
But have no fear, everything is now squeaky-clean from the baseboards to the ceilings--and everything in between.
We have an amazing team (don't underestimate our small size!) and a really spiffy, fresh-smelling house to work in as we begin the long sprint to Passion 07. This pic came at the end of the day's efforts, and I didn't tell everyone we'd be posing for the Blog, so forgive our appearance.
We're off for a Memorial Day break. Hope yours is filled with friends, family and laughter.
Wow... I'm doing my best to pick myself off of the floor now I'm laughing so hard. It's good to see things are going well in the House though and that everyone's having fun! Hope things are going great as we venture towards CD and DVD releases and Passion07 is looming!!!
The BOB-O, at 5/25/2006 10:12 PM
looks like ya all had fun!!! does it not feel great to walk around the house after it is cleaned?I love that feeling, I do it everyday for some huge houses, but when I am done I feel like I have accomplished a peaceful and clean envorment for someone.
love that paint color by the way!
now ya can focus on the cool things for Jesus.
have a reflective weekend as you remember those who have served and gone before us in Jesus name!!
Liz, at 5/25/2006 10:18 PM
and were ya rocking I hope to some good tuneage as ya cleaned?? thats what makes a hard job funnnn!!!I am sure though it was hard to decide who to listen to.. so many choices, Tomlin.. Crowder.. Matty...excederaaaaa.
Liz, at 5/25/2006 10:23 PM
Love what you guys are doing! The mopping Revolution has begun! I'm from Brantford Ontario (an hour outside Toronto) and a pastor a young adult group right down the street from a Wilfred Laurier University campus www.freedomhouse.ca (many of which were at the TO night this winter). Please pray for God to open up the doors for influence!
Dave Carrol, at 5/25/2006 10:45 PM
hahaha, you know,I recently cleaned up my apartment, where I live with two other (christian) students...I feel so blessed that I have 2 christian roommates. They go to the same college as where I go which happens to be the only christian college in the Netherlands and has been chosen as the best college in the Netherlands by the students and the government! (www.che.nl) I'm so blessed!
In about 30 days I will hit the US again! Can't wait to see all my friends and to start my work as a campcounselor during this summer! Maine is a beautiful state!You should all go there during the summer! :-)The coast is so beautiful, and I live here in the netherlands near the coast, 5 minutes away from the beach, but the coast in Maine is so rough, so beautiful! Anyway I have to stop daydreaming and continue with what I was doing! Much Love, Jacoline
Jacoline, at 5/26/2006 6:49 AM
dq says
Anonymous, at 5/26/2006 6:51 AM
you guys rock!!
Anonymous, at 5/26/2006 10:11 AM
Hey,Nothing better than a fresh smelling squeaky clean house haha!!!Great picture!
Usually when my siblings and I are all doing our cleaning chores around the house we have to pump up some PASSION music!!I am telling ya it makes the cleaning go by so much faster as we jam to the music!!Love it Love it!!
Sounds like you all had fun doing it together haha.CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PASSION 06 DVD YAA.
God Bless
And have a great weekend!Take Care
FanofGOD, at 5/26/2006 12:15 PM
Prayers for you all for a brief season of rest...
Anonymous, at 5/26/2006 3:30 PM
sir dave carrol!
hey mate.
i am also from brantford.. one david wierzbicki.
freedom house is an amazing place. you and team are doing great things in the city's core . God is using you guys..
take care
Anonymous, at 5/27/2006 12:33 AM
The picture looks great even if you weren't posing for the blog! I'm sure it feels great to have the house all clean. When I have to clean i don't always like it, but it does feel good to do it. Have a great weekend!
Anonymous, at 5/27/2006 9:00 AM
Hey David... thanks for the encouragement! Love the art on the page btw!
Bless ya man!
Dave Carrol, at 5/27/2006 1:24 PM
hey, by rough estimates thats like...
one, two, cary the ten
thirteen rooms!
Anonymous, at 5/28/2006 12:03 AM
thanks for all you guys do!
Anonymous, at 5/28/2006 11:24 AM
Hey Louie! Great picture!! I was just stopping by to ask if you would please pray for my friend Brett and his friend Brian. They are setting out in a week or so on a mission journey around the United States. They have a website that can far better explain their trip than I can, so if you have a chance, please check it out... it's www.narrowroadtour.com. Thanks a bunch! I hope your Memorial Day weekend is a great one! :)
Anonymous, at 5/28/2006 6:54 PM
Luke McElroy is a great guy! I hope you are enjoying all of his wonderful talents that he has! God Bless You all!
Anonymous, at 5/28/2006 9:22 PM
groan... i miss the house (and everyone in it!) so much i'm even sad i missed out on the cleaning!!! much love...SS
Anonymous, at 5/28/2006 10:55 PM
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