Headed East
With amazing memories of the West Coast still fresh we are heading east, eating up big chunks of the nation every night on the overnight drive. All the stops out west were really cool...different in their own way, but marked by His presence.
Tucson--great start, even though I was only there by video!
San Diego--jammed and hopeful.
Santa Barbara--stunning, a first, humbling.
Fresno--a downtown surprise for me and us all, powerful.
Sacramento--loud, very loud, amazing night.
But then we turned right and started to cover some major ground. Stop one brought us to Salt Lake City. Yep, Utah! We were right downtown across from Temple Square in an opera house/symphony hall type place that I'm not sure has ever seen the likes of Sing, Sing, Sing before. But we went for it and lifted up the only hope we know. The cross was big and we knew we were in the right place with the right Story.
Another long night, and another mountain range beneath us, and we arrived in Denver to the joy of two nights off! If you don't think that sounds pretty stinking brilliant, have a kidney stone and then get on a bus and speak your guts out five nights in a row!! The break came just at the right time and fortunately the down time was spent way up in the Rockies. A little side trip to paradise brought much needed refueling, and when we came down from the mountains we were ready for Denver and Denver was definitely ready to go for it. I finally felt 100% for the first time since leaving Hoag Memorial and am so grateful for every single person who prayed for me. Last night in Denver the place was packed and pumping from the start. But more than just a lot of people and massive volume, we could feel God blowing through.
Once again, God put a beautiful face on the night as our friend Chris (Urban Peek friend who came to the tour in Colorado Springs last spring with some other UP kids), who has been through many challenges and seen the faithfulness of God literally saving he and his wife Gabby over the past months, was there with Gabby and his parents, Joan (our Passion friend who loves these kids when they are in really desperate places) and a new friend from Urban Peak we just met. It's powerful to share a whole night about God's power to hold us together with people who have been through hell and have a story to tell because of God's potent rescue.
Another night of driving brought us onto the great plains and deposited us in Council Bluffs, Iowa, right on the Nebraska border across the river from Omaha. I couldn't tell for certain which state was most represented tonight (I think maybe Nebraska), but it was cool to be in an arena with 3500 Midwesterners, who though reserved at heart were worshiping with so much intensity.
When we wake up tomorrow Arkansas will be outside, and then Indiana and North Carolina. Last up, the How Great Is Our God Tour will take a turn back west to the East Tennessee town of Johnson City where all things good must finally end (you guys better be ready to bring it!).
If it sounds like a lot, there's a reason for that. And all the while Shelley is in the Northeast with the Remedy Tour as Crowder hits Philly, Boston, NYC and DC. Add to that Charlie and Matt being used all over the place and our little family feels stretched, happy, humbled, dependent and grateful. Praying it's true that "goodness and mercy will follow us tonight, and all the days of our lives."
Tucson--great start, even though I was only there by video!
San Diego--jammed and hopeful.
Santa Barbara--stunning, a first, humbling.
Fresno--a downtown surprise for me and us all, powerful.
Sacramento--loud, very loud, amazing night.
But then we turned right and started to cover some major ground. Stop one brought us to Salt Lake City. Yep, Utah! We were right downtown across from Temple Square in an opera house/symphony hall type place that I'm not sure has ever seen the likes of Sing, Sing, Sing before. But we went for it and lifted up the only hope we know. The cross was big and we knew we were in the right place with the right Story.
Another long night, and another mountain range beneath us, and we arrived in Denver to the joy of two nights off! If you don't think that sounds pretty stinking brilliant, have a kidney stone and then get on a bus and speak your guts out five nights in a row!! The break came just at the right time and fortunately the down time was spent way up in the Rockies. A little side trip to paradise brought much needed refueling, and when we came down from the mountains we were ready for Denver and Denver was definitely ready to go for it. I finally felt 100% for the first time since leaving Hoag Memorial and am so grateful for every single person who prayed for me. Last night in Denver the place was packed and pumping from the start. But more than just a lot of people and massive volume, we could feel God blowing through.
Once again, God put a beautiful face on the night as our friend Chris (Urban Peek friend who came to the tour in Colorado Springs last spring with some other UP kids), who has been through many challenges and seen the faithfulness of God literally saving he and his wife Gabby over the past months, was there with Gabby and his parents, Joan (our Passion friend who loves these kids when they are in really desperate places) and a new friend from Urban Peak we just met. It's powerful to share a whole night about God's power to hold us together with people who have been through hell and have a story to tell because of God's potent rescue.
Another night of driving brought us onto the great plains and deposited us in Council Bluffs, Iowa, right on the Nebraska border across the river from Omaha. I couldn't tell for certain which state was most represented tonight (I think maybe Nebraska), but it was cool to be in an arena with 3500 Midwesterners, who though reserved at heart were worshiping with so much intensity.
When we wake up tomorrow Arkansas will be outside, and then Indiana and North Carolina. Last up, the How Great Is Our God Tour will take a turn back west to the East Tennessee town of Johnson City where all things good must finally end (you guys better be ready to bring it!).
If it sounds like a lot, there's a reason for that. And all the while Shelley is in the Northeast with the Remedy Tour as Crowder hits Philly, Boston, NYC and DC. Add to that Charlie and Matt being used all over the place and our little family feels stretched, happy, humbled, dependent and grateful. Praying it's true that "goodness and mercy will follow us tonight, and all the days of our lives."
I am so pleased that you managed that challenging and busy schedule Louie after your stay in hospital and that despite it continued to lift up the Name of Jesus.I hope that you continue to stay refreshed after your stop in the mountains.
As the Passion family is dispersed all over may God multiply what is being done for His kingdom by all of you.
And, goodness and mercy will certainly follow all of you and also surround you tonight, and all the days of your lives !
gail, at 11/10/2007 6:33 AM
It is great to hear from you, Louie, and to know that you are all well and rested up. I was really praying that you would get a couple of days off in the most beautiful place on the planet (aka Colorado), and it was so good of the LORD to work that out for you. There's nothing like Rocky Mountain Air (do you have any pics? :)!
Thank you for faithfully keeping us posted about what all is going on in the Passion family. You are all definately in my prayers! And this is one person who is pumped and ready to "bring it" in Johnson City! Till then, be blessed and strengthened according to His glorious might!
All for His Fame,
Christis Joy
P.S. A little piece of random trivia: did you know that the word "Crowder" in Noah Webster's original 1828 Dictionary means, "a fiddler; one who plays for a crowd". That's what you call destiny :)
Aslan's Girl, at 11/10/2007 9:50 AM
I am so glad you are feeling better, Louie. Praying that God will continue to give you strength for the amazing work God is doing through all of the Passion family around the world! Keep it up!
Kaysie, at 11/10/2007 10:57 AM
Louie and co!
Thanks for making JESUS famous here in Denver...and for directing all attention, devotion, adoration, and exaltation to our infinite God. Hope, peace, and assurance came to Denver and to my dear, special friends, the Warren fam.
Salvation is definitely here!!!!
Thanks for pastoring my UP family and for extending the very compassion, grace and mercy of Jesus to them over and over, Louie!!!
Our prayers are with the East and with the 268 generation that spans this globe. Rock on!!!!
Joan, at 11/10/2007 3:11 PM
I was so glad to be with you guys the other night in Denver. I brought my cousin and I was just praying the whole time that she we would recognize the cross binding us together. I also was super encouraged by getting to be together to worship our great God!!
I wanted to give you guys a hug! :)
Lindsay Rae, at 11/10/2007 4:22 PM
Dear Louie,
You blew us away last night in Council Bluffs and we praise Him for it. We knew we were going to be awesomely blessed by Chris and his band and God blessed us with you as well! You opened our minds and hearts even more too how great our God actually is. You humbled us and left us in awe by teaching us about the unimaginable vastness of the universe and laminin! He never ceases to amaze us, does he? This has changed me and inspired me to help others’ find Him. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being who you are and doing what you do! You are a gift from God!
Coo <><
Coo, at 11/10/2007 5:33 PM
Louie, it's so great to hear that you are feeling better. Praise God! You are in my prayers..
I was blessed to be a part of Passion Boston and was blown away by Gods grace and mercy during that wonderful weekend. He never ceases to amaze me..Glory to HIM!
Last night I went to the David Crowder concert (which was also amazing BTW) and I said to my sister "Wouldn't it be wild if Louie walked out that door.."..and then I find out that Shelley was there. That's so exciting, it would have been awesome to have met her.
I want to thank you for these blogs and tell you how much I appreciate them. I pray for this movement all the time and it's so great to get an update on what you guys are all up to! Often times we pray and don't see what the result of our prayers are, but with this blog we are able to stay updated.
God Bless you guys..and who knows..you may see me in DC or Atlanta. It's in God's hands, if He wants me there...He'll pave the way!!! :-)
Laura, at 11/11/2007 12:55 AM
I read all of your posts Louie and think of all of you often. As they say, if thoughts and prayers were letters. . .your box would be full. Hopefully, this little note will express some of the things I've wished to write so many other nights after reading your notes.
~What a blessing it is to see how God has held you in the palm of His Hand through the events of recent days and weeks. Faithful God! Your Wonderful Maker knows you well; He knit you together. I'm so happy you got that time of rest in the mountains after all the rush and push of these last few months. (How exciting to see Chris' name on the marquee at the bowl in CA!)~Thank you for Chicago! Something noticeably different . . . the essence of the Holy Spirit and of those sweet days . . still hangs in the air around the Sears Center in Barrington and will certainly echo in lives for years and years to come. ~We thrill to co-labor with you to College & Career age students and young professionals in the Greater Rockord, IL area. Our student inspired C&C age group that you prayed for at Thirsty 2006 (before it was even born) continues to grow here. We had a large attendance at Passion Atlanta this January (we drove!) and again in Chicago (ditto, but not as big a deal! :+). What an incredibly rich year! I have to say though, we just lost an older sister of one of our faithful HS seniors (a 19 year old) in a tragic ATV accident. Hundreds of her classmates, friends & family made their way to our church for the funeral; stunned, searching for answers. And I thought of Ashley. Louie, my husband and I were at Thirsty in May where you told us about Ashley the day you got the email from her Mom and I have to say that it just reinforced everything in me that cries out for this generation: for all the Ashleys. There are so many! But, God is faithful. We know where Ashley is today.
~So, sleep my friend and brother. Surely Goodness and Mercy do follow closely, and The True and Living God, who never slumbers or sleeps, watches over you tonight and ~smiles .
Phil 1:3-5
~for all of us here at NECC in Rockford
Ro, at 11/11/2007 3:58 AM
Great to hear from you LG!! :) We are praying for you and the entire passion family!! I pray that God will continue to bless everyone!! :-D Much love!!
Ashley, at 11/11/2007 8:14 AM
sounds great...keep at it all of you...God is doing amazing things in and through you! i'll be praying for the team!
was in Boston on friday night to celebrate the Lord and lift Him up with Crowder, Phil, and the Myriad. it was certainly a blessed night, and Christ was shining in the Chevalier Theater! Praise Him!!
Joe, at 11/11/2007 4:02 PM
Did you know Indiana's state motto is "the crossroads of America"?
praying for those tonight gathered in Evansville who are at a crossroads, for God to overwhelm them with His love and mercy and grace. for God to multiply your words and worship and bring in an amazing harvest to Himself in the supernatural!
Where would we be without Him? Praising you Jesus! Hosea 2:23
Anonymous, at 11/11/2007 5:39 PM
As I read, my heart is bubbling over...I appreciate you & your whole gang!
Anonymous, at 11/11/2007 8:23 PM
Hey Louie~
It was great to see you all last night in Fayetteville! to be reminded of the grandness of God and that when we wait and hope in Him, He holds us together no matter the circumstances... thank each of you so much for your faithfulness :) (every person, both in front and behind the scenes)
you seemed to be feeling better... I see here that you were able to rest up in my fav place - ahhh the Rockies! I'm so glad you guys had some free time there :)
I'd say goodness and mercy followed you to AR last night... I'll be praying for strength and refreshing... and for God to continue work through you all, moving in people's hearts in great ways on the rest of your journey~
blessings all~
Kim :)
ps- Anon@5:39... loved your prayer for tonight in the crossroads
Kimmer, at 11/11/2007 9:58 PM
Thanks for the update!
Wow, wow, wow!!
Anonymous, at 11/11/2007 10:35 PM
Hello Louie,
The Lord's providence and His ability to heal us are beyond our imagination and comprehension! We are glad that you are well again! I hear that kidney stones are extremely painful. I've had appendicitis before so I can understand abdominal area pain too!
Thank you for the message you shared with the world that God our God is an anchor of hope because He loves us, He is sovereign, but still allows freedom, and that He paints on a canvas larger than we can see with our own eyes.
Thanks to Him, we have a renewed outlook on our trials.
Thank you for your continued obedience to the Lord for following through with the Passion Conferences ministry. Tell Chris, David, and the rest of the team that they are all effectively being used to change people and turn their hearts, souls, and minds to the throne of Jesus Christ. Keep believing and keep being faithful.
We can't wait to hear what the Lord still has in store for you all and for us as well.
Christopher Luk
University of Western Ontario's Asian Christian Fellowship
(London, Ontario, Canada)
P.S. We noticed that Toronto wasn't a location mentioned on the World Tour list. Will the team be returning to our multi-cultural and university/college-aged-dense city? "Perclah" and I would definitely like to see you all again! The Ricoh Coliseum seems like a good venue to house us all and seems to have plenty of space for commmunity groups, breakout sessions, "latenites", and much more!
Let the anthem ring that, "Greater things have yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done
In this city!
Greater things have yet to come
And greater things have still to be done here!"
Christopher Luk, at 11/11/2007 11:51 PM
Been praying for the Passion family! we love yall here in Birmingham! Thanks for the update...we will continue praying for strength and dependence, continued healing for Louie, protection for everyone.
Anonymous, at 11/12/2007 9:19 AM
Hi Louie and everyone else--I was at the Crowder show last night in DC and it was amazing! So cool to see that many Christians in the cool 930 club environment! Awesome...God is so good...can't wait for the DC Regional, we're gettin' ready! Best to you as you finish out the tour with CT and co. Thank you for all you and Passion and everyone else does...truly, God is Awesome!
Jill Wyman, at 11/12/2007 10:22 AM
Louie, good to hear you're doing ok...
I was at the DC*B concert last night at the 9:30 club, and I just wanted to let you all know that it really was amazing. I've been dealing with a lot of stuff the past few weeks and hearing Crowder sing "Never Let Go" really helped remind me that God is with me no matter what...I couldn't help but break down crying in the middle of it;
Joy and pain,
In sun and rain,
You're the same,
oh You never let go
Probably one of the only times someone's cried at the 9:30 club!
Thank you all for everything you do!
Anonymous, at 11/12/2007 5:31 PM
Huge hugs.
The feelings that I can't convey over a blog comment... are echoed by many hungry hearts in the Salt Lake Valley.
THANK YOU so much for making the stop, helping fuel a generation wanting nothing more than to see the walls torn down in this valley. A generation that has begun to lay some tracks since OneDay03.
You are all in my prayers!
Nikolai, at 11/14/2007 3:27 PM
Praying for you... from Psalm 137:7...Edom can be representative of spiritual enemies...in the ways Edom fought and wouldn't allow the Israelites to pass through their land. Numbers 20. For all those who are at spiritual crossroads.
Praying for the Lord's direct intervention as the enemy would try to recapture hearts, and thanking Him for all the ways He destroys the enemy's attempts, and takes back the captives. So all will know He is the Lord! Ezekiel 25: 12-14, Amos 9:11-15 Glorify Yourself Lord Jesus!
Anonymous, at 11/14/2007 11:35 PM
Praise God for the work He does through His people. It is amazing the places He is taking you and it is such a blessing to be able to hear and pray and be a part of the awesome work of our Lord!
Anonymous, at 11/15/2007 11:57 PM
Passion. In SLC. It happened.
The most amazing thing about that night was that all us UT Believers put aside our differences, bickering, and accusations of 'sheep-stealing' and lifted up one voice to God in adoration of Him. It was powerful. And I'm thinking, what will it take to do this on a regular basis? What will it take for unity to be what we're known for in this desert? How can we let Believers here know they're not alone?
Anonymous, at 11/18/2007 4:32 AM
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