of what God is going to do is beyond anything we can imagine. We will do our part in prayer and ask for Him to come, ask for Him to show Himself, and ask Him to make Himself known to many!! We love you guys!!!
I also thought it was awesome when Natalie Grant quoted "God of This City" in her speech at the GMA's last night.
Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 12:25 PM
definitely on our knees!
Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 2:02 PM
I collected a prayer team to support me in ministry among college women. Today, as I prayed for those who have committed to lift up the gals and I this coming year, I began to realize how honoring it is to have prayer support. Those praying are boldly relying on grace and approaching God to requst that His glory be made known. My part seems so small compared to their ministry as they stand before God's throne in honor of what He's doing - and asking that even more be done for His name's sake. The power and good nature of that blew me away today. I pray that believers will continue to rise up in prayer for God's work along the path of the World Tour. What an amazing opportunity to serve, an opportunity that draws me personally closer to the Glorious One himself!
Kendra, at 4/24/2008 2:35 PM
You all are in my prayers!!!
I was at Passion Atlanta 08. My very first Passion event.I just want you to know that the Lord changed my life through the Word at that event. God is on the move. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
Shaina, at 4/24/2008 4:39 PM
all that i can say is that every time i hear of/think of the world tour i just get PUMPED! we serve a BIG GOD who is head over heels for his children, and i am simply believing that many students will come to know Christ for the very FIRST time and the tour is going to be a celebration and a roar that us Americans have never even heard(reguardless of 9,000 or 24,000 students). Its going to be a whole different noise. im hoping and praying but i sense that i already know becasue i wait in expectation on the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE! God. God that was. God that is. and God who is to come. He's comming! He just needs a body to beleive it. Expect it. ask. seek. knock. recieve.
Anonymous, at 4/25/2008 12:04 AM
We are pleading with God to do even greater things than He did at the Regionals. He will shine!
Is the Atlanta intro going to be on the Passion Regionals DVD? That would just be so amazing.
Anonymous, at 4/25/2008 2:53 AM
FYI - seems like the link for the banner doesn't work. Cool banner ... looking forward to hearing all that will happen with the World Tour. Will continue to pray. :D
Anonymous, at 4/25/2008 4:45 PM
Anonymous, at 4/25/2008 6:21 PM
soaking this tour in prayer.
Joe, at 4/25/2008 8:24 PM
Praying and believing in advance for all God wants and will do in and thru you all and all who attend the world tours.
May He be greatly exalted and lifted high!
Liz, at 4/26/2008 7:21 PM
Today at church, my Sunday School class agreed to pray for Passion Around the World. Passion Regionals in Atlanta changed my son's life and God laid it on my heart to ask our class to join others in prayer for this Movement to make His fame known around the world!
Anonymous, at 4/27/2008 4:45 PM
Hey, Can't wait for London. Praying for the others, especially Paris/France. From what I hear its quite a secular country and even though it is so close to the UK its often hard to the Gospel.
It can Happen/
In Him
Anonymous, at 4/27/2008 7:56 PM
Won't say more than the World Tour has been on my heart since Passion Boston! I have it in my prayer journal and pray for great things to happen...thanks Louie for the specifics to pray about.
Anonymous, at 4/27/2008 8:25 PM
Hey Louie... Please bring some of those Lennys lunch boxes to London! YUM!
We are with you!
Anonymous, at 4/28/2008 10:44 AM
I shared that quote from Apple a few weeks ago with my class of college students here in China. All the students gasped with disbelief as i told them it's my ambition to change the world. Of course, i was unable to tell them who the real world changer is and that i'm just hoping to be a part of what He is doing. But, i hope the idea of global change began to sink into their heads. It looks and feels different in China, but i'm convinced a wave of grace and mercy and love will wash over this planet.
Biscuet, at 4/28/2008 8:37 PM
So excited for what God will do with all of this. This world is in such hurt right now, I believe that revival could happen with this generation. God is calling you to something very unique in history, Renee and I, as always will go with you in prayer.
Thanks for all you do and the whole passion team and all of the speakers and lead worshippers. Our lives are different because of you, may theirs be as well, all to the glory of the most high God.
Anonymous, at 4/28/2008 10:21 PM
i think it is amazing that you are going on a world tour. it is perfect timing in a sense, to call people everywhere to join in and remember who God is, what he has done and the greatness of his name. i sense in my own generation a forgetfulness/staleness/ignorance, and if we do not have leaders to show us.. to encourage us on to follow after God, to seek his face, to bow down worship and pray, then who will? if there is not a preacher how will they hear the word? for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. i thank God for you for your vision and for your courage to step out in faith and see God rock the house for His name and His glory, that is truly His desire and i am blesed to join in with you and pray for such a worthy cause, a noble mission. i thank God for u.
Anonymous, at 4/29/2008 2:01 AM
praying for you guys...and believing for ridiculousness.
Anonymous, at 5/01/2008 4:45 AM
May first= Pray day!
Cristina, at 5/01/2008 5:18 PM
Stir up our hearts, oh God
Open our spirits to awe who You are
Put a cry in us
so deep inside
that we cannot find
the words we need
We just weep and cry out to You.
This song was running on my iTunes just as I was reading about the slow response from Paris - God is powerful and it can really happen! We'll be praying that God moves in the hearts of those in Paris.
ali, at 5/01/2008 6:03 PM
Praise unto GOD's Name. I pray that GOD will provide whatever is needed for the Passion World Tour.
I'm in Indonesia and I'm very excited to know that you are coming here. Lord Jesus will definitely make a difference through your ministry here in Jakarta! I first heard about you in Maui when one of our faculties was facilitating our Christian Leadership session. And Laminin rocks!!
And I'm now listening to Passion Podcast also...
Be assured that we are praying for you!!!
johnson chalis, at 5/06/2008 5:08 AM
I'm french and I'm looking forward to Passion World Tour in Paris. Less than a month to wait...
I read what you all write about Paris, and I'd first like to reassure you : french people are like that, it's in their nature to do things lately. I know by faith and by experience that people will respond, and 10€ is not so expensive for student to pay.
Talking about PWT in Paris, I'd like to contact somebody in charge of the thing in Paris. I know there's is the (very nice) website, but I'd like to answer volunteering in a specific way : I'm a photographer, and I've been involved in a lot of christian festival and concert in France, and I'd like to be a photographer for PTW in Paris. I don't know if anybody else do that for the moment, but that's my gift and I really want to serve.
And if it works, I'd be really happy to contact some people in Paris to let them know about the event, to promote it in churches and Youth groups there.
Perhaps Matt Redman can give me credit. I've been involved in Pentecôte 2007 in Valence (you can find videos of the event here -not mine- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTgIRx8QJLU&feature=related)
I did public relatoins, I was there with Matt and the guys, took some pictures. i remeber a great time : it wasn't planned so we did have to write all the lyrics to give to broadcasting team, and I've been alone with Matt telling me and me writing on his computer...Nice and peaceful!
OK, I talked too much. I hope to have some news and informations about the people I can reach in Paris.
Thanks anyway, be blessed all the team!
Anonymous, at 5/08/2008 10:37 AM
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