Completely Speechless
The city is emptying out now and everything is coming down. But I am still stunned in my heart, speechless as I try to absorb the GLORIOUS Art piece that was filled with the hopes and dreams of students and leaders from around the world.
We are His, and He has met us here in Nashville with overwhelming love, truth, grace, life and laughter. History Makers are now headed back to campuses all across the nation and around the globe. How sobering as almost 1000 campuses scrolled up the screens this morning as we sang and prayed This Is Our God over them. Staggering to think of how many were represented at Passion 06...and compelling to see how many were not.
But we are in His hands now. Supremely in love with Jesus. Sent out to engage the culture with excellence. Connected to the Body of faith as we go.
Pics are up on the Passion06 site at
We will continue to update.
Humbled to be here with you, Louie
We are His, and He has met us here in Nashville with overwhelming love, truth, grace, life and laughter. History Makers are now headed back to campuses all across the nation and around the globe. How sobering as almost 1000 campuses scrolled up the screens this morning as we sang and prayed This Is Our God over them. Staggering to think of how many were represented at Passion 06...and compelling to see how many were not.
But we are in His hands now. Supremely in love with Jesus. Sent out to engage the culture with excellence. Connected to the Body of faith as we go.
Pics are up on the Passion06 site at
We will continue to update.
Humbled to be here with you, Louie
one word...amazing. i'm still speechless...
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 6:30 PM
Wow... what an awesome God we serve? I just got home from Passion06; although my body is tired, my soul is awakened. I had one prayer going into Passion06, that God would meet with us. And can I just say the Lord is faithful to hear our prayers?! It really stuck out to me in the 28 day Prayer Journey, the Passion teams desire for us to have a "reverent party." If I can say anything... it was truly that!! I found myself speechless, unable to move in the presence of the God Most High. I continually was broken before Him, seeing that I did nothing to deserve His love, even more that I did everything not to deserve His grace. And all I could do was look to Him, empty handed and simply stunned by His glory. Yet, even more stunning was that this great King invited me to rejoice, free and victorious over sins, with Him. Not only did He invite me to rejoice with Him at Passion06, but daily, in everything, thick and thin.
"So I have looked upon You in the sanctuary, beholding Your power and glory. Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live; in Your name I will lift up my hands." Psalms 63:2-4
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 6:44 PM
This evening as I continue praying for safe travels for students, leaders, and volunteers on the road, I ask our wonderful Lord to pour out His blessing upon Louie, Shelley, the worship leaders, Community Group leaders, and all of the Passion ministry staff who have literally poured themselves out not just the past few days, but for weeks preceding this huge event. O Lord, wrap Your arms around them with a huge smile that says, "Well done, My faithful servant and beloved child; well done!" I pray each of you can take a break to rest, and that you will fully and truly rest in Him, filled with His peace and His joy in your sacrificial service. May He minister to your hearts, spirits, and tired bodies during the next few days and weeks.
Let's pray, too, for a strong "rear guard" to protect the Passion ministry and attendees from a "back door attack," as the return to reality after such an awesome event can be a painful reality check (or cross-check, to use a hockey term).
Thank You, Lord, that You are our God! Thank you, Louie and other fellow bloggers, for sharing your Passion '06 experiences with those of us who couldn't be in Nashville this time around. We can join together in praying that students from the 1000 campuses represented in Nashville will be joined by students and leaders from at least 1000 more campuses worldwide!
Marcia, at 1/05/2006 7:44 PM
wow.. all i can say is i stand in amazement , our group of 8 just got home from passion and i was humbled .. all week .. to see whats Gods doing in my life and with our group..he will take it and multipy this in to the ends of the earth.. and use it for his glory... but you know what.. "im going shout and down the sea out , bc PArty!!!!- thanks christomlin for that..Be blessed Louie and staff. look foward to atlanta i will be there...
Neh.6:3- im doing a good work and i cannot come down
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 8:14 PM
Absolutely utterly amazed... God changed lives and rejuvenated hearts and souls all over the world these past few days. I can only pray that this burning fire in each of our hearts can now go to the campuses and to the world. THANK YOU SO MUCH LORD YOU ARE GLORIOUS!!!
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 8:23 PM
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 8:42 PM
I Lord filled our mouths, our hearts, and our spirits at Passion 06. Thank you Jesus for meeting us in that place. Much thanks also too the nearly 1,000 volunteers an workers who made everything happen. Louie, Beth, and Dr. Piper rocked our worlds with thier teaching from God's Word, and the times of worship...well...words cannot describe.
He is SO good
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 9:15 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Brooke, at 1/05/2006 9:43 PM
I can't begin to explain what an impact Passion '06 had in my life. God revealed himself to me in so many ways during the past few days. Even in the midst of the huge Gaylord Entertainment Center among so many other people, I still felt abundantly significant. God wrapped himself around me in such a way that my soul felt such joy. My heart beats with overflowing adoration for the God that met me so personally in this place. I pray that God continues to reveal things to me in such a way as he did this week.
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 10:07 PM
Wow, what an amazing journey we have been on this week, I arrived early Sunday afternoon as a volunteer on the intercessory prayer team, but help was needed to put together the students packets so I went and helped out. Monday we had our training meetings, one with Louie and then one with our teams.Our Intercessory team was divided into 7 teams. I was on team 4(the absolute best team) and had the midnight til 3 am block. What an amazing 3 hours we spent in prayer, interceding for this generation. Our next time wasn't until 3 Tuesday afternoon. Again it got better and better. But the best time yet was wednesday morning while the students were in the main session. The GLORY of GOD came down in that room that morning, and we swam in His presence. 3 hours were gone so quickly and I didn't want to leave. and when we did walk out of that room, it reminded us of what Beth Moore said Tuesday night about bringing the spiritual into reality, and I was amazed at how true that was. Last night we had the oppurnity to sit and pray while in the main session and it was in one word indescrible. It was great to be in there and see what we had prayed so hard for and had already proclaimed earlier that day, that this was the day of salvation and that captives would be given liberty, while the students were in there community groups last night we stayed behind and prayer walked the arena one more time. Then we I had finished my section, I stepped out to get some air and was just chatting with other volunteers and a guy came up to the info desk and said he needed somebody to pray with him. He had a lot of questions, so me and another guy prayed and talk with him for a few minutes and then we prayed for him. God did some awesome things at Passion, and this morning all intercessors were meeting at one final time to pray some more and to give God ALL the Glory and Honor and Praise, and then we had to say our goodbyes, which was a bit painful, and by the time I was in my car I was in tears, I didn't want to leave just an awesome place where I know we met God. As I was driving home, I was so joyful, I was shouting and singing,(kinda hard to dance in a car going 80 down an interstate) what and awesome PARTY we had last night
I continue to pray for Louie and shelly for their strength physically and spiritually, as well as all the other volunteers who gave so much effort, time and of themselves for these students, my cup is running over. Thank you God for meeting us here this week.
"O Praise The One Who Save My Soul
And Raised This Life Up From The Dead"
I will never be the same after this conference, God has truly opened my eyes and ears.
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 10:39 PM
WOW!!!!!! Passion 06 in Nashville was absolutely amazing. It really opened my eyes and I saw how great God really is and how big and amazing he is. I will definitely be back in Atlanta for another week of Passion.
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 10:40 PM
Wow, what a GLORIOUS few days devoted to a GLORIOUS Savior. There are so many highlights of the conference that I cannot even begin to name them. Tomorrow I will wake up well rested, and ready to change history...let's do it together, generation.
"Glorious, over us, you shall reign, glorious"
"O Praise the one who paid my debt, and raised this life up from the dead"
"Thank You for the cross, my Friend"
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 11:33 PM
God used Passion '06 to fill my weary heart with the fullness and richness of God's character and attitude. With many thanks to the people who allowed themselves to be used by God: Louie and his staff, and the wonderful volunteers who helped all over Nashville. You will NOT see on earth the full harvest of the seed you've planted for the "greatness of the glory of God's grace".
Anonymous, at 1/05/2006 11:39 PM
Is there a way to get the john piper breakout session? Was it recorded? I didn't see it at the table at the confernce. Is there any way that it is available to purchase? I would really appreciate having it.
Los Angeles, CA
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 12:35 AM
absolutely awesome what God is doing.. would the goodness of God continually flow through our lives to impact others..
steph, at 1/06/2006 12:59 AM
he got the GLORY!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 1:07 AM
I barely got a ticket to Passion 06. Believe it or not, I ordered my ticket on EBay the Friday before Passion!! :-) But God is sovereign, and He knew that Passion 06 would be instrumental in changing my heart and making me look more like Him. I am full. I spent this evening trying to process some of Piper's good good stuff. I am full. I am exhausted... I am listening to David Crowder sing Come & Listen and pretending I'm sitting in Gaylord among my family of 20,000, worshipping our Daddy and believing together that He is capable of using us... as small and unworthy as we are... to make history on our campuses. To make history, and to come back together in 365 days for a family reunion. To catch up on all that God is doing. To encourage. To lift each other up. To refuel. To go out and do it all again. That all may know...
Passion 06. What an experience.
What a God...
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 1:36 AM
I could spend hours here searching for words to describe what happened this week, but since last night I have been speechless. What a MIGHTY GOD we serve!!!! I will never be able to wrap my mind around His glory, His grace, His sufferings for US, but I will spend now until eternity giving Him my life in return. It is the very LEAST we can do.
Thankyou Louie and the team for facilitating an environment where God could so easily meet with us. I pray His blessings on all of you.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 1:48 AM
Speechless...He showed His glory and gave us a glimpse of the future in eternity with Him forever!!! Thank you!!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 1:51 AM
I was truly blessed by the messages and the mobilization center at the conference. I had a question though, do we know about how much money we were able to raise during this conference? I was disappointed that we did not get that information the next day as we did last year.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:03 AM
What an amazing encounter. This is my sixth Passion event and am thankful to have been a part of every one. Every time I walk away with yet more information to share with the nations.
Thank you Louie and Passion staff. Thank you for being bold and listening to the cry of the generations and crying with us to seek His will.
Jonathan Chu, at 1/06/2006 2:20 AM
Is there any word on the Offering? I'm excited to see what God is going to do through it.
Jonathan Chu, at 1/06/2006 2:20 AM
Passion06 was absolutely incredible... I got a taste of Heaven and the "party!" that is sure to be there. In that delirious state I forgot the reality of the world and the pain and suffering I left at home in Ohio for 5 short days...
I came home from Passion06 and immediately was confronted with heartache and turmoil. A wonderful friend of mine is about to lose her father to... well too many ailments to number. She is nearly positive of his salvation, yet... she longs to be able to let him go to be with Jesus. She wants so badly to hang on to the ONLY man in her life who has ever looked at her the way he does. There is so much love there, yet so much pain. What words, if any... Scripture... anything to help her cope with this inevitibility. She loves Jesus with all her heart and then some... but still struggles letting her earthly father go and embracing even more tightly her Glorious, Perfect, Heavenly Father.
By the Cross
You are the Truth
You are the Life
You are the Way
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:21 AM
Wow... I almost have no words for my experience with God and the 268 Generation this week. I am a fairly new Christian and I don't think I personally have ever felt the presence of God as strongly as I did this entire week... God worked through this Passion conference and ignited a fire within my heart to proclaim my love for Him to the entire world!!! I never knew I could fall so deeply in love with Him... Everything was so incredibly perfect... I loved getting to know my family group, worshipping with my community, all of the speakers and worship leaders were amazing, the Prayer Walk was more than I could have ever imagined, and as always, Louie left me thinking about things I had never thought about before- God truly speaks through him. Our final late night left me overflowing with emotions for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior... singing with all of our heats and souls united as one without words... His presence was so incredibly deep and overflowing... simply speechless. Overall, just being able to worship and share my passion for God with 19,000 people to show God how truly great He is was incredible! Truly INDESCRIBABLE!!! Let us remember that through each of our trials and victories, we can testify to the entire world of God's glory!!! WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD!!!
"You cannot see faith, but you can see the footprints of the faithful." We must leave behind "faithful footprints" for others to follow. -Dr. Dennis Anderson
~Shine Bright 268 Generation~
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:49 AM
I was so encouraged, Louie, by your talk today on excellence. It was very sobering .. It was also freeing, as I realized that in Christ the victory is already won (He has saved the day!) and that as I obey Him, that He will be glorified through my strivings (suffering). I have been so confused this semester about the trials I have been going through, but now I am beginning to understand exactly what Paul meant when he said to not be surprised when you go through trials of many kinds ... and I am set free in joy. Suffering is not to be a secret state of the heart, but should yield an outpouring of joy, so all can see Christ in me. I finally got it. I pray that I will continue to "get it" every single day. Thank you, Lord!! And thanks, Louie, for your obedience to the call on your life!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:59 AM
Praise God for renewal! He renewed my love for him, and because of the message He brought to us through His servant, Louie, I was reminded that we are but a speck in the grand scheme of things. And our Daddy is so huge we cannot fathom it! Truly amazing! Jesus is the center of it all! Daddy got all the glory this week! Praise Him!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 3:11 AM
It was so great to be there serving this generation in the 268store. I prob talked to you about a Piper book, ranted about the great deal on I AM NOT BUT I KNOW I AM, handed you the last Charlie Hall CD (the third time they ran out) or told you that you were part of the best looking line ever. It was great to see how eager you are for MORE. Not more music or more knowledge, but more of what really satisfies. More of HIM. Your mouths are wide open...remember that it is God who gives and not a speaker or musician. Thanks so much to "the guys", the breakout teachers, community group leaders, Louie, Beth, and John. I was blown away again. Heres to going further from the river banks toward the swiftest part where my feet havent touched bottom for miles and I wouldnt even dream of fighting this current that is moving me. I would love to keep up with you guys. My email is
Garrett, at 1/06/2006 3:48 AM
our God reigns
our God reigns
Thank you sovereign Father that you not only showed up to this conference, but you blew the roof "plumb off" and superceded even exceptionally high expectations. God, might we aim high and enjoy the spectacle you have blessed us with?
it took 14 hours, but we made it home to Houston, my pastor (more friend than pastor) and i and we didn't wish to leave the place, but as being one of those that is the sole representative for his school, there must be a change agent somewhere. we are, afterall, peace ambassadors for Christ.
when asked by a friend, "how was it" all i could do is hug them with everything i had and tell them, that's just the first 30 seconds of the conference. imagine 4 days of that, but with God's intensity. all glory and honor and praise to God the Father, for His abounding grace, everlasting mercy, and unstoppable love. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being the place we fix our eyes as we communally wrap our lives around you!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 3:54 AM
Overwhelming! That is the only word I can think of to describe my Passion06 experience. God is overwhelming! He is so huge that it hurts my head to think about Him. Once again, God has reminded me of how He knew us before we were born, and His plan for our lives was put in place long before our own plans.
I look forward to the continued growth and learning that will come as a result of this time with God. He will continue to reveal things to me as I slowly chew on all the things He has shown us.
God is so good!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 4:01 AM
My wife and I are praying from Bangkok, Thailand! God began to direct me towards missions at Passion 99 after beginning to revolutionize my spiritual life at Passion 97. Yesterday I spent some time praying for this Generation by going through the 10 Kneel steps- and God used the time to re-energize me spiritually. He has reminded me He is faithfully leading us as we work among the Thais. Please pray for Bangkok- and the more than 10 million lost people here, primarily Buddhists. Claiming His promise in Psalm 46:10 (for this Generation around the world) "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 4:37 AM
Hey Louie,
I worked security at passion and wanted to say I had an amazing time even though I missed most of the sessions and the breakouts. The blessing of seeing the kids faces as they worshipped was enough for me, and watching them during the silent worship when they stood and were raising hands. I was in awe. It was simply beautiful. Thank you for putting Acts 2 and the work of the Church in action. We had a great few days of Church.
Thought you would want to know. People from the GEC were telling me they want to go to Passion in Atlanta next year just to work at the event because they love it so much. It doesn't only just touch the kids, but everyone there. Thank you for carrying out the vision, your calling, and your convictions. What you, redman, tomlin, hall, and everyone else on the passion staff threw together was beautiful and not much could compare to it. It was heaven on earth. It was indescribably.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 6:29 AM
During Passion 06 I got the most severe cold I had in a long time and the only ting that I can make of it is that when GOD does something he does it to the FULLEST! WITH EXCELLENCE! If it was for me to be sick during the week, while worshiping GOD While fellowshiping with other believers that I was SICK with EXCELLENCE! Praise God for he doesn't skimp out on anything! I love you JESUS! Thank you for knowing infinitely more than my little spec of a mind can understand, comprehend, process, acknowledge.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 9:42 AM
Its so incredible to be living a life for His renown! I came to Passion, in all honesty, with my heart completely devoid of any idea of how God would impact me. But he has reinvigorated my soul, and given me a stronger passion for the ministries on my campus. I have for a while been working for God to bring the many scattered ministries on my campus together to get very few Christians on my campus to remember that, although we are all different colors and cultures, we are all serving one Jesus--and that we don't serve him for ourselves, but for those that do NOT know him. His HOPE is for all people, not just us. Passion has helped me remember why I started the inter-ministry efforts at my campus a year and a half ago, and I couldnt be more delighted in how I get to glorify God on my campus. We're 500 born again Christians on a campus of 30,000. I know in my heart that God wants that to be 5,000, or 25,000, and certainly even 30,000! But it all starts with unity!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 10:41 AM
As an arena volunteer who felt led to pray over various college campuses in the past two years, I have longed to SEE GOD work in this priviledged, technologically- adept,educated & independent generation. The warfare has been intense. The lovingkindness of the LORD came through LOUD & Clear through the speakers & the musicians to these young adults--I got the joy of being with one of the students when she 'GOT IT'--as she stated through abundant tears--"The LORD REALLY LOVES ME! even though I've forgotten HIM".
The word "salvation" was mighty over this conference--not just for individual salvations here, but I sensed that it was SALVATION FOR THIS College-aged GENERATION--the fog that has been on this generation was lifting--the Lord's vision becoming clear for the majority of Christians here--TO BE THE LORD'S MIGHTY VOICE--ONCE AGAIN!!PTL!! God so broke my heart over YOU "kids" as we, arena volunteers, were given the priviledge to pray with Louie at the close of the conference over YOU!!! FIGHT THROUGH, FIGHT ON--I want to hear all about it WHEN WE GET TO THE OTHER SIDE!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 11:24 AM
O Christ be the place we fix our eyes
humbly before HIM we have rejoiced and praised His works
"... with his breath in my lungs i am coming undone"
I had gotten really sick on the way home, drivers beware of slippery roads from 1-75 to 1-20 southbound, like my body was rejecting that this amazing week is over.
Thank you volunteers, thank you Piper for stirring my mind, thanks Beth for your honesty and passion, thanks Louie for being you, especially when its 12 am monday night and you want to go home instead of waving to two pedestrians(one of them me, sorry I had to throw that out there). Thank you fellow students.
But above all, who is above all Thank you Jesus Christ. So many times I have turned my back, so many many many more have you pursued my heart, changed my heart, given me a glimpse of You, thankfully with more grace than i deserve.
Pray that this former fence rider named Fairweather Johnson will be a sellout for the Famous One and not be spit out.
Keep me hot Lord Jesus! May my thoughts and works be pleasing in your eyes, for your grace is sufficient and i will embrace your move, your love!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 11:42 AM
I'm also still amazed at what God did those 4 days for me. It's amazing to see the body of Christ. But what I long for is a day that all the college campuses and communities and nations of the world will join in one glorious shout and give praise to Him. Lord, less of me, more of you. God has given me an appetite for Him. Something I've been longing for. Now that I have it, I don't want to lose it. Please pray for me as I am being called by God to minister to a group of people that have, sadly, been rejected by many Christians. I've been called to minister to the pagans on my campus. I'm not just calling them this, they are self proclaimed pagans, proud of it. I'm going to a dark place, so that I can shine His light. Not for my praise, but for His. I am going to try to get them to Passion 07 without them paying a dime. I've seen what God can do in so many lives these past 4 days and I know that he can move mightily in these guys' hearts. Pray that I stay steadfast in my walk and stay focused on the goal. If you would like to voice your support and prayers, please visit, this is my blog and I will post any updates that I have about this there.
"He set me on fire
I am burning alive
With His breath in my lungs
I am coming undone"
God Bless You All
David Ferrell, at 1/06/2006 12:22 PM
So glad to hear that Passion went great!!I wish I could of been there but I was praying-:)
And Mr.Giglio thanks for posting pictures!!I look at them and just seeing Thousands with there hands raised to praise Jesus--It is just so wonderful to see-
I can just see Jesus over all of you smiling down at you all in the pictures!!!
All Glory to God!!
FanofGOD, at 1/06/2006 12:53 PM
David B, at 1/06/2006 1:12 PM
My prayer for everyone is that we'd all recognize that what went on at the conference was not an immediate change in us, but a refreshing taste, a glimpse of the way life is meant to be, what it could be, and what it should be, if we will now bear down and commit to the practice of God's presence, always seeking more. I just hope that we don't expect to use our experience as fuel for the semester, but to realize that we have to get our fill every day. And, let's keep studying things like the stars!
To the handful of you who dream of designing jeans:
I read this the day I came to Nashville, so I immediately thought how ironic it was when we talked about jeans yesterday. If they're passionate about jeans, you can certainly be passionate about jeans.hah.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 1:45 PM
Looking back this past week is not only a reflection how heaven will look like but it's a constant reminder of how we should live our daily lives for Him. One thing that stuck out the most was a break out session by Tim Hughes. He said that Worship is a participating sport. He also had a great comparison on if he was to invite us to his house for dinner and made something to eat for all of us and then we sat down and we ate and he just watched us and vise versa. It's the same way with worship, if the worship leader is up there leading worship we are to worship as well. That really hit me this week. I have a friend who is a worship leader and so often you see the congregation just standing around waiting for it to be over with. I wish everyone could understand the true meaning of worship. I'm so excited on what God is going to do at Passion 07.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 1:51 PM
Passion Team...
I know that God used passion to encourage your hearts...I wanted to encourage you all as well...
Life changing...I left loving Jesus even more than when I arrived. He blows my mind time and time again. I cannot even fathom what heaven will be like...worship was amazing, learning was so good...soaking up everything that He had to say. It was awesome to see how God has worked in my life, the people He has been placing in my life to teach me about Him, all lining up with His Soverign power.
I have been learning about the suffering we are called to early into my walk with Him, and it has been sweet, joyful. I am so glad that Truth was brought, hard truth that usually we as "american christians" try to avoid. God used each teaching mightly.
My mind is still realing, life will never be the same and I am excited to really live for Him, and His Renown.
Thank you thank you thank you each one of you, teachers, worship leaders, behind the scenes people, everyone, for being faithful to the call of obeidience He has on each of your lives!
I hope this is not the end of the blog and that you all will continue to use this blog for His name...
Stephanie, at 1/06/2006 1:57 PM
Wow....the whole thing was amazing.
I felt a degree of liberation when I heard Louie's last talk, but i'm still kind of confused.
I'm an industrial engineering nerd.
I love solving problems and God has gifted me with the ability to write algorithmns and simulation logic.
I am one of the people who walks around and thinks about my field all the time. I was facinated to see how the seas of people flowed and moved through lines, doors, seating areas at the conference. It was right up my alley. I was constantly evaluating the queues at the Gaylord, wondering how they could be improved. I was intrigued by the situation at the Go-Center on Tuesday, when EVERYONE attempted late night tickets. It was madness, its like we all wanted an x-box! I love studying stuff like that and thinking about ways to improve it.
But I'm still kind of confused.
Let's say I set out to excel as an Industrial Engineer. Suppose I do something such as revolutionize the way an airport works. Suppose I am able to double the amount of traffic that the Atlanta-Hartsfield airport can process in a day. I become esteemed and write books about my algorithmns and methods. And suppose all of these things bring glory to God because they are not my purpose, but His.
How does my call to suffer fall into this? Would I be suffering if I became an esteemed airport director? Would I be sharing the sufferings of Christ if I was paid a nice salary and had respect of my peers?
The two scenarios are still at war in my mind: the suffering missionary and the sucessful Industrial Engineer. They almost seem to contradict.
I have been spending time in prayer, asking God to help me understand my questions. I do not doubt anything John Piper or Louie Giglio said, but I am having trouble reconciling the two thought-processes.
If anyone has any thoughts on this, could you please email me?
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 1:59 PM
I think Webster needs to invent a new word to completely describe what happened at Passion. I searched my brain for the right word and I just find myself speechless!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:08 PM
It was an absolutely amazing time of God's Spirit moving and working in the hearts of all who were there. Not one person there went untouched!
I was also wondering if there was any word on why Beth Morre didn't speak on Wednesday night? Hope it's nothing to be concerned over.
Blessings to all and thanks Passion Staff!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:18 PM
Thank you's all around!
I want to say a big thank you to Louie and to ALL of those who make Passion a reality. Thank you for your emphasis on the Cross and on our salvation. Thank you for sparking the movement that leaves attendees sensing themselves as small and God as SO BIG! Thank you for choosing speakers who stress a relationship with the Almighty through His Word. Thank you for enriching us by this ongoing MOVEMENT rather than single event. I cannot thank y'all enough in words for your steadfast pursuance of The Father in choosing to reach out to us college students.
To my family of 18,000 fellow college students-- thank you for having me feel as if I'd known you all my life in our worshipping together so freely and openly.
See y'all in Atlanta. Let's bring some non-believers with us so that they, too, can taste and see.
~His Satisfyin', Glorifyin', Joyfully Suffrin', Sin Uprootin', Seed Sowin', Pit Escapin', Jesus Christ Desirin' member of the army,
Mallory ><>
Unknown, at 1/06/2006 2:21 PM
Wow! Passion '06.. Wow.. I am reminded again as I was at PASsion '05 and at One Day '03 that God is so worthy of all the glory, and that he is so big and so sovereign and that one day every tribe tounge and nation will be having a big HUGE PRAISE PARTY! GLory! I just want to think all the volunteers and staff- but especially the volunteers with the prayer room KNEEL station. Wow. I am telling you when I went in that room I felt the glory of God like never before, and I know those volunteers were doing warfare praying to make that incredible environment. I was so touched in there by God and getting to join him in praying. I went the second day and in that room was able to allow God to melt my heart and help me grieve as I have been through many tragedies lately and have become more and more doubtful of God and his goodness. I was able to grieve in there as I prayed and released my doubt to God, and the most precious prayer volunteer prayed the most amazing prayer over me as I left. So I wanted to especially thank all of those who worked to make the KNEEL room such a sacred place.
Jenn, at 1/06/2006 2:23 PM
Yesterday as we we're all singing a worshiping, I started to feel a little sad when I thought about leaveing. The feeling of worshiping the one true God with 18,000 other people is so amazing. I am moving to Brazil next summer as a full time missionarie and I realized that I may never be able to experince something like passion again. I will be working in small unreached river villages along the Amazon river and altough it is going to be amazing the be used by God there, it is so diffrent from what I experinced this past week. But then it hit me when I get to heaven this is what I will be doing everyday with all the christians that there has ever been. I will be able to worship with all the Christians from passion. All the christians from the past, the future and all the christians that God will allow me to reach in Brazil and that thought is amazing!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:28 PM
Yesterday as we we're all singing a worshiping, I started to feel a little sad when I thought about leaveing. The feeling of worshiping the one true God with 18,000 other people is so amazing. I am moving to Brazil next summer as a full time missionarie and I realized that I may never be able to experince something like passion again. I will be working in small unreached river villages along the Amazon river and altough it is going to be amazing the be used by God there, it is so diffrent from what I experinced this past week. But then it hit me when I get to heaven this is what I will be doing everyday with all the christians that there has ever been. I will be able to worship with all the Christians from passion. All the christians from the past, the future and all the christians that God will allow me to reach in Brazil and that thought is amazing!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:29 PM
Passion was completely amazing. I am so blessed by all that I learned. By how I am not the center of the universe...go figure. The pictures of the stars and that whole lesson, what perfection. God is so perfect. He is my world and I want to live for him until the day I die. Thanks to all who came and all who followed God's plans by putting this all together..
Amy From Charlotte NC
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:30 PM
What an amazing way to start the year off! God has done so much for me (and I am sure for the other 18,000 students and hundreds of the "Blue Shirt Army"). God has such an amazing heart for His people, and I am sure that the angels rejoiced as we gathered to celebrate Him, and they will rejoice every day that we spend in God and as we share His life story, the Story of Life. God bless you all.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:44 PM
I'm so glad I came to Passion. I'm a college freshman and it was my first time coming and I loved it! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm pretty excited about starting school again on Monday. Thank you all for allowing God to use ya'll to touch my life. I still can't get that party song out my head, but that's ok. I'm determined that I'm coming back again with friends who need to know the Lord. Thank you again for what you're doing.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:54 PM
I'm a college freshman from Virginia Beach and this was my first time coming to Passion. I'm so glad I came! God has been doing great things in my life because of ya'll and for that I'm thankful Thanks for allowing God to use ya'll. I don't think I've said this in a while, but I'm excited to be able to go back to school on Monday. That party song is still in my head, but it's all good. Thanks again for what you're doing. God is glorious!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 2:58 PM
Yes Lord! So much fun, God is so much fun...
Hey Louie, I was praying for ya'll this past month during the journey and preparation, and this past week while ya'll met... So great to read all these testimonies of lives touched. I can sense God's joy in it. Some former students I worked with were there, and had encounters with the Holy One for which I am grateful... Seminary (I'm at Fuller) is going well; but I can't wait to be back in students' lives full-time! Anyway, many blessings brother. Every weekend when I see Mount Rainier it prompts me (besides to praise God) to pray for you... Good stuff, may you get enough restoration after pouring yourself out on behalf of many as an offering. For His fame, Casey
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 3:06 PM
As I wake up back home here in St. Louis today, I know that i have been a part of a historic week and event in which Christ entered the hearts of many for the first time and in a new way for the rest of us. I attended Passion '05 and was just as moved.
Being a Catholic and very proud of it, I wanted to say thanks for including our group. Although we may have some differences in what we believe, we all worship and praise the same God, and it was amazing to do that with 18,000 of you.
I will say one thing though. I am still a little disturbed by John Piper and his approach and preaching style. I firmly believe he is a holy man and has our hearts in mind as he speaks of Jesus, but sometimes I believe he seems a little off in what He has to say. I took a lot from both of talks this year as well as last, but just wonder if any of the families from the miners would have been moved by his talk on Tuesday morning. just a thought.
I must say that Louie, your vision and passion has changed the lives of so many. Keep going. Know that i pray for you daily, and am encouraged to see what is happeneing in the hearts of the students on our campuses.
Thanks for allowing Christ to work through your life and sharing Him with us.
Praise God.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 3:06 PM
My mom and brother asked me what happened out there and I couldn't even begin to tell them how I have changed. That night I laid in bed for three hours praising his name and thinking of ways I could tell others about his great love and grace!! I can't wait to be back in school. My dorm is longing for something and I want to give them the good news!! That Jesus Christ is ALIVE!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 3:19 PM
Our group got home last night..and I had to get up and go to school this I'm at school posting this right now.
There are no words to describe what went on in Nashville, TN this week. This was my first year to attend Passion, and honestly I wasn't planning on going. But a couple friends of mine, who had gone last year, said that "if they could pick just one trip to go on with our college group, then Passion would be it". So, I decided that I would go....and I'm so glad I did!!! It was such an amazing site to see 18,000 college students from all over the world there, all worshiping the one true God!
I just want to thank Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, and John Piper for their wonderful messages, so many of them hit home for me! I want to say thanks to Christ Tomlin, Charlie Hall, David Crowder*Band, and Matt Redman, your music was AWESOME!!! I want to say thank you to all the volunteers, and everyone else who had a hand in making Passion '06 possible! That was the most organized event (of that size) that I've ever been to!
Remember this: WE SERVE AN AMAZING GOD!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 3:36 PM
louie, i think it would be cool if you had one of those free podcasts. it could update like once a week or something.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 3:46 PM
WOW!! I'm really not sure what to say other than that...I've been fortunate to be on the volunteer team serving this amazing generation rising up for HIS Renown for the past 2 years and each year I am more and more in awe of what God is doing in the lives of you students. Having done the “drift away” during college myself, I can’t tell you how energized your full on devotion makes this 30-something volunteer. Crowder, Tomlin, Louie and the rest of the speakers/worshippers all ROCK, but it’s you college students and your selfless desire to go WHEREVER HE leads you that truly fuel me during Passion and for the months afterwards. My heart beats with you, and my prayers are with each of you as you leave Nashville for your apartments, dorms, and homes. I pray that each of you is stronger in your devotion, and running full-on into WHATEVER God’s plans for you are! Thank you for being a generation that makes me want to be a small, small, small servant of the reverent party going on for HIS Renown! You’ve even amazed your host city…. On Thursday after each of you were on your way home and the Go-Center was packed away in boxes, we loaded our luggage in the car ready to begin our journey home…only to find that the car wasn’t quite ready to leave yet. A call to AAA left us with the news that we probably weren’t leaving until sometime Friday and as my friends found other rides home, I jumped in a tow truck feeling quite emotionally spent. I arrived at a car service location a few blocks up from the arena, still sporting my blue t-shirt and volunteer wristband. The service tech trying to figure out why my car was dead asked about the wristband, and I explained Passion as best I could (it’s hard to explain something which there really are no mortal words to describe). He took me inside to tell several of the other techs, you see they had seen all you college students this week and couldn’t understand what was going on downtown that had brought out that many students who were that “under control”. Mostly the guys just shook their heads in awe…one guy sitting in the waiting area with me called his wife to excitedly fill her in. Another wrote down website information to pass along to his high school senior son and his friends for next year. So thank you for saying yes to the journey that our amazing Father has placed you on…
Cece @ Dill Pickle Picnic, at 1/06/2006 3:54 PM
God is AMAZING!!!! I am "completely speechless" in who He is and what He has done for us. He showed up through passion 06 in such a mighty way and it seems that I am a different person today than I was before I left and fell in love with my Lord Jesus all over again. I am so excited as to how this refocus of my life will affect this next semeseter and know that, if I keep God as the Lord and remember just how awesome and HUGE He is, that He will use me to make an awesome difference for Him on my campus.
On another note, thanks to the passion staff and all the volunteers... without you guys this amazing experience would not have been possible! I know that God will bless you for your willingness to give of yourselfs to serve a higher purpose. God bless!!
"For as high as the heavens are abouve the earth, so great is His faithful love toward those who fear Him" Psalm 103:11
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 4:10 PM
cant wait for Atlanta!!!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 4:12 PM
For I know my God saved the day
And I know His Word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me.........
Its gonna be alright!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 4:15 PM
Blessed by the Hearts of those who served... Blown Away by Our GOD! I Praise God for this event and what it has done in my Heart ...bring me back to Him wanting to serve Him so much more!! Thank you for this ...
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 5:22 PM
Incredible... God has shown Himself once again to be so far beyond our imagination. I went to Passion 06 with my church and we had an amazing ride back home. Fourteen people in one van spent nearly nine hours discussing the conference, what they learned and their testimonies. It was a wonderful time of fellowship that was completely permeated by an awe and gratefulness to God.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 5:22 PM
The thing I am most thanful for was the prayer journey leading up to this event. I'm sure some people had an amazing, incredible experience at this event as "events" tend to do that to people, but I pray that it was much more than that for those attending. I am so thankful that you took the time to bathe this thing in prayer and let us journey along...I know in my life it was preparing my heart and expecting God that allowed God to bless me throughout the week. I was one of the first attendees to be able to go through the Kneel stations. I can't remember the last time I prayed that long...what I thought would be the 30 minute window....turned into over an hour and I believe it set the stage for what God was going to do, not just in my life...but in the lives of every person attending, our nation, other nations...and every thing we prayed for in that tunnel. I believe it was the Holy Spirit that directed me to a fantastic breakout and answered alot of questions for me about my "vocational calling". Thank each of you on the staff for allowing your overflow of ministry that is--passion conferences--for allowing me to attend.
Father, CONTINUE to work through us every day even after the grandiose is over and let us glorify you in all of your radiant beauty....even the beauty of your death.
Jason Hylton
Jason, at 1/06/2006 5:29 PM
Such a wonderful time of worship. I was brought to tears when I thought about how God is so big. I am such a measley little human, but He chose me. He chose me to do His work. He chose me to be a beacon of light. He indeed met us there with overwhelming love, but He always meets us with overwhelming love. That is the amazing part!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 5:38 PM
Astounded at His glory! I believe for me it has been a very long time since I have been able to experience God in the way I did at Passion 2006. The fact that I saw 18 thousand other College age students praising God with me gave me a great Joy inside! I feel happy! I Go to Gordon College in Barnesville Georgia to see our Name flash up on the screen made me happy to know so many people were praying for our campus. Now I remain speechless in His Glory and I had the opertunity to share the Gospel with a friend of mine when I returned and those words could not have come from me..but from God. Thank you again Lord for everything that was done this weekend and everything that will be done! ~Lisa Gardiner
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 5:40 PM
To the lead worshippers,
including David Crowder Band, Charlie Hall and his band, Kristian, Chris, the Travellers Matt, Louie, Beth, Dr. Piper, Watermark, (oh, some of them may never see this, so pass it on if you see them)... God is using you all in a mighty way. You may not like being "famous," but in a way, you are, and that's ok. You're all there (with all your brothers and sisters) for HIS glory, and He WILL take care of you. I'll be praying all the more for all of you (as our teachers), since you have been given this extra responsibility (I bet that knocks you guys all off your socks every now and then).
To the short ones among you a note of encouragement: the psalmist David was also the littlest (if that's even a word)...
In all seriousness, if you all go to Europe, that would be beyond awesome, and I pray that God will make it happen. David and Charlie, not like it matters at all, but I would really love to see you two come and perform at this place called the terrace in Madison, WI. It's a hangout on the lake (only in the summer, mind you) for students and others, and mostly packed with non-believers. They have bands playing most nights of the week; and somehow I could really see you connecting with the students on that campus. I'm not even sure why I'm posting this here, but if you will, just think about it.
In HIS glory,
Silke, at 1/06/2006 5:47 PM
I was born again, again. I can't say enough, and say thank you to our Great Living God and an amazing staff and muscians who put on Passion 06. I want you to know that your details were not lost on this event. From a fellow literary, I did not miss your chiasmic structure, foreshadowing, and detailed thought process that pervaded this event.
God is truly magnificent and my life and been renewed.
If I had one suggestion, however, I would love to see the diversity of this event increase. I spoke with Francis Chan in the leader's community group and suggested that a possible way to increase our diversity is to create a scholarship program. Rather than signing up for another Passion, encourage former Passion attenders, like myself, to spend the next registration fee on a scholarship to help bring black people to our event. I would love to volunteer a registration fee if I knew I could promote diversity among the body at Passion 07.
Adam Mellem, at 1/06/2006 5:47 PM
Passion 06 was awesome.
I have one quick question,
Can anyone tell me the artist of the song Christy Nockels sang at her Late Nite session with Nathan and Matt Redman. The name of the song is "CHOICES". It fits really well with something I'm working on, and I've had a very hard time finding the lyrics or artist of the song.
Thanks for all your help
Heather in GA
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 5:50 PM
For the first time in my life, I have nothing to say! I am still listening to God. Thank you, Louie and everyone!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 6:22 PM
John Piper announced on his website january 6,2006 that he has prostrate cancer. Please pray for him
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 6:28 PM
Passion was amazing. wow. It was so evident that it was all God breathed. My birthday was the 4th, but through out the day I kept forgetting!! There was such a focus on Christ that there just wasn't room for me to focus on myself. It was the best birthday present I've ever received! so humbling.
Laura, at 1/06/2006 6:31 PM
this was incredible. i loved all the unbelievable worship. i came fully drained and left overflowing. i'm ready to pursue God harder than ever this year, and i'm thankful God's given me the vision He has...let's see what this year holds for me.
question...does anyone know what these songs are???
Chris Tomlin sang it...Glorious, over us...
and this one Tim Hughes sang...God is in my hurting, God is in my healing...Be my Everything...
see ya!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 6:55 PM
Passion '06 was absolutely amazing! God spoke to my heart in a different way than I thought He would. All I can really say is AMAZING! God is so good! Thank you everyone who was involved in Passion one way or another, I was really blessed and I hope you were too!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 7:15 PM
If I could, I would go to every single person, Louie, ALL ~900 volunteers, all the awesome worship leaders, speakers, community group leaders, production team members, Gaylord arena staff.. people who were picking up trash after us.. to thank them for allowing God to use them in the way He did and for letting it all physically happen for ALLL 18,000 of us. But my ultimate gratitude falls on Jesus Christ, for even with all those people and all those cool lights and sounds, it would all be worthless without Him. And it is my heart's prayer that this not be just another "retreat" where we leave full and satisfied.
It doesn't have to be just another "spiritual high"! You know why we get high when we come out of a retreat? Because Jesus Christ Himself comes to meet with us in those places when we go to focus on Him and worship Him with our whole hearts. And He fills us up. We don't have to worry about going on another roller coaster ride of emotions because God's love for us endures FOREVER and we will always have a reason to be "High".
I encourage all of you to take joy in what Christ has done for us and all that He has revealed to us through Passion. But let us give some feet to this passion in our hearts and take it to our campuses. For what good is "A Generation for His RENOWN" if His name is not spread through us?!
Press on my brothers and sisters!!!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 7:17 PM
I came expecting God to do great things.... and He exceeded my expectations beyond what I can express. He is SO GOOD!
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 7:40 PM
Are there words to describe You?
I have spent the last day or so trying to wind down, but why?
As I read these words, I am utterly amazed, and brought to tears, at how You, Lord, touched so many lives!!! I look and see the reality of the many in who we prayed for, having been touched, moved to know even more just how real You are!
I mean when I see your faces, your stretching out to touch God, I am deeply moved. Because when in His presence, worship is inevitable!
I see the picture in the gallary, #15 and am so moved to see You Lord, touched not only this generation, or Passion attendees, but those You divinely placed.
It has been my pleasure to serve you, but an even greater pleasure to participate in the worship of our deeply real, completely near, and always faithful God! I would take my body to the limits, just to give one a chance to taste and see, just how amazingly and glouriously REAL You are!
Go, you have been empowered, take this awesome Truth to the utter ends of the earth. There are many praying for you!
Praise YOU!!! I cannot quite find the words to put the emotions into words.
You have changed history! Our lives will never be the same.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 8:48 PM
"Staggering to think of how many were represented at Passion 06...and compelling to see how many were not."
Yes!!! I was one of the "blue shirts" asking people to give up the seats they were trying to save in the arena. When we were singing over the list of the colleges at the end, I was struck by the fact that not one college of the several within about an hour of my home were listed.
With the help and guidance of God, it won't be that way next year :).
Tammie, at 1/06/2006 11:53 PM
hmm, it is too bad that you do not allow anything but overwhelmingly positive comments on your conference, on this site? it seems they must include the word awesome, amazing, overwhelming, etc., or they do not make the cut. did people have any other types of experiences here? i think it would be good if all were heard equally. as a believer in god, this site makes me a little nervous. anyone else?
Anonymous, at 1/06/2006 11:56 PM
I will never be the same!!!!
Anonymous, at 1/07/2006 12:49 AM
WOW!! Passion was so awesome! It helped me get so much closer to God...It was just awesome in every way and all of the people were awesome too! Especially my family group! Great job all of you and thank you for doing this..keep up the work! Hope to see you next year!
Dustin, at 1/07/2006 2:33 AM
I respond to what Anonymous just said...
hmm, it is too bad that you do not allow anything but overwhelmingly positive comments on your conference, on this site? it seems they must include the word awesome, amazing, overwhelming, etc., or they do not make the cut. did people have any other types of experiences here? i think it would be good if all were heard equally. as a believer in god, this site makes me a little nervous. anyone else?
hey friend. haha. i think everyone is being honest,as surprising as it may be. i think the conference had about a 99% success rate um, meaning that most people came expecting a fresh encounter with God and recieving just that. He really did floor just about everybody, and I hope that instead of that making you nervous, it will make you excited about the fact that our God is able to unite the hearts of 19,000 people in corporate worship and have so much to speak into their hearts using a handful of powerful speakers.
Anonymous, at 1/07/2006 3:36 AM
Thank you for putting together such an amazing week. I agree with the comment "how sobering as almost 1000 campuses scrolled up on the screens" I was brought to tears, at that moment. To know that I was the reason that my school was on that list for no one that I know of was there from my school. Thank you for praying for Boston, I will be returning in a week, and can say that I will count on those prayers as I go back to share Christ's love for everyone. Thank you. Keep up God's great work!
Anonymous, at 1/08/2006 12:48 AM
I attended as a "leader". Actually, my son is a Bible student in Dallas & attended in 2005 & was so "Wowed" by Passon'05, I had to go & by set on fire as well. Passion isn't just for college kids. I am 51 years young. It was the heart stirring time of my life! I've been on the Walk to Ameas & it was nothing. The music was fabulous! Chris Tomlin's "Party" especially. Thank you to everyone who made it possible!
Anonymous, at 1/26/2006 11:56 AM
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