Tour Takes Breather After Great Nights
Two words: wow and weary! I think the collision of those feelings best describes the How Great Is Our God Tour family as we finish a long stretch on the road and head home for a much needed break. Great nights in Atlanta (thanks for a great hometown welcome) and Orlando put a huge exclamation point on this leg of the tour and are sending us home exhausted and grateful!
Much will be happening for me in the Passion House this week and we are still gearing up for one last HGIOG run. If you're near Columbus, Memphis, Knoxville, Baton Rouge, St. Louis, West Palm, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Little Rock or Mobile, there's still time to come and join us.
Much will be happening for me in the Passion House this week and we are still gearing up for one last HGIOG run. If you're near Columbus, Memphis, Knoxville, Baton Rouge, St. Louis, West Palm, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Little Rock or Mobile, there's still time to come and join us.
Hey, what about Jacksonville :)? See you guys on the 15th!
Anonymous, at 3/04/2007 11:59 AM
Mr. Giglio, I am really greatful to God for loving us so much, for introducing wonderful people like you and Passion into our lives. Thank you that you guys are willing to reach out to us, to show us the love and glory of our Allmighty God. You can be sure that every last sacrifice you've made have been welcomed with a great big roar in heaven. I surely believe that God will bless your life and everybody at Passion's with His most beautiful blessings. Thank you for what you guys are meaning in my life and the way you are extending God's love to me!
HAPPINESS keeps you sweet,
TRIALS make you strong,
SORROWS keeps you human,
FAILURE keeps you humble,
SUCCES keeps you glowing BUT
"Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that Somebody inside of them is GREATER than anything outside of them."
karin :)
kari, at 3/04/2007 12:37 PM
I enjoyed the show last night... we serev a huge God. sorry about the cold, rainy weather instead of the warm sunshine. we love you guys!
Anonymous, at 3/04/2007 1:47 PM
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InHim, at 3/04/2007 3:29 PM
Mr. Giglio, Mr. Tomlin and all the HGIOG Tour Family!
We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
InHim, at 3/04/2007 3:31 PM
see you in St. Louie, Louie!!!! (sry, I had :)
Anonymous, at 3/04/2007 4:14 PM
Thanks for the last podcast ... it was a great reminder of the incredible ways God is working.
Anonymous, at 3/04/2007 8:25 PM
LOVED having you in Orlando. Thanks for leading us all in such a great time of worship and adoration of our Father. The ripples will continue long after...
Anonymous, at 3/04/2007 9:57 PM
atlanta was great... i was able to bring my grandmother so she could find out who these Passion people were that I was talking about... i think it was a little loud for her, but other than that she really enjoyed everything... can't wait for Thirsty
The BOB-O, at 3/05/2007 10:14 AM
I'm really excited about seeing you guys in Mobile, I've been praying for you guys for the rest of the tour, and reading everyone else's responses. It's really exciting to get to follow you guys along the tour and know I'll be part of it soon!
Morgan, at 3/05/2007 11:00 AM
Orlando was a BLAST !!, I mean I've never heard you speak your great messages ! the praises follow you every where though,but I have to tell you I was extremely blessed !!, I had bought a TKT for a friend and she is going through some stuff but you kept remind us how greater God we serve thatn our troubles and how he is holding on to us and she was crying the whole time just thinking of the faithfulness of God and how he is going to get her through.Now on to other things;am glad that you guys are thinking of going international,being that am African ( kenyan ) am just excited coz there's so much campus ministry needed,like I lived in Capetown for quite a bit and it's amazing to see students yearning for God ! I went to His People Church Amazing. anyway, this was supposed to be a comment but just felt like pouring out my heart. keep us updated.PS where can I get the message you preached in Orlando ?
Unknown, at 3/05/2007 12:30 PM
Wow, what a surprise I got when I tuned in on the podcast saturday morning!! I was in shock: is that my voice??!! And when I opened my mailbox I noticed that a couple of my friends already e-mailed me that I was on the podcast, and that they thought that was pretty cool:-) Of course at first I was a little bit ashamed (why did I call, and I do sound very nervous...!) but then it hit me that it wasn't about me it was about God and what He has done in my life.
God is living and breathing through us and in order to shine in His glory we need to sink our hearts into the goodness of God, and truly live for HIM, and truly put all our trust in Him, even while it's not easy and a daily struggle.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."- Isaiah 55:8-9
Jacoline, at 3/05/2007 1:14 PM
I just listened to the latest podcast, and WOW! Listening to folks tell how God worked in their lives through and since Passion 07 simply blew me away!!! Thanks, everyone who called in or shared a testimony on the blog! I had the privilege of serving as a volunteer on the intercession team, and i was incredibly blessed by the experience. Now, listening to your stories, I'm blessed all over again by hearing how God worked in your lives! Including folks who couldn't attend but followed through the webcast! I sense that God worked just as powerfully in the lives of many, many more who just didn't happen to call in!
Keep telling your stories - especially to those who don't yet know Him!
Marcia B, at 3/05/2007 2:02 PM
To Mr Giglio and all the people from the tour: have a good rest! I hope there will be time this week to catch up with friends, damily and of course sleep in!! :-)
Jacoline, at 3/05/2007 3:21 PM
Louie, I was very encouraged by the message you presented in Orlando. We do serve a much greater God than we can possibly comprehend. I am writing because you made a comment about how eyelids are developed in the womb. All of the information I have found regarding eyelid development is very different from your explaination. I would really appreciate if you could point me in the right direction to find documentation or resources to substantiate your explainiation.
aking, at 3/06/2007 10:43 AM
Little Rock is already sold out...
Anonymous, at 3/07/2007 12:47 AM
Louie and the HGIOG Tour Family,
Was just listening to Delirious "When All Around Has Fallen" and thought of you all in your fatigue...
"You live your life for Honor, Defenders of the Faith... Come. Come lay your weary head, be still my friend. Come. Rise. I'll place My soul upon your shoulders. Come. Rise with Me.
...wear your scars like medals, Defender(s) of the Faith..."
May He be Rest to you... that you may rise, again.
grateful for you.
Anonymous, at 3/07/2007 10:33 PM
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