Nails Not Necessary
Jesus affirmed...
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.
I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me just as the Father knows me and I know the Fatherand I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my lifeonly to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."
John 10:11-18
But something greater held Jesus to the cross.
Until he could not gasp for one more breath.
And the struggle thankfully ended.
He had done it.
Become sin.
Crushed under judgement.
Price paid.
Given all.
Now dead.
And rushed before sundown into a nearby tomb.
No one on earth was calling this good.
What a brilliant reminder of our savior on the cross. Thanks for keeping us in the right frame on mind for this blessed Easter weekend! I enjoyed meeting you at the Fox last night Louie!
Anonymous, at 4/15/2006 10:19 AM
"I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again."
And with him, us too! That's a crazy thought. Taken up from death. Raised to life. Thank you God for that!
Maybe that's why it's such an exciting thing for us to sing "oh praise the One who paid my debt, and raised this life up from the dead!"
Celebrate the risen Son!
Rob Greene, at 4/15/2006 10:20 AM
Jesus died for us. Jesus loves us. I want to be one of his sheep in his sheep fold. But I'm not and I don't exactly understand how to get there. But it is amazing that we have a shepherd who really loves us and wants to take care of us.
It must have hurt Jesus when he died. I get you are supposed to hurt when you are punished but that would hurt having nails pounded into your hands and feet. Hurts just thinking about it.
Thanks Louie for talking about it!
Anonymous, at 4/15/2006 10:21 AM
He chose the nails. It is almost crippling to be the object of such complete love. He obeyed the Father out of love, a love that spills out on me today. I pray that my choices are as deliberate. Jesus, be glorified today in my choices as You were in the choice on a hill far away.
Anonymous, at 4/15/2006 11:32 AM
It doesn't say enough, but it is all we know...thank you Lord! remembering him, thanking him, anticipating him. thanks louie for these posts.
Anonymous, at 4/15/2006 12:03 PM
Teaching last night was hard. Some said that there is nothing for the soul after the body dies. Others laughed aloud at the idea that when all stand accountable before God, some will be separated unto eternal life and others to eternal death. It has been a year of teaching about Jesus' life. They have heard and they have seen; now may they come to believe. Faith seems outlandish to may of them, but for me it is sight. My Lord lay silent until he rose on the third day. My lord lives!
Kendra, at 4/15/2006 12:12 PM
Yet Jesus bled before anyone layed a hand on Him. His sweat was as drops of blood. His surrender to the Father's will came to fruition in the garden while He was praying.
Anonymous, at 4/15/2006 3:36 PM
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Anonymous, at 4/15/2006 3:44 PM
I just read this on Thursday night...
"Jesus entered our world as the music man, but the world was disturbed by his song. On Good Friday the world went back to the peace that it needed. Jesus wanted to change the world into a great cathedral organ, and he dug music out of dry bread, herds of pigs, whores, and the dead. Nain, Jericho, Capernaum, and Bethany put 2 nails into his hands to silence his music."
Brennan Manning
"May the song still be played loud so that we can all hear, play, sing along to, dance, rock, jump, mosh,...whatever. Just play the song." Corey Mann
Corey Mann, at 4/15/2006 4:07 PM
WOW what a great reminder!Thanks Mr.Giglio.
What a beautiful Savior!!!
FanofGOD, at 4/15/2006 4:15 PM
How precious and sweet His sacrifice is. Nails in His hands , nails in His feet. Humbling...
To taste the victory of sins defeat!!!!
Jesus You paid the price for us to meet, You!!
Glory to You Jesus, my God and Savior!!!
Liz, at 4/15/2006 5:15 PM
My sin oh the bliss, of this glorious thought
My sin, not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It's Easter Sunday down here in Oz as I write this (prolly has just turned past midnight for all of you on the east coast of the States now).
Nails may not have been necessary, but by gosh, He still endured the agony of them tearing through His flesh for the ultimate glory of the Father.
Thank you Lord!
Anonymous, at 4/16/2006 12:27 AM
Praise God that Jesus broke the power of sin, and death and hell by His sacrifice so that we could have fellowship with our Father
It's Easter Sunday afternoon down here in Melbourne Australia and I am so excited again at the remembrance over the last few days at what Jesus has done for us.
Rejoice as Easter Day dawns all around the world!!!
gail, at 4/16/2006 12:43 AM
I continue to me amazed at the gift God has given you-the gift to say things in a way that no one else can-wow! As I was reading your post and I got to the part where the nails were not all that was holding Jesus to the cross I was reminded of the fact that Jesus's love held Him there as well. So often we think that He was beaten and crucified because the soldiers had control over Him when in actuality He had the power to walk away at any moment. He had the power to not feel the pain. If I was in Jesus's shoes and someone was whipping me numerous times, spitting on me, and calling me names while I was trying to die and save them from their sins, I would say, "Forget it-you don't deserve this" and use my power to save myself. But He loved us so much that He willfully chose to not use His power to escape, but to endure the grusome death that He did. Oh praise the One who paid my debt!
Anonymous, at 4/16/2006 12:55 AM
amen...praise Jesus for loving us this much...and that He is alive!
Anonymous, at 4/16/2006 3:05 PM
Happy Easter! Thanks for these posts. Today is a special day, may we not lose sight of what it's all about! Thank you Jesus!
Anonymous, at 4/16/2006 7:13 PM
wow!!!! life eternal, with our Abba Father. what a gift, thank you Jesus!!!
Liz, at 4/16/2006 9:17 PM
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