Praise God for the turnout! Praise God for every person there! Praise God that He can move the mountains! Praise God for all He is and does and continues to be and do!
I´m writting from the state of São Paulo, Brazil!!!
We are really moved for the glory of the Lord upon this university campus.
We felt here in Brazil how the Lord wants to share his power, love and indecribable grace with u all! To Uganda and to all the globe u, students, are THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Take this power to change the universities across all the country.
We just love u in our Lord Jesus Chirst, who we adore in unity.
Hey... for these days I wrote a song thinking in u that are worshipping God at a university campus. And part os the song says:
May the students know your freedom May the employes know your life May the chancellor follow your ways To your name, JESUS, be famous!
that´s it, dears.
SO! Dear students from Africa, God is GREAT!!!!!!!!!! He will bless u more and more every day becouse u´re seeking HIS FACE!
P.S. My Mom just got a chance to look at the pics and immediately started crying for joy... she has really been praying for you all as well on this journey...
God is great!!! these photos are amazing!!!! It's a pleasure and honor can pray for you!!! It's emotive see all of you worshiping God in unity! Each one of you it's a part of my life! I love You in Jesus Christ! Kampala and Uganda i'ts in my heart and memory forver!
I'm looking at the clock and doing the math just to know when you are singing and praying and praising the Lord, or when you are sleeping.. just to know what I have to pray for in each moment.. :P
God is AMAZING.. and do AMAZING things!! just like 20.000 people in one place for His Glory!!! WOW!!
MAN WHAT IS THIS!!!! THERE'S A BUNCH OF SOLDIERS THERE!!!! IS THE GOD'S ARMY!!! laughs!!! Is really good to see these things happening for the glory of Jesus. May God bless you more and more Louie and all the Passion Staff you're great and you shine the light of god trough your bodies.
Well sorry my awful english, but is the self-learning things. laughs.
i listen to your podcast while i run, and i download many different ones so i am normally behind in my listening. Today i was listening to the "It's On" podcast and i experienced something new. I got chill bumps while i was running listening to the Kyiv group scream for Jesus. Now, i live in vegas so to get any chill bumps at all is insane. It was sooo touching and made any problems i was thinking about disappear once i realized how Big God really is, and how he has touched lives literally all over the world. I also started to cry and could no longer run. It was overwhelming to hear them praise his name. Thank you for going overseas to praise the name of Jesus with ALL his people.
To all and Passion team .....Wow !! God is awesome!! These students have a beautiful spirit can see it in the photos!! Talk about God showing up wihtout all the technical stuff because God is God !! You can just have the people sing and feel the presence of GOd !! So AWESOME!!
Even though I'm just a high school senior, I have been praying with you guys from the beginning of this whole world tour. I feel somewhat connected to everyone around the world as I see, hear, and read of God's amazing power.
Greater Things have Yet to Come! Greater Things are Still to Be Done! Halleujah!
PRAISE GOD!!! To quote my former roommate there seem to be a lot of people here with "no lives" because worshipping God with that many college students at the same time has got to be the greatest thing they have ever done!!!
it is evident the pure joy on thier faces and the true worship in their hearts! God can and will so immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine! thanks for being apart of making thier dreams come true.....the Kampala students are forever changed! here's looking forward to eternity, heather from ky.
Um.....I honestly don't know what to say. This has left me totally speechless. All I know is that we serve the Lord of all lords and that His fame and glory has came to Kampala. Those students' lives will never be the same. Ask me.
Thank You Father God. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. All the glory to Your name!
(I think that they are still dancing in the heavens today...)
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost !!!..
Hello From Kampala! I cannot fully describe what happened last night at makerere university here in kampala. The field was filled to capacity, matt redman, chris tomlin and loui giglio never got tired of being with us and entertaining us. It was awesome when a clip was played featuring the past passion tour in sao paulo brazil and people were shouting kampala and praying for us. We love you Brazil. Thank you for loving us and loving christ. The passion show is going on even today and am going down to the field (about 100 meters) right now. I can hear the sound of the music. We are blest here in kampala. Oh, havig to see chis tomlin live is very exciting for me
WOW!!! I am so overwhelmed looking at the pics - speechless, with tears of joy running down my face. God is amazing and sooooo BIG! I praise God for what you're doing and what He's doing! We're seeing Him answer everyone's prayers of "greater things"....Can't wait to hear the podcast!
Wow tears of joy flow from my eyes, seeing so many other college students around the globe worshiping our Lord who deserves all glory and PRAISE! I'm currently preparing to go to Kenya, Africa this summer and I pray that the Lord would bring children who would come and experience the Love of Christ, and that our team would "welcome even one of these little ones" right Matt? Blessings!
God is great... it is amazing to see his children together praising his matter where... He is the one who makes thousands of students become one in his name...for this glory...great images...what a great night!!!!!!!!!! wish i was there!!!!
Hey Louie can you please read this to all your teammates (lf Chris remembers am the one who promised to pose to him and all of you a spiritual question Question Do you ever sit down honestly speaking and thank God for the gift He has given you that people can hear sermons and songs without knowing you as an artist or pastor or great person and get ministered to through the sermon and songs?Do you try to stop ,think ,tell ,ask and pray to God when you feel it is too much a burden for you to carry?(I don't want answers but it is question for you all you all individually know your spiritual being)_AND LEAVE YOU WITH THE SCRIPTURES BELOW TO ANSWER MAYBE OF THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS ABOVE Philippians1:6 Philippians4:13 Philippians1:7 1 Thessalanians5:24 and with this below IT IS NOT BY MIGHTY NOR BY POWER BUT BY HIS SPIRIT God bless you
I WAS THERE...SAYING IT WAS AWESOME,MAGNIFICENT OR WONDERFUL will simply be an UNDERSTATEMENT WORDS can describe it...dennis Bsc.Computer Science makerere university
Let us continue seeking His face.We shall surely see it. Thank you for the Passion Team. You indeed Rocked Kampala forthe Glory of HIS NAME. HE IS INDEED A GREAT GOD
I cannot begin to tell you what this weekend has meant to us here in Uganda. We (the 9 of us)came from Jinja, Uganda (Amani Baby Cottage)to volunteer our time to help with Kampala Passion. It was phenomenal. I acted as "the nurse" and carried one of your radios. I was spellbound by the miracle that happened at Makerere University and wanted to take a moment to Thank you abundantly. Make the Lord of Heaven richly and abundantly do for you all you ask or imagine. As you travel the globe, I pray He will bless each of you and enlarge your territory. For He alone can. Thank you again for blessing us and the people of Uganda. It was the greatest weekend of my 3 years here serving the kingdom. Blessings Siouxanne Mease Health Care Coordinator Amani Baby Cottage Jinja Uganda
Our God is really awesome! It's so lovely to see all these people praising the Lord! I can't wait to see how it'll be in Paris... Someday Jesus said that it's harder to a rich man enter the Kingdom so maybe the work will be much more in France. We have to pray and wait for the God's miracle! :)
passion clue!may GOD bless u richly.passion Kampala changed my thought concerning God and l was overwhelmed coz of his greatness. thanx alot and may the Good Lord bless you and provide 4 u TIM
Hi passion crew,it was a blessing having here in Kampala,Uganda.I tell u our lives and city never remained the same.I still feel the impact of this tour in our city.Remember that your labour is not in vain.May the Lord continue to increase you,may His face shine on you and may His hand continue to lead you.Guys the slogan continues,We want more,We want more.....nfinite.I desire to see u again in Kampala sooner than later.Blessing,honour fame,glory and poer be unto the Lord most high.Be blessed.
Ok,guys, I have never experiened the touch of God Like it was in Kampala 2 weeks ago!!! I Pray for you and the movement that the lord will touch the hears of men and women in all universities. the seed you planted shall surely grow. Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Can some one remember the song "...great things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city...."(Kampala)
hi louie giglio thank you for your passion for God, balance and sound doctrine. It great to hear a message that does not tickle ones ears but has a impact on ones life and causes growth It is very contageous. thank you
Indescribable...God is great!
Unknown, at 5/30/2008 5:58 PM
Unbelievable....Amazing!! Hallelujah!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 6:00 PM
Praise God!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 6:01 PM
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 6:04 PM
Praise God!!!!
Thank you so much for uploading these amazing pictures! I am so happy for all of you and for Ughanda!
We'll keep praying for all the Passion Team and for Kampala students during Saturday!!!
I can't wait to know more details!! :-)
God bless you all
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Rodrigo, at 5/30/2008 6:06 PM
Thanks for the pictures!!! Look forward to hearing about the evening. AMAZING!!!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 6:07 PM
Tha brazilian studants is praynig for Kampala!!
I love this place even I don´t know it!!
Heloisa Helena
Salvador - Brazil
Unknown, at 5/30/2008 6:18 PM
Wow. Our God is so amazing! I should have known when we were praying in DC that such amazing things would come to Kampala and Uganda and the world!
Ryan, at 5/30/2008 6:24 PM
Praise God for the turnout!
Praise God for every person there!
Praise God that He can move the mountains!
Praise God for all He is and does and continues to be and do!
Thank YOU JESUS...
Zach G, at 5/30/2008 6:28 PM
This is awesome!! Thank you for spreading the love of Jesus and sharing your lives with the Ugandans.
Mrs.O, at 5/30/2008 6:37 PM
God is GOOD!!!!
Iadoracion, at 5/30/2008 6:39 PM
Brittany, at 5/30/2008 6:39 PM
Wow, I am so happy to see all those people worshiping Jesus! It's amazing!! So beautiful!!
Marta Araujo - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Passion São Passion 08
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 6:48 PM
I´m writting from the state of São Paulo, Brazil!!!
We are really moved for the glory of the Lord upon this university campus.
We felt here in Brazil how the Lord wants to share his power, love and indecribable grace with u all! To Uganda and to all the globe u, students, are THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Take this power to change the universities across all the country.
We just love u in our Lord Jesus Chirst, who we adore in unity.
Hey... for these days I wrote a song thinking in u that are worshipping God at a university campus. And part os the song says:
May the students know your freedom
May the employes know your life
May the chancellor follow your ways
To your name, JESUS, be famous!
that´s it, dears.
SO! Dear students from Africa, God is GREAT!!!!!!!!!! He will bless u more and more every day becouse u´re seeking HIS FACE!
Juliana, at 5/30/2008 6:51 PM
wow! absolute wow!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 7:13 PM
I am in absolute awe! God is so amazingly good!
Thank you for taking the time to share these Louie! Know that we are praying here in Texas for Uganda on day 2! Can't wait to hear that roar!!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 7:18 PM
WOW!!!!!! Sooo Amazing!!!! :^)
God is Sooo AWESOME!!!!!!!
I just love how the picture's can't even encompass all of the crowd, what an amazing night it looks like ya'll had!!!
WoW! :^D
Our God Reigns!!!
karah :^)
P.S. Thanks, Louie for putting the pics up, (after, I'm sure a long day)!!! :^)
Karahly, at 5/30/2008 7:34 PM
WOW their faces say it all!!
Thanks Louie for the pics, I know it was a labor of love from you to all of us.
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 7:44 PM
Oh my gosh!.... They really do say it all! GLORY TO GOD!
Praying that you all are sleeping well and quickly :)!
Aslan's Girl, at 5/30/2008 8:05 PM
He is faithful!!!!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 8:09 PM
P.S. My Mom just got a chance to look at the pics and immediately started crying for joy... she has really been praying for you all as well on this journey...
Aslan's Girl, at 5/30/2008 8:12 PM
wow guys... AMAZING.
Man do i miss Africa
Praying over you
Dave Carrol, at 5/30/2008 8:31 PM
God is great!!!
these photos are amazing!!!! It's a pleasure and honor can pray for you!!! It's emotive see all of you worshiping God in unity!
Each one of you it's a part of my life! I love You in Jesus Christ! Kampala and Uganda i'ts in my heart and memory forver!
God bless our generation today and always!
Rosana - São Paulo/Brazil
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 8:32 PM
brazil is praynig for Kampala!!
God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 8:44 PM
I have tears in my eyes!
How GREAT is our God!!
Praying for kampala.
Nathalie, at 5/30/2008 8:45 PM
wow ... praise God!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 8:46 PM
I´m speechless!
Can´t wait the podcast!
Passion Volunteer in Sao Paulo
Esy Ferreira, at 5/30/2008 8:52 PM
Eeeeh!!! Praise to You Lord of all!!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 9:14 PM
Amen!! I agree. praise God You are Amazing.
Liz, at 5/30/2008 9:21 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sull, at 5/30/2008 9:42 PM
I'm looking at the clock and doing the math just to know when you are singing and praying and praising the Lord, or when you are sleeping.. just to know what I have to pray for in each moment.. :P
God is AMAZING.. and do AMAZING things!! just like 20.000 people in one place for His Glory!!! WOW!!
Praise God!!!
*praying from SP - Brazil
Sull, at 5/30/2008 9:43 PM
God Bless Kampala!!!
Karen, at 5/30/2008 9:57 PM
wowwww wowwwwwwwww!!
it's amazing...AWESOME!!
The pics are beautiful...when I saw started to give glory to God!!
praise God! praise God!
we keep praying!! great things have yet to come!!
Wellington Albertini, at 5/30/2008 10:07 PM
MAN WHAT IS THIS!!!! THERE'S A BUNCH OF SOLDIERS THERE!!!! IS THE GOD'S ARMY!!! laughs!!! Is really good to see these things happening for the glory of Jesus. May God bless you more and more Louie and all the Passion Staff you're great and you shine the light of god trough your bodies.
Well sorry my awful english, but is the self-learning things. laughs.
luansr, at 5/30/2008 10:08 PM
i listen to your podcast while i run, and i download many different ones so i am normally behind in my listening. Today i was listening to the "It's On" podcast and i experienced something new. I got chill bumps while i was running listening to the Kyiv group scream for Jesus. Now, i live in vegas so to get any chill bumps at all is insane. It was sooo touching and made any problems i was thinking about disappear once i realized how Big God really is, and how he has touched lives literally all over the world. I also started to cry and could no longer run. It was overwhelming to hear them praise his name. Thank you for going overseas to praise the name of Jesus with ALL his people.
liz, at 5/30/2008 10:48 PM
WOW. I'm completely speechless. My eyes are wet with tears of how utterly amazing and awesome God is. WOW. GOD IS SOOO GOOD!!
Susan, at 5/30/2008 10:54 PM
I'm really excited! Well, really I'm just overwhelmed by the pictures! God is so BIG! yay!!!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 10:58 PM
The pictures are amazing! I cant wait for the podcast - to hear more!!! God is awesome!!!
Anna, at 5/30/2008 10:58 PM
To all and Passion team .....Wow !! God is awesome!! These students have a beautiful spirit can see it in the photos!! Talk about God showing up wihtout all the technical stuff because God is God !! You can just have the people sing and feel the presence of GOd !! So AWESOME!!
God Bless,
Unknown, at 5/30/2008 10:59 PM
Great News! Keep it up!
Wish you guys all the best at your next stop and give us more details when you get a chance!
Sergei-Toronto, Canada
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 11:04 PM
You're absolutely right...the images do say it all! We serve an amazing God for sure...
Thank you for allowing all of us to share in this adventure with all of you!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 11:09 PM
Even though I'm just a high school senior, I have been praying with you guys from the beginning of this whole world tour. I feel somewhat connected to everyone around the world as I see, hear, and read of God's amazing power.
Greater Things have Yet to Come!
Greater Things are Still to Be Done!
God of this City, State, Nation, and World!
Taylor, at 5/30/2008 11:41 PM
wowwww!!!Greater things have yet to come!Great things are still to be done In this world!!!
this is so incredible!!!!
praying for kampala!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 11:50 PM
Leona, at 5/30/2008 11:51 PM
PRAISE GOD!!! To quote my former roommate there seem to be a lot of people here with "no lives" because worshipping God with that many college students at the same time has got to be the greatest thing they have ever done!!!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2008 11:56 PM
amazing GOD
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 12:06 AM
Hi brothers and sisters in Kampala,
we are praying for u all!!
May God bless you!!
Greetings from BRazil.
In Christ and for His name,
São Paulo City
Unknown, at 5/31/2008 12:28 AM
THAT is so AWESOME!!!!
Kate, at 5/31/2008 12:35 AM
it is evident the pure joy on thier faces and the true worship in their hearts! God can and will so immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine! thanks for being apart of making thier dreams come true.....the Kampala students are forever changed! here's looking forward to eternity,
heather from ky.
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 1:06 AM
Ann Marie, at 5/31/2008 1:24 AM
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 1:58 AM
Greater things are yet to come tomorrow! (Typing from Brazil-haha!)
May God bless you more and more there in Kampala! Still praying.
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 2:11 AM
Um.....I honestly don't know what to say. This has left me totally speechless. All I know is that we serve the Lord of all lords and that His fame and glory has came to Kampala. Those students' lives will never be the same. Ask me.
Thank You Father God. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. All the glory to Your name!
(I think that they are still dancing in the heavens today...)
kari, at 5/31/2008 2:40 AM
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost !!!..
gail, at 5/31/2008 5:44 AM
Hello From Kampala! I cannot fully describe what happened last night at makerere university here in kampala. The field was filled to capacity, matt redman, chris tomlin and loui giglio never got tired of being with us and entertaining us. It was awesome when a clip was played featuring the past passion tour in sao paulo brazil and people were shouting kampala and praying for us. We love you Brazil. Thank you for loving us and loving christ.
The passion show is going on even today and am going down to the field (about 100 meters) right now. I can hear the sound of the music. We are blest here in kampala. Oh, havig to see chis tomlin live is very exciting for me
Nicholas Kimbowa, at 5/31/2008 6:08 AM
WOW!!! I am so overwhelmed looking at the pics - speechless, with tears of joy running down my face. God is amazing and sooooo BIG! I praise God for what you're doing and what He's doing! We're seeing Him answer everyone's prayers of "greater things"....Can't wait to hear the podcast!
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 7:32 AM
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 9:02 AM
JoeFromBronx, at 5/31/2008 9:26 AM
... that is going to be a hard one to beat...
annami, at 5/31/2008 10:46 AM
Aleluia Deus é bom!
Danielly Fontis, at 5/31/2008 10:47 AM
incredible. thanks for showing.
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 12:09 PM
Wow tears of joy flow from my eyes, seeing so many other college students around the globe worshiping our Lord who deserves all glory and PRAISE! I'm currently preparing to go to Kenya, Africa this summer and I pray that the Lord would bring children who would come and experience the Love of Christ, and that our team would "welcome even one of these little ones" right Matt? Blessings!
# 43 Pod Cast listener,
Helen Of Campbell, Ca.
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 1:19 PM
Lily, at 5/31/2008 1:25 PM
Jacoline, at 5/31/2008 2:34 PM
Glory to God in the highest.One Holy fire across ALL the nations.
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 3:19 PM
Gui Abrahão, at 5/31/2008 3:26 PM
The anticipation is building! I cant wait to hear what happenend in Kampala tonight!!!!!!!!!
Anna, at 5/31/2008 4:34 PM
5/30/2008 11:56 PM
Wow, is that the Fruitcake?!? Christa--- I can't even put words to how awesomely God has used you.
May the love of Christ richly dwell with you!
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 5:11 PM
God is great...
it is amazing to see his children together praising his matter where... He is the one who makes thousands of students become one in his name...for this glory...great images...what a great night!!!!!!!!!!
wish i was there!!!!
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 5:49 PM
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 7:01 PM
Hey Louie can you please read this to all your teammates (lf Chris remembers am the one who promised to pose to him and all of you a spiritual question
Do you ever sit down honestly speaking and thank God for the gift He has given you that people can hear sermons and songs without knowing you as an artist or pastor or great person and get ministered to through the sermon and songs?Do you try to stop ,think ,tell ,ask and pray to God when you feel it is too much a burden for you to carry?(I don't want answers but it is question for you all you all individually know your spiritual being)_AND LEAVE YOU WITH THE SCRIPTURES BELOW TO ANSWER MAYBE OF THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS ABOVE
1 Thessalanians5:24
and with this below
God bless you
Anonymous, at 5/31/2008 8:28 PM
i'm cryyyyy
God is Good
i'm very happy
Passion Tour
glory is the Lord
i love you
i pray for you
i Love Jesus
i want Jesus in Brazil, in world
have a nice week
Anonymous, at 6/01/2008 11:35 AM
WOOOOOOOoooooooow thanks to the passion team we in Kampala experienced Jesus in a way we had never done before!!! were are praying for Paris.
Anonymous, at 6/02/2008 2:51 AM
I WAS THERE...SAYING IT WAS AWESOME,MAGNIFICENT OR WONDERFUL will simply be an UNDERSTATEMENT WORDS can describe it...dennis Bsc.Computer Science makerere university
Anonymous, at 6/02/2008 3:05 AM
Let us continue seeking His face.We shall surely see it.
Thank you for the Passion Team.
You indeed Rocked Kampala forthe Glory of HIS NAME.
Jesus Rocks, at 6/02/2008 4:21 AM
I cannot begin to tell you what this weekend has meant to us here in Uganda. We (the 9 of us)came from Jinja, Uganda (Amani Baby Cottage)to volunteer our time to help with Kampala Passion. It was phenomenal. I acted as "the nurse" and carried one of your radios. I was spellbound by the miracle that happened at Makerere University and wanted to take a moment to Thank you abundantly. Make the Lord of Heaven richly and abundantly do for you all you ask or imagine. As you travel the globe, I pray He will bless each of you and enlarge your territory. For He alone can. Thank you again for blessing us and the people of Uganda. It was the greatest weekend of my 3 years here serving the kingdom. Blessings
Siouxanne Mease
Health Care Coordinator
Amani Baby Cottage Jinja Uganda
Anonymous, at 6/02/2008 7:46 AM
Our God is really awesome! It's so lovely to see all these people praising the Lord! I can't wait to see how it'll be in Paris... Someday Jesus said that it's harder to a rich man enter the Kingdom so maybe the work will be much more in France. We have to pray and wait for the God's miracle! :)
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Tatiany, at 6/03/2008 1:34 PM
passion kampala rocked!!! thank you guys sooo much. May the God of Kampala City bless you greatly
mike, at 6/04/2008 4:53 AM
passion clue!may GOD bless u richly.passion Kampala changed my thought concerning God and l was overwhelmed coz of his greatness.
thanx alot and may the Good Lord bless you and provide 4 u
Anonymous, at 6/04/2008 8:19 AM
Hi passion crew,it was a blessing having here in Kampala,Uganda.I tell u our lives and city never remained the same.I still feel the impact of this tour in our city.Remember that your labour is not in vain.May the Lord continue to increase you,may His face shine on you and may His hand continue to lead you.Guys the slogan continues,We want more,We want more.....nfinite.I desire to see u again in Kampala sooner than later.Blessing,honour fame,glory and poer be unto the Lord most high.Be blessed.
From Balugiire Ronald
Balugiire Ronald, at 6/10/2008 11:03 AM
Ok,guys, I have never experiened the touch of God Like it was in Kampala 2 weeks ago!!! I Pray for you and the movement that the lord will touch the hears of men and women in all universities. the seed you planted shall surely grow. Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Can some one remember the song "...great things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city...."(Kampala)
Anonymous, at 6/11/2008 4:37 AM
when are you guys coming to the Dominican Republic?
please let us know...
Dominican Republic
Anonymous, at 6/21/2008 12:45 AM
hi louie giglio
thank you for your passion for God, balance and sound doctrine.
It great to hear a message that does not tickle ones ears but has a impact on ones life and causes growth
It is very contageous.
thank you
clinton, at 6/22/2008 1:40 PM
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