Full Plate For Day Two
OK, so I didn't do too good with the camera today, but we are working on getting some pics on the Passion 06 site...maybe late tomorrow or Thursday. For now, you'll have to use your imagination.
It's bee an amazingly full day. We have been walking in the statement God made in Psalm 81.. "I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt; open wide your mouth and I will fill it."
So we've opened our mouths wide (with His help) and, man, has He put more in them than we would think could fit.
I really can't recap the whole journey of today, just to say that students and leaders are abandoning empty wells (Jer 2:17) and grappling with the entrance of sin into the world for the purpose of God's glory being magnified in the suffering of Christ.
I feel like we are just beginning to scratch the surface, even though our hearts are swelling in worship with an army surrounding us and our heads are being stretched with truth.
We are praying these days will make history. Hoping. Louie
It's bee an amazingly full day. We have been walking in the statement God made in Psalm 81.. "I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt; open wide your mouth and I will fill it."
So we've opened our mouths wide (with His help) and, man, has He put more in them than we would think could fit.
I really can't recap the whole journey of today, just to say that students and leaders are abandoning empty wells (Jer 2:17) and grappling with the entrance of sin into the world for the purpose of God's glory being magnified in the suffering of Christ.
I feel like we are just beginning to scratch the surface, even though our hearts are swelling in worship with an army surrounding us and our heads are being stretched with truth.
We are praying these days will make history. Hoping. Louie
Praying intensely for all during Passion 06- wish I could be there again this year but I anticipate the stories from my peers and, more importantly, the transformations through Christ this week that will infiltrate into our campuses, our nation, and our world in desperate need of Him, our Vine!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2006 12:42 AM
dude Passion is amazing. im sitting in the hotel lobby just reflecting on all that we've learned today. I totally needed to hear what Dr. Piper said this morning. Coming from a Pastor's home, my walk with Christ has been tried so many times. My dad is my hero for dealing with all that he has to on a daily basis. I just praise God that HE is the one ordaining every bad thing that happens not because he enjoys it but like Dr. Piper said, HE uses affliction to accomplish HIS heart's desire for our lives. PRAISE GOD FOR ALL HE'S DOING!!!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2006 1:12 AM
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Anonymous, at 1/04/2006 1:38 AM
Hello Louie and Shelly!!Praise God for the truth that is being expounded at Passion 06. What an awesome thought that God's glory is magnified in the suffering of Jesus.Thank You Jesus!!!Thank you too God for these revelations and may every heart at Passion be changed by them. Louie, these day are making His story glorious by the sound of all that you wrote today.Pour out Your Spirit Lord on the rest of Passion.From far away Australia our prayers go out to you.
gail, at 1/04/2006 1:59 AM
Hey Mr.Giglio
WOW sounds like Passion is going great!!I am praying along with you all!!I think Passion is so awesome!!It so wonderful seeing thousands of people comming together to Glorify Gods name!!
God Bless
FanofGOD, at 1/04/2006 8:55 AM
As you begin the day in Community Groups I'm praying the Lord will truly pour out His Spirit of unity and community not just on your group, but on the entire family of 18,500+ present. May God speak to every heart His "rhema," personal, specific words into your lives, throughout the day - through each speaker, worship leader, and conversation, may He continue unwrapping the gifts of vision, calling, and empowerment for each of you!
Marcia, at 1/04/2006 10:02 AM
Louie, I was at the one-night event in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I think it's amazing how those of us who are not in Nashville with you are still praying from around the world. May He bless you with His strength to get through the last stretch of Passion '06 :)
Praising the same God from Canada -Jeremy
Anonymous, at 1/04/2006 10:42 AM
This is what it all boils down to, His Name, His Renown...
D <><
David B, at 1/04/2006 4:56 PM
all i can say is...PRAISE GOD...
thank you Father for giving me the precious opportunity to be here, gathered with so many believers IN YOUR NAME who are brimming over with passion for YOU!
thank you louie and the countless others who have put hours and hours and hours of work into this. i believe faithfully that God is working in each student's heart and, God willing, the 268 generation WILL change history!
praise the King!!
Anonymous, at 1/04/2006 6:19 PM
You know that whole "Be" message? That the Word "Be-came" flesh and all that?
Something that hit me hard was the many martyrs who were Be-headed for their faith.
I think that about says it, eh?
tonymyles, at 1/05/2006 12:08 AM
My friends and I are having a hard time understanding John Piper's first talk about God ordaining/permitting sin to come into the world. We wonder why God would do such a thing? One person with me said it seems like God set us up to fail by putting that temptation in front of us. The argument that says there must be a choice for love to be true (meaning more than one option to love) just isn't a good enough answer.
If the end of this story is a Heaven with no sin and no ability to sin, why didn't we start there? Why did we have to go through all of this? If God knew what we would do, it feels somewhat like we have become puppets in this grand story. I work full time in a pastoral role, and I am communicating the things that have been asked of me. I haven't been able to answer the questions in a way that sets this whole thing straight.
Is there any way to ask John Piper or Louie Giglio directly?
Ryan Guard, at 1/05/2006 7:14 PM
The following article by John Piper ("Is God Less Glorious Because He Ordained that Evil Be?") addresses the questions you pose.
Like all Piper's work, it is a challenging read. But the spirit of truth is in it. Piper's bottom line conclusion?...it's all about God's glory. Amen.
As I age in the faith, and wrestle with the difficult questions like those you pose, I must rely more and more on the Spirit-led conviction that God is not like us, that His ways are not our ways. There are times, when I must just rest in the assurance of 1 Corinthians 13:12:
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
Peace to you brother, as you wrestle with the weighty issue of God's sovereignty. One day, in His glorious presence, our understanding will be complete.
zephaniah3:17, at 1/06/2006 4:38 PM
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Ryan Guard, at 1/06/2006 5:05 PM
Thank you Lisa, that link was very helpful. It didn't answer all of my questions, but I didn't expect it to. It actually raised a dozen more questions (which is a good thing).
Ryan Guard, at 1/07/2006 1:13 AM
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