Our Heads Are Spinning...And Oh My, Omaha!
Ahhhh. The Heartland.
Had a lovely day in Omaha, NE, yesterday. The core of this fine nation. The heartland of America. We worshipped among the "Big Red nation" last night with an over-packed house on the outskirts of the city (granted, it's not too far to the outskirts of this sprawling metropolis!) with, once again, some really hungry people. We use the phrase a lot (hungry), but what I mean is they seemed to appreciate the chance to gather as His people in the city...and I don't know, maybe stuff like the Indescribable Tour doesn't hit Bellevue, NE, that often. So they came early, sat outside and filled the place an hour before the night began, and they went for it...went for Jesus...and though I'm not sure the Passion Movement has a strong foothold in Nebraska (yet!) I'm pretty sure we heard a resurgence of the party clap! After a brief hiatus (Saginaw is not down with the clap as of yet, but that's OK, you guys have become special friends anyway!) some of you Passion people must have been back with us in Omaha. As Matt would say, "Nice one."
Chris, Matt and I connected with beautiful people during the day, new friends in a community called WordMadeFlesh who are living among the poorest of the world's poor in the name of Jesus. They live among the brothels of India and the slums of South America (and other places) because that's where the heart of God is. You should check out what God is doing through them. Stirring. Hopeful. The stuff of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And what a week. On our day off Wednesday at the lovely Fairfield Inn (and Suites!) in Davenport, Iowa, we received the news that sixsteps made off with a ton of nominations for this year's Dove Awards. Crazy stuff. If you haven't connected the dots yet, sixstepsrecords and Passion are one and the same, the label being an extension of our Passion family and a way to broadcast these anthems of His fame far and wide to as many people as possible. Our aim has never been dollars, nor acclaim, rather our road is a determined path of excellence, desiring to serve His emerging Bride with songs of hope and redemption. So, as a radio interviewer asked me yesterday, how did you and Chris take the news?, I responded, Well, we looked at each other across the room at the (aforementioned) Davenport Fairfield Inn (and Suites) and said, 'What?? Crazy!' Then we walked across the street to Panerra Bread and had lunch."
Oh, I don't mean we took it lightly. We were floored... honored to be recognized, not by a "distant industry," but by many other servants on the music side of things who have become our friends as we have walked together over the past few years in label world. But though we grabbed the headlines, our eyes are on Jesus. That's why it was fitting that the announcements reached us on the road...the glamorous road of Fairfield Inns, and bus rides through the night and separation from families we love...for what? For the chance to turn up the volume of His song together with His people, and for the sake of the "least and last of these" in the whole world. Thank you GMA friends for your kind gesture. With you, we want it all to make His name great in this generation.
Long Blog, I know, but it's the weekend and you have extra time to read, so let me just add that your excitement/anticipation/please hurry up I can't wait feeling about/for the Passion 06 CD [Everything Glorious] will be met by much happiness! The mixes are sounding great, filled with the intensity and exuberance of an army running after Him and to the world. Keep praying as we finish the job! More to come.
Had a lovely day in Omaha, NE, yesterday. The core of this fine nation. The heartland of America. We worshipped among the "Big Red nation" last night with an over-packed house on the outskirts of the city (granted, it's not too far to the outskirts of this sprawling metropolis!) with, once again, some really hungry people. We use the phrase a lot (hungry), but what I mean is they seemed to appreciate the chance to gather as His people in the city...and I don't know, maybe stuff like the Indescribable Tour doesn't hit Bellevue, NE, that often. So they came early, sat outside and filled the place an hour before the night began, and they went for it...went for Jesus...and though I'm not sure the Passion Movement has a strong foothold in Nebraska (yet!) I'm pretty sure we heard a resurgence of the party clap! After a brief hiatus (Saginaw is not down with the clap as of yet, but that's OK, you guys have become special friends anyway!) some of you Passion people must have been back with us in Omaha. As Matt would say, "Nice one."
Chris, Matt and I connected with beautiful people during the day, new friends in a community called WordMadeFlesh who are living among the poorest of the world's poor in the name of Jesus. They live among the brothels of India and the slums of South America (and other places) because that's where the heart of God is. You should check out what God is doing through them. Stirring. Hopeful. The stuff of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And what a week. On our day off Wednesday at the lovely Fairfield Inn (and Suites!) in Davenport, Iowa, we received the news that sixsteps made off with a ton of nominations for this year's Dove Awards. Crazy stuff. If you haven't connected the dots yet, sixstepsrecords and Passion are one and the same, the label being an extension of our Passion family and a way to broadcast these anthems of His fame far and wide to as many people as possible. Our aim has never been dollars, nor acclaim, rather our road is a determined path of excellence, desiring to serve His emerging Bride with songs of hope and redemption. So, as a radio interviewer asked me yesterday, how did you and Chris take the news?, I responded, Well, we looked at each other across the room at the (aforementioned) Davenport Fairfield Inn (and Suites) and said, 'What?? Crazy!' Then we walked across the street to Panerra Bread and had lunch."
Oh, I don't mean we took it lightly. We were floored... honored to be recognized, not by a "distant industry," but by many other servants on the music side of things who have become our friends as we have walked together over the past few years in label world. But though we grabbed the headlines, our eyes are on Jesus. That's why it was fitting that the announcements reached us on the road...the glamorous road of Fairfield Inns, and bus rides through the night and separation from families we love...for what? For the chance to turn up the volume of His song together with His people, and for the sake of the "least and last of these" in the whole world. Thank you GMA friends for your kind gesture. With you, we want it all to make His name great in this generation.
Long Blog, I know, but it's the weekend and you have extra time to read, so let me just add that your excitement/anticipation/please hurry up I can't wait feeling about/for the Passion 06 CD [Everything Glorious] will be met by much happiness! The mixes are sounding great, filled with the intensity and exuberance of an army running after Him and to the world. Keep praying as we finish the job! More to come.
holy cow! you guys are coming to tyler, tx! see y'all there for sure!!
(they made an announcement in chapel today and i nearly died, i started telling everyone how much they needed to go to this concert!)
Anonymous, at 2/03/2006 1:55 PM
it's been a blessing to see and read about your experiences as you are on the road touring again. i praise and give thanks to God for the way passion has brought people together all around the US and how passion is even beginning to connect people from around the world. may God continue to use you and the passion team as His servants to spread His fame and His renown.
terence <><
Anonymous, at 2/03/2006 2:17 PM
Speaking of being hands and feet to those who need Christ in every way, shape and form... i just wanted to see if there is anyone out there checkin' in from Springfield, MO who wants to get their hands dirty and feet wet serving our glorious Father in center city.
We are in the process of planting a church in downtown Springfield so that this highly unreached group of people WHOM GOD LOVES may experience Christ incarnate in His bride. If you're in the area and feel God leading you to throw your life upon Him for the sake of downtown Springfield and the 40,000 college students in the close vicinity, or if you'd like to keep in touch to pray and encourage us, check in with us at our website: www.thecoredowntown.com. I'm HTML ignorant, so i have no clue how to do links, so you'll just have to copy and paste.
Much love to all of you.
Beloved, at 2/03/2006 2:34 PM
Praise God for how He is doing an awesome work through ya'll. I am happy to hear that Sixsteps is in the running for Dove awards. I can hardly wait for ya'll to come to Birmingham, AL. This was my first year to go to Passion, and I am anticipantly waiting for Passion '07. Thanks Louie, Chris, David, Matt, and Charlie for all that you guys do to spread His fame and renown. I am praying for ya'll.
Anonymous, at 2/03/2006 3:00 PM
Louie, i was wondering if you knew of any logistics problems there have been with Charlie's new CD. I'm in Memphis, TN and can't find it ANYWHERE. any help would be great.
oh yeah. and you should go to http://www.invisiblechildren.com
the movement is awesome.
Anonymous, at 2/03/2006 3:37 PM
see ya tonight in WI!!! its kinda cold.. make sure you have a jacket!!
Anonymous, at 2/03/2006 4:18 PM
Ephesians 4:2-6
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called—one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
zephaniah3:17, at 2/03/2006 5:38 PM
so brad, what is real ministry? have you ever thought that maybe they aren't the problem? that there is indeed something greater going on? you're in my prayers amigo. as bono told the president at the prayer breakfast, our beliefs shouldn't divide us, but rather unite us. instead of always tearing down one another, why don't we encourage and build up?
Anonymous, at 2/03/2006 5:41 PM
Charlie's Cd is in a special limited release. You can get it at:
Amazon, 268store.com and other places online
Mardel Bokstores and Hastings Music Stores
and iTunes.
It's worth the effort!
268gen, at 2/03/2006 6:11 PM
Long blogs are good blogs. they let you really express how you feel. and the Lord really taught you well. its amazing how yall dont jump in the spot light and take the glory when the chance is given to you like this. i am a big fan of the little leaders chapter in your new book. be as john and give all Glory to the only One that truly deserves any... Jesus. thank you 268 for everything yall are doing. cant wait for everything glorious. will be praying always.
will polley, at 2/03/2006 6:26 PM
What's up Louie...
I was so excited when I heard about the sixsteps nominations in the Doves. That's so awesome... I'm sure next year Charlie will be there. What an amazing CD! You guys are great and I love how much you care about us college students... you're an awesome communicator and one of the best out there. Tell Chris, Matt, and their guys that they are amazing for what they do and how they allow God to use them in their lives. I can't wait for you guys to get to Athens in just 13 short days! Trust me when I say that it can't come any sooner!
Anonymous, at 2/03/2006 8:07 PM
how long must we wait for a track listing? what i wouldn't give...
Anonymous, at 2/04/2006 3:00 PM
again i post to thank all you guys for spreading Christ's love through the tour. i'm continually amazed every time i reflect on the "indescribable" message.
Louie, i'm taking you up on your passion challenge to memorize colossians. prayerfully, by the time passion 07 rolls around, i'll have that much of God's word memorized.
in Him
Anonymous, at 2/04/2006 4:21 PM
awesome seeing Jesus at the center of all you do!
any chance we can get a sample of the new cd on the blog??????
Anonymous, at 2/04/2006 4:45 PM
Hey Louie! I have just finished a night where our 2 worship teams got together for some dinner, and we watched half of your 722 series on worship. I just have to thank ya for putting that on dvd, I have no doubt everybody got something awesome out of it. God bless, travel safe!
Josh, at 2/05/2006 12:06 AM
i would love to see you guys again , but im sad i wont be able to be at either auburn al. or the birmingham stop , but some friends are going one who went to passion and hes very excited!, and the cd .dvd and the bundel i cant wiat! for!- it will just make jan. o7 get here quicker!.. yeah!-
be blessed guys..
i will rise up and your mercy is new and it causes me to sing to you!
Anonymous, at 2/05/2006 5:23 PM
Know what would be really cool Louie!?! If after yall get done with the tour in Austin, Texas, that yall would make the 8 hour drive and come to Amarillo, TX for the tour!! That would be so awesome!!! Hope yall are having fun on the tour, I'm praying for yall!
Anonymous, at 2/05/2006 7:25 PM
Louie and other hard working Passion Folks
I have truly enjoyed reading this blog. It is great to see how the Passion movement is ministering with excellence and, most notably, humility. I have been following the Passion movement since the summer of 1998 when I got, as a gift, the Passion 98 CD. To this day I cannot explain what God started in me with that CD. What I do know is that I was at Passion 99 as a student, and back at Passion 06 with a group of students, to which I minister.
Louie, I must say that hearing you talk about the CIRP survey got my attention (we were the small group that screamed when you mentioned Florida State, proud Noles). My student friends may have been a little bit of a distraction when they screamed, but they have an increasing desire to see God glorified at FSU and the other Tallahassee schools. They work hard and have such desire. It was neat to see the small role our little spot on the map played in the Passion movement.
Louie and all the other in front of the scenes and behind the scenes folks, thank you for the work, time, prayer, and other general sacrifice; and by all means, congratulations on the Dove Awards nominations.
May God be glorified in what you folks do.
Oh, by the way. I look forward to Thirsty.
Kevin, at 2/06/2006 12:56 AM
just wanted to let you know...a revival broke out at Asbury College this morning...chapel started at 10 am, and it isn't over yet. God is here, and it's...i have no words. hearts are breaking, souls are healing, the Spirit is descending. anyway, wanted to tell you that we're singing lots and lots of sixsteps songs...not because we think they're great, but because they're helping give us words to go with what's going. thought you'd like to hear that the songs God gave you all are being used as the stuff of revival...and we hope that you'll stand in prayer with us and say Right On to what He's doing here.
Anonymous, at 2/06/2006 1:26 PM
I had the honor of worshiping with all of you at Oak Creek in WI. I just moved to Kenosha WI about 4 weeks ago from Kentucky and was over joyed to hear you were in the area. I loved it! As a children's minister I find I don't always get the chance to worship with my local church family. Friday night in Oak Creek my heart was touched and I was swept off my feet as I worship with my CHURCH FAMILY. You were a blessing to me and I'm sure you are to everyone else who hears you. May God continue to bless all of your ministries.
Heather J.
Anonymous, at 2/06/2006 4:24 PM
hey there!!!
this may sound wacked to you, but I am house sitting for a month and I am allowed to use their com. anywho sorry for off topic but at home on mine I could not get to this blog????? I am gonna try again but on this one I can!!! praise God for the small things!! and just wanted to tell that is great ya had a blessed time in Omaha!! and I watched your clip of when you took a run down the freeway in N.Y by mistake. funny and your so on about tasting and seeing the Lord is good!!!
well rest up and keep on the straight and narrow with our splended King!!!
Liz, at 2/06/2006 6:27 PM
24 hours till your stop in South Bend!! So so pumped!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 2/06/2006 7:30 PM
@eliz google was having problems yesterday with the blogger and blog spot services. i was in the same boat as you. i enjoy reading how God is working in the lives of the folks that frequent this blog. :)
will polley, at 2/06/2006 8:12 PM
Louie and Shelly,
hi I would like to say that I love this minitry!!! you have blessed me and so many people around the world, it is amazing!!!!!
could I ask though for prayer, if you have time in your very busy schedules? I am for sure a child of the king, but at the moment i do not feel like one. i am stumped!
I am at a point in my life where I do not see any growth or blessings.
I do not know if it is because there is sin in my life or that I am not fully surrendering it all to Him, but there are some things I would like to see happen, and they are not. and it is discouraging me.It seems like others are getting this or that and I am striving and toiling.
well I am not very good with voicing my feelings clearly i feel but you get the jist I hope.
thank you. i guess just pray that Gods will be done in my life, not my own or anyone elses!!
Anonymous, at 2/07/2006 11:45 AM
so glad things are well! praying for you as you serve!
Anonymous, at 2/07/2006 1:09 PM
Hey Eliz
You said you watched a clip of Mr Giglio?Where did yu see that!!
Let me know I would like to see it!
Anonymous, at 2/07/2006 2:27 PM
on this same site there is choices and one of them is of Louies talks,under 268generation clic enter then you will see the choices, hope you are blessed!!! beth moore and john piper on on there i think as well.
have fun watching them.
Liz, at 2/07/2006 3:44 PM
looking forward to seeing you guys in auburn!! can we get a war eagle?? party??
Anonymous, at 2/07/2006 8:10 PM
Party in Auburn?! I thought 'Bama was the number one "Party School" in the state! :-)
Sorry to tease, Louie, but I think, honestly, this one's worth a thought: How about showing true brotherly love one of these days (can be 10 years from now for all I care), and inviting all Auburn brothers and sisters to meet up in T-Town for a giganteous worship session TOGETHER with the 'Bama crowd? Now, THAT would be worth a PARTY!!! And all I know, that both crowds together can make some serious NOISE!!!
Seriously, though, the astronomy-lovers question; you know... I was one of the few who clapped and yelled... Well, because where I grew up in Germany, church was just so watered down, but when I read "A Brief History of Time" (great book on astrophysics, explained in reasonably simple terms, by Stephen Hawking), now that really got me to think about God's greatness for the first time, and I distinctly remember drawing closer to Him during that time... I was about 14, or 16, who knows... long time ago!
Always praying for y'all...
Silke, at 2/07/2006 10:23 PM
Hey Anonymous who posted 2/7 11:45am
I'm not Louie or Shelly but I'll be praying for you.... that God washes over you with His presence and lovingkindness in a very tangible way. He is looking for ways to bless you.... sometimes we don't see Him working but He is all over it. I know it is hard sometimes... at times I struggle with similar thoughts & feelings too, but if we are seeking Him & His will (and it sounds like you are) we can trust that He is working in our lives even when we can't quite see the whole picture. Here's a quote from one of my pastors during a recent sermon on Ruth: "God cares about you (let that sink in).... God is at work, even when you can't see it... His loving heart is moving an invisible hand on your behalf... When you can't see His hand working, trust in His Heart to be working in your favor." Thanks so much for your honesty and sincere post...Also, you might consider reading Is. 61 (all) and Ps 27:13-14 ; they have been a blessing to me lately. There is also a video of LG's that comes to mind 'big picture God- little picture world' that might be helpful - you can find it by using the link on this site to 268 store...(I'm not affiliated in any way w/268 or trying to sell things -I just know I had found it encouraging and thought you might too)
Blessings to you! :)
Anonymous, at 2/07/2006 10:29 PM
To anonymous 2/7 @10:29
thanks for the encourage ment I will check those verses out and Louies message.
just want to be in His will even if I think it sucks at the moment and it seems not at all what I want .I need to trust Him, he knows what is best for me even if I can not see it yet or do not like it.
so thanks again.
Anonymous, at 2/07/2006 10:42 PM
I dont know if people will read this, or this will still be around, but i was in omaha and I was also in Nashville...and my heart and all my strength have gone into praying that the Passion movement would continue to sweep the midwest. More and more students are learning, but i still have classmates at UNI saying things liek "is that another cheesy Christian convention" and not "Passion, yes, I know that! Thats what God uses to show His face to thousands of college students! Praise God!". I'm frustrated, but persistant. Please be in prayer for the midwest...many know Jesus here, but the Holy Spirit seems a bit too crazy to address. May His spirit MOVE and be seen! And may Gods TRUE nad REAL presence continue to resound loudly in our HEARTland.
Anonymous, at 2/09/2006 12:09 AM
Anon from 2/7 11:45 am & 10:42 pm-
Are you still out there?
Did you find that LG msg I recommended? You know, I was in the 268store tonight and I don't currently see it. I am sorry, if you looked for it and were not able to find it. One thing it says is that "trials.. are unavoidable, leaving us to wonder where God is and what He's doing... God is always painting on a canvas much larger than we can see or imagine. As a result, we can cling to faith in the midst of the darkness, believing that God is working in every situation to Glorify His name, bring redemption to others and do in our lives what is very best". There are other msgs there which may be helpful; maybe the best thing would be to browse through there and see if you feel drawn to any particular one. Referenced a psalm in earlier post - what my pastor had mentioned about that psalm is that despite being in very dark times (when Saul was trying to kill him) David kept a heart to praise God and believe He was working for His will & for David's good -- before David could see or understand what God was doing and where this was going. That when we praise & worship God when we are in that situation, it helps shift our focus from our circumstances to Him...which magnifies Him, and also encourages us by reminding us that He is bigger than our circumstances. Praying for you
take care~
Anonymous, at 2/11/2006 12:36 AM
anon, 2/11 12;36,
hey i am here and thank you, things are still rough but God is allowing it for a reason. and even if nothing comes of this life i live here on earth i have to have faith that life will be different in heaven and will not go thru these things any more.
Anonymous, at 2/11/2006 10:11 PM
Your post is Fresh. You have a way with words...from the overflowing of your heart, I know. Keep it up. God is pleased. I'm also glad He works in such "Crazy" ways. Flips me out. Cheers & Prayers! Be encouraged as you continue...
Anonymous, at 2/12/2006 7:36 PM
Hey Anon 2/11
I have a new Message bible and I really like the way it puts Heb 11:1 - "The fundamental fact of existancde is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything which makes life worth living."
Anonymous, at 2/22/2006 12:23 AM
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