
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 28
Day 28. Now.
In hours many of you will be arriving in Atlanta. But Passion doesn't start when you get here, Passion begins the instant you become intoxicated by the grace of God and decide to make every breath about the Savior who brought you back to life again. Shake off the fog of lies that suffocate and cling to the voice of the Spirit. In Christ, you are prized, free, alive, new, washed clean, able.
If you're on the way to Passion 07, we'll see you soon! If not, know we feel your prayers from a far and will see you by the miracle of technology once the first session is streamed sometime Monday night/Tuesday morning.
Father, what more can we say? 28 days. So many words.
We need You more than ever. You are everything. Be happy at Passion 07. It's all for You, Jesus. Who else would it be about anyway? I love You.
"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God." 1 Corinthians 2:12
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 27
Day 27. Details.
We shouldn't be surprised to know that God is a part of every aspect of our lives. He's not too busy (He doesn't sleep), uninterested (He's here with us), high and mighty (He's a servant-King), overloaded (He knows the names of all the stars) or ambivalent (He gave His best for us) to be connected to the small stuff. While He is a "big picture God," He's "intimately acquainted with all our ways." Psalm 139:3.
God is specific (check out all the genealogies and lists in the Bible). He is into microscopic things. He first split the atom. And there is no detail in your life today too small for Him to know and care about.
That's good news as many little pieces are assembled into Passion 07 today! So find something small to pray about or rejoice in:
We survived yesterday with only one broken finger (a crew member building the GWCC Arena).
Cheryl is feeling better.
There is no other virus outbreak that we know about.
Thousands of resources are being organized into an amazing store.
Eight interactive Pods (huge) are being built to house Global Awakening and the Do Something Now Campaign.
People are buying towels right now at Walmarts across the nation.
24,000 registration packets are being put together, all with various wristbands, maps, etc..
Our production crew is finishing the GWCC Arena today. They will have to wait until after midnight New Year's Eve to start on Phillips due to Widespread Panic shows tonight and tomorrow night.
We will pack Phillips Arena 24 hours after two Widespread Panic shows!!!
The Chick-fil-A Bowl is happening next door in the GA Dome tonight (and parade today!).
We are negotiating Widespread Panic and Bowl crowds!
The weather has been semi-mild and dry for load in so far. Maybe rain tonight?
The forecast for next week is mostly dry and mild-cool!
20 Community group settings are being brought to life.
Over 30 Team Leaders are cranking at full speed. (Their pics/names are in a December post).
Volunteers are coming to help for the day.
Over 1000 other volunteers are coming for the week.
Thousands of students are rockin the Omni right now at Crusade's Impact Conference.
Urbana's going strong in St, Louis with over 22,000. (Lots more details there!).
More Crusade Conferences are in full swing. (More details).
Other conferences are happening everywhere. (Many more details).
Father, it's amazing that You see and know us all. Teach us today to pray about the smallest things. For Jesus' sake, who was the specific answer to hundreds of promises (details), Amen.
All this said David, the LORD made me understand in writing by His hand upon me, all the details of this pattern. Then David said to his son Solomon, Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the house of the LORD is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:19-20
iTunes Gift Cards Anyone?

After an apparent post-Christmas jam (I think the iTunes site almost crashed), two new releases from sixsteps records are now online in the iTunes store for those of you with iTunes gift cards burning holes in your pockets. Also available everywhere!
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 26
Day 26. Prepare.
That's the word of the day as our Passion Team moves into downtown Atlanta and begins the weekend process of loading in everything we need for Passion 07. Team Leaders have arrived from California, Minnesota, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee and all across Atlanta to prepare the way for you. These are the days of long hours and hard work that will make your experience at Passion 07 possible and, we hope, life-changing.
Please continue to pray for our staff/team and volunteers today. Cheryl Bell, our Passion Event Director, is under the weather and germs of all kinds seem to be flying around trying to take our team down. As well, one of our Community Group leaders (T.S.) was just diagnosed with cancer this week. He's still on the way to Atlanta, but will be facing treatment options and further prognosis after Passion 07.
Father, prepare us as we prepare the way for You. Be present in the little things--packing, last minute changes, flight connections- -as well as the major ones. We know Passion is more than an event, but Your Kingdom coming to push back the darkness. We are in a struggle, yet You are mighty to save. Today, while the building begins, we are confident that You, Jesus, will lead us through victoriously as our eyes are on You. Amen.
"Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep." Psalm 127:1-2
[Enjoy the pic from the Omni Hotel, across Centennial Olympic Park to downtown!]
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 25
Day 25. Wind.
Jesus is a movement. He's not into monuments, systems or external structures. He is a river of life, “And everywhere the river flows, everything lives.” Movements are fluid. Movements move. Movements are not always predictable.
Passion began 11 years ago with a desire to spark a movement among this collegiate generation. We're not the first to have this desire and won't be the last. We’re just one grain of sand in the Sahara Desert-sized work God is doing around the globe. And, more than anything, we want to fight the tendency to settle and conform. Our brand must be more than catchy phrases and events. Passion will only be a movement when one altered life shines His light in the darkness for all to see. Movement = many lights making a mighty wave for His fame.
The external stuff of Passion07 is not what we're after, not what we need. Some will be fooled because they fill an arena and sing the songs, deceived because they feel the emotion and shed the tears. Yet without a heart that is honest and open before Him, no Spirit-birthed river can flow. If we’re going to be part of a movement, Jesus must have the freedom to break and reshape every heart.
Lord, we will not be satisfied by outward signs of spirituality, outward expressions alone. Help us. Assist us. We desire to move beyond outward layers that deceive and impress, but do not revive the soul. I’m raising my life to you. Wind of the Spirit, come. Don’t let me stagnate. Blow me onward. Wildly. Forward. Powerfully. Godward.
For Jesus sake, Amen.
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 24
Day 24. Honestly.
It's OK to come to God just like you are. While it won't be His plan to leave you that way for long, God is in touch with our true condition...He sees our hearts as plain as day and knows our motives as well as our words.
He understands our humanity. Our struggle. Our dark hearts. Our failing. Jesus didn't make the journey from heaven to the manger for people who needed a tiny bit of assistance. He came for the sick (the really sick), the crushed, the lost (like sheep with no shepherd) and the criminal among us. He came for the worst. And He came to raise the dead and touch those who were decaying from the inside out.
So as we come to Passion 07, let's come honestly and deal with things as they are. Let's lay down the need to impress each other, for that route leaves us looking good in their eyes but missing the healing power of His. Let's come to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ and seek mercy and grace in our time of need. Let's be real... and transparent. Let's stop faking it, and fall into the arms of the One who sees night and noonday the same. Let's not try to hide from the One who can put us back together again. And let's ask Him to shine His light into our reality, however dark, and bring life again.
Father, You see me like I am...as I am, yet You are still here. Still loving. Still waiting for me to step from the shadows and run into Your arms again. Meet me at the depths of me and do what only You can. In Jesus' name, Amen.
"The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust." Psalm 103:8-14
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 23
Day 23. Humbly.
If it's true that God spoke the Universe into existence, and then sent His Son into that world on a rescue mission of love--a mission He knew would cost Him His life and purchase ours--then let's come to Passion 07 carrying a hefty does of humility in our hearts...that attitude that says "You are God and we are not."
Humility, by the way, is simply seeing God. Pride, on the other hand, is seeing ourselves. No one has ever had a true glimpse of God and not ended up closer to the floor. He is glorious and massive and radiant and holy and imposing and awe-inspiring and intimidating. Yet, God somehow wedged all that into a Bethlehem manger in Christ so He could wrap us in His arms. Sin continually and deceptively puffs us up, making us think we're larger than life, while shrinking our ability to live in the fulness of His.
So, arriving at Passion 07 let's let the re-sizing begin.
Loved and treasured by God, let's insist less and say "yes" more.
Let's not stiffen our necks, rather let's soften our hearts.
Why act like we know it all already, let's come open to whatever He has to say.
Let's lay down our agendas and figure our where we fit in His.
Let's confess the shortcomings of "us" and embrace the sureness of Him.
Let's tread gently.
Come reverently.
Let's surrender first, before He even asks.
Let's stop assuming.
And demanding.
And ignoring.
And running.
Let's bow.
And bend.
And pause.
And honor.
Let's lift Him high and bow down low.
Down low, on our knees, is where the mighty river flows...the raging current of His love and power and peace.
Father, with one week until Passion 07, please soften our hearts so they can easily fit into Your hands and into Your plans. We are making a mess of our lives without You. We need You more than ever. Help us down to our knees where surrender ushers in Your marvelous rescue. We love You Jesus, Amen.
"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care." Psalm 95:6-7
Looks like a few of you found a trip to Passion 07 under the tree!Among those who registered on Christmas day, welcome to:
Kimberly - University of Arkansas
Jeff - Ga Tech
Simon - Not in school from Louisiana
Jacinda, Michelle and Allison - Samford
Kathryn - UGA
Logan - John Brown U
Brandon - University of Central Florida
Thomas - North Greenville U
Janet - Clemson
Rebecca - Bob Jones U
Courtney - U of Texas
There's no telling how many others are scrapping their Christmas money together, working feverishly, still trying to convice the parents, praying it will work out and hoping for a Passion 07 miracle. We're praying you all make it...and there is still time to bring someone along.
Stay tuned for the 28 Day Prayer Journey!
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 22
Day 22. All over the world.
Gesëende Kersfeest
Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
Feliz Navidad
Zalig Kerstfeast
Ruumsaid juulup|hi
Joyeux Noel
Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Maligayan Pasko!
Happy Christmas
Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia
Selamat Hari Natal
Srozhdestvom Kristovym
Feliz Natal
Vesele Vianoce
Buone Feste Natalizie
Merry Christmas.
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’” Galatians 4:4-6
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 21
Day 21. The Day Before Jesus.
Clinging to distant hope.
Looking heavenward.
Are the promises true?
Religion’s not enough.
So weary of all the sacrifice.
Time after time.
Year after year.
We’ve heard of a coming Savior.
Can it be?
A God-sent one.
For us.
Darkness growing.
Joy fading.
Time wasting.
Heavy weight.
So tired.
Little chance.
Is there something more?
Will He ever come?
What are we supposed to do?
400 years without a word.
No prophet.
No message.
Not one syllable.
Are we finished?
Shepherd less.
Doing our best.
Life goes on.
So crowded tonight.
No vacancy.
Oh, you’re expecting?
So sorry.
We’re slammed.
No room for you.
A cave will have to do.
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 20
Day 20. Expecting?
God loves the expectant heart. He loves it when we come to Him in faith. He is never intimidated by our hopes and dreams. He is not daunted by the size of our prayers.
Yet, so often we approach Him with such little aspiration. We pray as though we might easily tire Him or deplete His supply. We come to worship, but we always seem to “know” just what’s going to happen. We don’t expect the unexpected…a sad commentary for those of us who believe that God can do anything. Anything!
So as we come to Atlanta, let’s come with massive expectations. Not that He will do some specific thing we desire (although we can make our very specific requests known to Him at any time), but that He will meet us there. We can believe...and we should arrive at Passion 07 with sky-high hopes. We are coming to worship the God of all Creation.
God, increase my faith. I praise You because there is nothing too difficult for You. You never run dry. You do not sleep or slumber. Father, heighten my sense of who You are, expand my anticipation of what You are doing all around me and give me a greater capacity to believe You for all that is to come.
Make us expectant as we meet You. Help us cast away little faith, safe prayers, apathetic hearts, thinking “the usual," the fear of not having our expectations met. Blow up our view of You. Surprise us. Undo us. Amaze us again. Leave us speechless. Show us Jesus. Amen.
“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by You, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:12-14a
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 19
Day 19. Open wide.
It’s pouring in Atlanta today. Not so great for the holiday spirit and the Christmas shoppers, but a reminder that many of you will reach Passion 07 with sand in your mouths and shriveled-up hearts in your chest. Trust me...I get it. I've been there many, many times.
It’s not that you don’t believe in Jesus, you do. You’re singing the songs and nodding along. But while others around you seem to have a vibrant love affair going on it feels like you have dried up on the inside. The stream has become a trickle, the flame a flicker.
You’re excited about Passion 07, but what you really want is for the floodgates to open again... for a river to run in your heart, to rediscover the intimacy with God you’ve known in the past (or heard about, yet never tasted). The problem is you’re not sure how it happened in the first place, and lost as to where to find it again.
If that’s you—cracked, wasting, waning, wanting, dry—I want to encourage you to look up today, and open your mouth. God still makes streams flow in the desert and is able to make water gush from a rock. Turn your parched soul up toward Him and stand there. Ask. Look. Long. Wait. His promise is that He will fill it with what is good.
God, I know there is no formula for finding You. So I am waiting today for Your flood to find me. I still believe, but I want the never-ending fountain that is Jesus to soak my weary heart. External stuff is not enough. So Jesus I’m looking and longing for You. Please come again, Amen.
I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 18
Day 18. More.
We are rich. Yep, you and me. Maybe we don’t have everything we want, but we have so much more than 99% of the people on earth. I won’t bore you with the numbers, but even you “poor college students” are loaded. Don’t believe it. Move to Mexico City. Or Mumbai. Or Mali, Mogadishu, Mongolia, Manila or Maputo. That Starbucks you sprang for today was a week’s wages to many there, a fortune with foam and extra flavoring. Add to our bucks our spiritual wealth and you quickly realize we are the ones with more to give.
I say this not to make us feel bad, but to make us feel something. And to invert the question from “how can I get more” to “what am I going to do with what I have.” To that end, we are sharing a tiny amount of our abundance with those in need throughout Atlanta by bringing a bath towel and pair of socks to Passion 07. I know towels don’t seem all that glamorous, but the organizations of Atlanta have been ecstatic over the prospect of getting such for their shelters and transitional housing…ecstatic to the tune of 49,000 towels!! And their requests are still growing.
I’m no genius, but 22,000+ is less than 49,000, so, you guessed it, we now need 2+ towels per person coming to Passion 07. (Still one pair of socks). Sure, we could just give these organizations 22,000 towels and they would be thrilled. Or we can give them what they have asked for and still have more to spare. We’re rich. Let’s give richly. Let’s do more.
Father, it seems like a small thing we are doing, but use these towels and socks to awaken our hearts to those with so little. And somehow cause these towels to carry to the hurting and needy the story of a God who sees, and knows and cares…and gives everything. For Jesus’ sake in the simple things. Amen.
“If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.” Deuteronomy 15:7-8
PS-Please spread the 2+ towel word far and wide!
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 17
Day 17. Journey.
We are on a journey… and I mean more than a trip to Atlanta. Much more. We are after our Creator, restless souls longing to be in the arms of the One who made us. A Father whose arms are home. We are happy here on earth, but not fully satisfied. In fact, as the days mount, this thing called life earth looks less and less promising, not more and more appealing. But that’s OK. We’re just here for a brief visit. We're on our way, headed home.
We’re not anti-earth. Rather, pro heaven. As long as we’re here we'll enjoy this place, while fighting on for the Name that sets us free. But we have a departure date just ahead. And, speaking for myself, when I am gone, shed no tears for me. My final destination blows this place away.
In the meantime, Lord willing, I'm headed to Passion 07… and so are a ton of you. We’re coming on planes, on buses, in vans and in cars. In fact, some of you still are not’t exactly sure how you're going to get there. But you’re coming. You're determined. You're on a journey. We are all, and it won’t be easy.
In these last days many obstacles will come...they always do...trials from without and within that seek to impede our successful arrival at Passion 07. In fact, for us at Passion struggle has been at our door all fall long. Cancer, has been our companion. The fight, ever-present. But we’re still coming, no matter what.
So, get ready for them in coming days. Job changes. Financial worries. Family crisis. Illness. Friends bailing. Schedules crashing. Stuff happening. Many things will try to stand in the way, but let’s pray today…
Lord, You are sovereign over all things, and over all of us. Lead us to Atlanta under Your care. Thwart enemy plans that might stop us from being a part of all You have in store. And even today open the way for others to come. Those who are hoping for a financial miracle or a change of heart from a parent. Please open the way. Passion 07 is not our prize. You are what we want. And heaven is the end of the race we run. Today we are leaning that way, toward You, toward home. We love You and long for You, Jesus.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 16
Day 16. Friends.
Passion is not the only collegiate conference happening as 2006 comes to a close. Along with Campus Crusade and others who will be holding gatherings across the nation, Intervarsity will be hosting Urbana 2006, its 21st Student Missions Conference, in St. Louis, MO. While we are making final preparations for Passion 07, the Urbana team is getting ready for 25,000 in St. Louis. Amazing! The dates of Urbana are December 27-31 and I'd really love it if our Passion family prayed not for Passion today, but for those that are leading and attending this event. They have a massive task and a thundering legacy, hosting their first Urbana in 1946! Shelley and I have been before and count the leaders as friends. In fact, we have been in close contact with the Urbana folks for years, and especially in recent months as we have had the chance to pray for and encourage each other face to face. Urbana.org.
Father, we bring the whole Urbana team to You today, asking You to fill their hearts with confidence in what You are doing in their midst. We ask that the three years of effort invested in Urbana 2006 will bear staggering fruit for the cause of Your mission to bring hope and life to every person on this planet. We ask for Your protection and mercy on the Director, Jim T, and every staff person involved. Multiply these final hours as they prepare St. Louis for students to arrive from around the world. Holy Spirit, prepare every person coming and give them a hunger for more than an event. Birth something in this gathering that only a supernatural God could do, as healing and service sweep their hearts. We love these guys and pray that Urbana 2006 will mark history and leave the leaders smiling and in awe of You. Jesus, You are the hope of the world. Be everything at Urbana 2006! Amen.
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light." Colossians 1:9-12
Beth Moore Podcast Beaming Now!
Catch Louie's interview with Beth Moore on the Passion07 Podacst....connecting the world on the journey to Atlanta. Coming this week--Matt Redman and Charlie Hall.
Subscribe via iTunes here.
Listen via web here.
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 15
Day 15. You Matter.
While it's true God's confidence rest in His ability and not ours, it's equally true that God believes in each of us and desires to use us to accomplish His purposes on this earth.
It's possible circumstances have beat you down. Failure has labeled you. You have disappointed yourself. Others have told you again and again (with and without words) that they don't think you're going to amount to much. Maybe you've come to the place where you really don't even believe in yourself anymore.
But it's not so with God. He knows you most (He knows every flaw, crack, failure, weakness, possibility, strength), yet believes in you more than anyone on the planet. He also remembers that He formed You out of nothing but His own brilliant idea and divine imagination. You are the unique design of the Creator. He made you with purpose and love. He has plans for you, dreams for you, a role in the story for you. And He believes in you so much that he ultimately sent for you a Son of life to die and free and rise and fill your broken soul.
Believe it or not, there's a baby laying in a manger...because God was convinced you couldn't make it on your own, but was determined for you to taste mercy and feel His arms holding you tight forever, whispering, you matter so much to Me.
Father, open our ears to hear You say how much You dream about all that our lives can be. Open our eyes to see Jesus, Your sure bet that we can live lives of purpose forever. Break the lies of unbelief that have wounded us, and let the little seed of faith plant hope again that we are precious and beautiful and treasured and loved by You.
"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endured forever--do not abandon the works of your hands." Psalm 138:8
28 Day Prayer Journey To Pasion 07 - Day 14
Day 14. No Doubt.
Sometimes I wonder how much confidence God really has in me...in us. Don't get me wrong, I know He loves us immensely and has called us to greatness. But He also knows how short our memories are. And how frail our frames. So, once again we come to Sabbath. To rest. To remember.
Sure, just six fleeting days ago we were here remembering--determining to walk with the confidence that He is I AM. But, we didn't really fully get it, did we? Nor have we made the six-day journey with confidence. Confidence, not in what we can do, but in what He can do in us.
Thus, we stressed, we worried, we carried heavy loads alone... we doubted if it was possible after all. We settled for less. We settled for us.
So, again today He says "stop." He says you can't. But I can.
Look up. Count the stars. The Maker of all is at your disposal, residing in you through Jesus Christ.
Have no doubt...He can live this day well in you.
I lift my eyes up to You, Jesus. You are my daily bread. Give me the grace to rest in knowing You are God. Be glorified in me as I surrender my little strength to Yours, and wait on You to flex Your might in me. "I love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." You are my I AM. Amen.
"For He Himself knows our frame, He is mindful that we are dust." Psalm 103:14
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 13
Day 13. Mouthpiece.
Passion is not about the people on the stage, rather a place where you can know that the people onstage have a massive desire for you to see someone greater than themselves. While those of us on the stage have not pefected that yet (by any stretch of the imagination), Passion has always dreamed of a day when people would arrive and leave with the name of Jesus in their mouths more than the names of people. And why not, who can compare to Him?
Yet, having said that, most times God chooses to use people. People with faces and voices and gifts and vision and a story to tell. I love the people I am serving with at Passion 07 and am so honored to walk beside them in these days...those on main stages, leading Community Groups and Breakout speakers. Though the extra 3 or 4 feet up onto the main arena stages differentiates in no way from those leading in other moments, there is a weight for us all as we seek to lead well in these days.
They are: Beth Moore, Chris Tomlin and band, Matt Redman and band, Francis Chan, David Crowder*Band, Steve Fee and band, Tim Hughes and band, John Piper, Charlie Hall and band, Louie Giglio, plus other singers and musicians.
Father, please cover these and their families with mercy today. Defend, preserve, heal and inspire. May they see You more vividly than ever before, and portray with boldness and creativity the beauty of Your holiness and grace. Give them special gifts for the moments of Passion 07, and do in them in these days what we so long for You to do in this generation. Jesus keep and carry each one for Your name's sake, Amen.
"I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked...For the Lord God is a sun and a shield, the Lord bestows favor and honor, no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless." Psalm 84:10b-11
28 Day prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 12
Day 12. Borders.
God's family transcends borders, nationalities, races, classes, continents and generations. Yet, governments are real and, as a result, the journey to Passion 07 is a bit more complex for our International friends. Here's the latest:
Rodrigo has a hearing in Brazil on December 20 and is still hoping.
so far, 5 Brazilians have requested visas... 2 have been approved.
An *******(East Asian) national received a visa yesterday. Huge miracle!
All South Africans received visas!
1 from Kenya was denied.
Of 50 Koreans, 48 visas were approved.
4 Romanians were denied this week. Other Romanians have visas and are coming.
Others receiving visas...3 Ukrainians, 1 Malaysian, 2 Filipinos, 1 Estonian, 1 Argentinean.
Of 18 Mexicans there were 15 visas approved.
All 13 from Slovakia were approved.
4 from Botswana were granted.
Thankfully, Puerto Rico, the UK, Ireland, Australia, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand and others have visa waiver programs with the US or require no visas!
The brother of one of our Passion Staff/Team had his visa denied yesterday.
Others with upcoming appointments:
1 Filipino (12/19)
1 from Kazakhstan (12/20)
2 ******* nationals.
2 Macedonians
1 in India
2 in Nigeria
1 in Kenya.
Father we believe today that You have the entire world in Your hands. The nations are like a drop in a bucket to You. You open doors and close them, so we trust our friends to Your purposes, knowing that no plan of Yours can be thwarted. We would wish an early Christmas present to these and the honor of worshipping beside them in Atlanta. For Jesus fame in the whole earth, Amen.
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." Psalm 67:1-2
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 11
Day 11. Millions.
Welcome to potentially the longest Blog post ever. Be brave and scan the whole list, look for your school and read the last paragraphs at the bottom!
Below are the schools that will be represented at Passion 07 from the US and abroad. I think you'll agree...the list is staggering. Humbling. Promising. 1153 schools so far. Conservatively, these schools probably represent close to 10 million of the 16+ million college and university students in the US alone.
Curently, students are registered for Passion 07 from:
Abilene Christian University
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Adam Mickiewcz University, Poland
Adrian College
Agnes Scott
Aiken Tech
Alabama Southern Community College
Alabama State University
Albion College
Alice Lloyd College
Alpha and Omega
Amarillo College
American International College
American University
Amhurst University
Anderson College
Anderson University
Angelina Jr. College
Anne Arundel Community College
Anoka Ramsey Community College
Applachian State University
Aquinas College
Arcadia University
Arizona State University
Arizona State University Heber Springs
Arkansas State University
Arkansas State University Beebe
Arkansas State University Jonesboro
Arkansas Tech University
Arlington Baptist University
Armstrong Atlantic State University
Art Institute of Atlanta
Art Institute of Philadelphia
Art Institute of Tampa
Asbury College
Asbury Seminary
Ashland Theological Seminary
Ashland University
Athens State University
Athens Technical College
Atlanta Christian College
Atlantic Baptist University
Auburn University
Auburn University Montgomery
Augusta State University
Augusta Technical College
Austin Bender
Austin College
Austin Community College
Austin Peay State University
Averett College
Azusa Pacific University
Bainbridge College
Baker College
Baldwin Wallace College
Ball State University
Ballet Magnificat
Baptist Bible College
Baptist Bible College of Pennslyvania
Baptist Bible Graduate School of Theology
Baptist College of Florida
Baptist College of Health Sciences
Barry University
Baruch College
Baton Rouge Community College
Baton Rouge School of Court Reporting
Bauder College
Baylor Universtiy
Baypath College
Beeson Divinity School
Belhaven College
Bellarmine University
Bellhaven College
Bellmont Abby College
Belmont Universtiy
Benedictine College
Bergan Community College
Berklee School of Music
Berry College
Bethel College
Bethel University
Bevill State Community College
Bevill State Community College Fayette Campus
Bible Institute
Biblical Seminary
Binghamton University
Biola University
Birmingham Southern
Bismarck State College
Black Hawk College
Blackburn College
Blinn College
Blinn College Bryan Campus
Bloomsburg University
Blue Mountain Baptist University
Blue Mountain College
Blue Ridge Community College
Bluegrass Community & Technical College
Bob Jones University
Bossier Parish Community College
Boston University
Bowling State University
Boyce College
Bradley University
Bratislava University
Bravard University
Brenau University
Brevard Community College
Brewton-Parker College
Bridgewater College
Brock University
Bronx College
Brookdale Community College
Brooklyn College
Broward Community College
Bryan College
Bryant University
Bucks County Community College
Buena Vista University
Buffalo State College
Butler County Community College
Butler University
C.W. Post
Cabrillo College
Calhoun Community College
California Baptist University
California Culinary Academy
California Polytechnic State University
California Polytechnic State University Pomona
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
California State Fullerton
California State Northridge
California State University Long Beach
California State University San Bernardino
California State University San Marcos
California State University Stanislaus
California University of Pennsylvania
Calvary Chapel Bible College
Calvin College
Campbell University
Campbellsville University
Canada College
Candler School of Theology- Emory University
Cape Fear Community College
Capital Bible Seminary
Carleton University
Carnegie Mellon University
Carson-Newman College
Catalyst School of Ministry
Catawba Valley Community College
Cedarville University
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central Alabama Community College
Central Arkansas
Central Baptist College
Central Baptist College
Central College
Central Connecticut State University
Central Florida Community College
Central Georgia Technical College
Central Michigan University
Central Missouri State University
Central New Mexico Community College
Central Oklahoma University
Central Piedmont Community College
Central Virginia Community College
Century College
Chaffey College
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Chapman University
Charleston Southern University
Charter Oak Conneticut
Chattahochee Technical School
Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Chattanooga State Technical Community College
Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary
Chiba University
Children Ministries Institute
Chipola College
Christian Brothers University
Christian Central Academy
Christian Heritage School
Christian Life School
Christian Spanish Academy-Guatemala
Christopher Newport University
Cincinnati Bible Seminary
Cincinnati Christian Univerisity
Cincinnati State University
City College
Clarkson University
Clayton College of Natural Health
Clayton State University
Clear Creek Baptist Bible College
Clearwater Christian College
Clemson University
Cleveland State Community College
Cleveland State University
Coast Guard Academy
Coastal Carolina Community College
Coastal Carolina Universty
Coastal Georgia Community College
Coates Academy
College of Charleston
College of Dupage
College of St Catherine
College of Staten Island
College of the Mainland
College of The Ozarks
College of William & Mary
Collin County Community College
Colorado Christian University
Colorado State University
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia International University
Columbia Seminary
Columbia State Community College
Columbia University
Columbus College
Columbus State University
Community College Allegheny County
Community College of Baltimore County
Connecticut College
Converse College
Coosa Valley Technical College
Copiah-Lincoln Community College
Cornell University
County College of Morris
Covenant Bible College
Covenant Bible College Ecuador
Covenant Christian Academy
Covenant College
Covington Seminary
Crafton Hills College
Craven Community College
Crichton College
Crisswell College
Crossroads Bible College
Crown College
Cumberland University
Cuyahoga Communtiy College
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Christian College
Dallas Theological Seminary
Dalton State College
Dartmouth College
Darton College
Davenport University
Davidson College
Davidson County Community College
Davis & Elkins College
Daytona Beach Community College
De Grundel
Dekalb Technical College
Del Mar College
Delta State University
DePaul University Chicago
Dickinson College
Digipen Institue of Technology
Dominican University
Drake University
Drexel University
Drury University
Duke University
Durham University
Dyersburg State Community College
East Carolina University
East Central Community College
East Central University
East Connecticut State University
East Field Community College
East Mississippi Community College
East Stroudsburg University
East Tennessee State University
East Texas Baptist University
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Mennonite University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern New Mexico University
Eastern University
Eastfield Community College
Eau Claire University
Eckerd College
Edgewood College
Edison College
Edith Cowan University
Elim Bible Institute
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emory and Henry College
Emory University
Emporia State University
Enterprise/Ozark Community College
Erskine College
Essex Community College
Essex County College
Estrella Mountain Community College
Eternity Bible College
Evangelical Theological College of Wales
Fairmont State University
Fargo College
Faulkner State Community College
Faulkner University
Fire School of Ministry
First Coast Technical Institute
Flagler College
Flannery University
Florence Darlington Technical College
Florida A&M University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Christian College
Florida College
Florida Community College At Jacksonville
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida Southern College
Florida State University
Florissant Valley Community College
Forsyth Technical Community College
Fort Hays State University
Fountainhead College of Technology
Francis Marion University
Franciscan University
Franklin And Marshall College
Frederick Community College
Friends University
Front Range Community College
Full Sail University
Fullerton Junior College
Furman University
Gainesville College
Gainesville State College & University
Gardner-Webb University
Geneva College
George Fox University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgetown College
Georgetown University
Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University
Georgia Central State University
Georgia Coastal School of Ministry
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Highlands College
Georgia Insititue of Technology
Georgia Military College
Georgia Perimeter College
Georgia Southern Universtiy
Georgia Southwestern
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Glendale Community College
Glenville State College
Gloucester County College
Gordon College
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Grace College & Seminary
Graceland University
Graham Bible College
Grand Canyon University
Grand Rapids Community College
Grand Valley State University
Grayson County College
Greensboro College
Greenville College
Greenville Technical College
Griffin Technical College
Grove City College
Guilford Technical Community College
Gulf Coast Community College
Gwynedd-Mercy College
Hannibal-LaGrange College
Hanover College
Hardin Baptist
Harding University
Hardin-Simmons University
Harper College
Harvard College
Haskell Indian Nations University
Haywood Community College
Heart of Georgia Technical College
Heartland Community College
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
Hesston College
High Point University
Hillsborough County Community College
Hillsdale College
Hinds Community College
Holmes Community College
Holy Cross College
Hope College
Hope International University
Horry-Georgetown Technical College
Houston Baptist University
Houston Community College
Howard County Community College
Howard Payne University
Hunter College
Huntington University
Hutchinson Community College
Illinois Central College
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Indian River Community College
Indiana Institute of Technology
Indiana State University
Indiana University
Indiana University Indianapolis
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University South Bend
Indiana University South East
Indiana University/Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indiana Wesleyan University
Instituto Technologico De Queretaro
Interamerican University of Puerto Rico
International Bible Seminary
International Seminary
Iowa State University
Ittawamba Community College
ITT-Technical Institute
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
Ivy Tech Community College of South Bend
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
Jackson State Community College
Jacksonville State University
James Madison University
James Quillen College of Medicine
Jangsin University
Jefferson State Community College
John A. Logan College
John Brown Univerisity
John Carrol University
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay School
John Wesley College
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson & Wales University
Johnson Bible College
Johnson County Community College
Joliet Junior College
Jones Community College
Jones County Junior College
Jones Junior College
Jordanstown University
Jubillee Christian College
Judson College
Kankakee Community College
Kansas State University
Kansas University
Kaskaskia College
Kennessaw State University
Kent State University
Kent State University Stark
Kentucky Christian University
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Kenyon College
Kilgore College
King College
Kingwood College
Kyung Hee University In Korea
La Salle University
LaGrange College
Lainer Tech
Lake Superior State
Lakeland Christian
Lamar State College
Lamar University
Lambuth University
Lancaster Bible College
Lander University
Langley Air Force Base
Lansing Community College
Las Positas College
Leavell College
Lee College
Lee University
Lee Universtiy at Charlotte
Lehigh Carbon Community College
Lenoir-Rhyne College
Leslie University
LeTourneau University
Levealle College
Lewis & Clark Community College
Lexington Community College
Liberty Theological Seminary
Liberty University
Life Pacific College
Life University
Lincoln Christian College & Seminary
Lincoln Land Jr. College
Lincoln Memorial University
Lindenwood University
Lindsey Wilson College
Lipscomb University
Lock Haven University
Logan Chiropractic
Longview Community College
Longwood University
Lorain County Community College
Los Positias College
Louisiana College
Louisiana State University
Louisiana Tech University
Louisville Bible College
Loyola University
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College
Luther College
Luther Rice University
Luzerne County Community College
Lycoming College
Lyon College
Macalester College
Macmurray College
Macomb Community College
Macon State College
Maize High School
Manatee Community College
Manilla University
Maple Woods Community College
Marian College
Marietta College
Marquette University
Mars Hill College
Marshall University
Martin Methodist College
Mary Baldwin College
Mary Washington University
Maryland Institute College of Art
Maryland University
Maryville College
Maryville University
McKendree College
McLennan Community College
Mcneese State University
Medgar Evers College
Medical College of Georgia
Medical College of Georgia Athens Campus
Medical University of South Carolina
Meramec Community College
Mercer University
Meredith College
Meridian Community College
Mesa State College
Messiah College
Metropolitan Community College
Miami Dade College
Miami of Ohio University
Miami University
Michigan State University
Michigan Theological Seminary
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
Mid-America Christian University
Midcontinent University
Middle Georgia College
Middle Georgia College Cochran
Middle Georgia Tech
Middle Tennessee State University
Midland College
Midlands Technical College
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Midwestern State Universtiy
Millersville University
Milligan College
Milligan University
Millsaps College
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minnesota State University Mankato
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Mira Costa College
Missiouri Baptist University
Mississippi College
Mississippi Delta Community College
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Mississippi State University
Mississippi University for Women
Missouri Baptist College
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University
Missouri Western State College
Mitchell Community College
Moberly Area Commuity College
Modesto Junior College
Montana State University
Monterey Bay Peninsula College
Montgomery College
Montgomery College Rockville
Montreat College
Moody Bible Institute
Moravian College
Morehead State University
Motlow State Community College
Mott Community College
Mount Olive College
Mount Vernon University
Murray State University
Nash Community College
Nassau Community College
National Kinmen Institute of Technology (Kinmen, Taiwan)
National Park Community College
National University of Singapore
Navarro College
Nazarene Bible College
Nazareth College
Nebraska Christian College
New England School of Law
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Mexico State University
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
New Tribes Bible Institute
New York University
Newman University
Niagara University
Nicholls State University
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University
North Central University
North Dakota State University
North Georgia College And State University
North Georgia Technical College
North Greenville University
North Lake College
North Metro Technical College
North Park University
Northeast Community College
Northeast Mississippi Community College
Northeast State Community College
Northeast State Technical Community College
Northeast State University
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern State University
Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Virginia Community College
Northland College
Northwest Community College
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Shoals Community College
Northwestern College
Northwestern State University
Nossi College of Art
Notre Dame
Nyack College
Oachita Baptist University
Oakland University
Oakton Community College
Ogeechee Technically College
Oglethrope University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio University
Ohio University Lancaster
Okaloosa-Walton Community College
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City Community College
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Olivet Nazarene University
Oral Roberts University
Otis College of Art and Design
Ouachita Baptist University
Ouachita Technical College
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Our Savior New American School
Owens Community College
Owensboro Community College
Oxford of Emory
Ozarks Technical Community College
Pace University
Pacific Coast Charter
Paducah Community College
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Palm Beach Community College
Palmer Chiropractic
Palomar College
Panola College
Park Univeristy
Pasco-Hernando Community College
Patrick Henry College
Paul Mitchell The School
Pearl River Community College
Pellissippi State Technical Community College
Pembroke University
Penn Foster Career School
Penn State Berks
Penn State University
Penn Valley Community College
Pennsylvania College
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University
Pensacola Christian College
Pensacola Junior College
Pepperdine University
Pfeiffer University
Philadelphia Biblical University
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Georgia Campus
Philidelphia Bible College
Phoenix College
Piedmont Technical College
Pima Community College
Pitt Community College
Pittsburg State University
Point Loma University
Polk County Community College
Pomona College
Pratt Institue
Presbyterian College
Presov University
Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton University
Providence College
Psychological Studies Institute
Pulaski Tech
Purdue University
Purdue University West Lafayette
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy College
Quinnipiac University
Radford University
Randolph Community College
Randolph Macon College
Reformed Theological Seminary
Regent University
Reinhardt College
Rend Lake College
Rhema Bible Training Center
Rhodes College
Rhodes University
Rice University
Richland Community College
Richland Junior College
Rio Grande University
Rochester College
Rochester Community and Technical College
Rock Valley College
Rockford College
Rockhurst University
Rogers State University
Rollins College
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rowan University
Rowan/Cabarrus Community College
Rutgers University
Ryerson University
Saginaw Valley State University
Salem College
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Sam Houston State University
Samford Unviersity
San Angelo State
San Francisco State University
San Jacinto Community College
San José State University
San Marcos State University
Sanford Brown
Santa Fe Community College
Santa Monica College
Sauk Valley Community College
Savannah College of Art And Design
Savannah State University
Savannah Technical College
Schoolcraft College
Scottsdale Community College
Seinna Heights University
Seminole Community College
Seton Hall University
Shawnee Community College
Shelton State Commuinity College
Shepherd University
Shippensburg University
Shorter College
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Slovakian College
Somerset Community College
South Georgia College
South Plains
South Western Illinois College
Southeast Missouri State University
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southeastern Bible College
Southeastern Christian College
Southeastern College At Wake Forest
Southeastern Illinois College
Southeastern Louisiana Universty
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern Theological Seminary
Southeastern University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Arkansas University
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Methodist
Southern Mississippi University
Southern Polytechnic Insitute
Southern Polytechnic State University
Southern Seminary
Southern Tech
Southern Union State Community College
Southern University Shreveport
Southern Wesleyan University
Southwest Baptist University
Southwest Community College
Southwest Tennessee Community College
Southwestern Adventist University
Southwestern Assembly of God University
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southwestern Illinois College
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern University
Spalding University
Spartanburg Community College
Spartanburg Methodist College
Spartanburg Technical College
Spectrum College
Spelman College
Spoon River College
Spring Arbor University
Springfield College
Springhill College
St. Ambrose College
St. Bonaventure University
St. Catharine College
St. Charles Community College
St. Cloud State University
St. Francis University
St. Johns Community College
St. John's River Community College
St. Johns University
St. Joseph College
St. Leo University
St. Louis Christian College
St. Louis Community College
St. Louis University
St. Petersburg College
Stanford University
Stanly County Community College
Stark State College
Stephen F. Austin State University
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stoneybrook University
Strathclyde University
Suffolk University
Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia
Sylvan University
Tabor College
Tallahassee Community College
Tarlton University
Tarrant County College
Taylor University
Temple Baptist Seminary
Temple University
Tennessee Technological University
Tennessee Temple
Tennessee Wesleyan College
Texarkana College
Texas A&m Universtiy
Texas Christian University
Texas State Technical College
Texas State University
Texas Tech University
Texoma Christian School
The Baptist College of Florida
The Citadel
The King's College
The Master's College
The Ohio State University
The Urban Ministry Institute
Thomas Edison State College
Thomas Nelson Community College
Three Rivers Community College
Tidewater Community College
Toccoa Falls College
Toowoomba Christian College
Towson University
Transylvania University
Trenton College of New Jersey
Trevecca Nazarene University
Tribecca Seminary
Tri-County Community College
Tri-County Technical College
Trident Technical College
Trinity Baptist College
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College of Florida
Trinity International University
Triton College
Troy University
Truett McConnel College
Truman State University
Tufts University
Tulane University
Tulsa Community College
Tulsa University
Tuscaloosa Academy
Tyler Junior College
Union College
Union University
United States Air Force Academy
United States Naval Academy
Universidad De Puerto Rico
Universidad Politenica De Puerto Rico
Universidade Estadual De Londrina O Uel
University of Akron
University of Alabama
University of Alabama Birmingham
University of Alabama Huntsville
University of Anchorage Alaska
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas Community College Batesville
University of Arkansas Community College Morrilton
University of Arkansas Fort Smith
University of Arkansas Little Rock
University of Arkansas Monticello
University of Arkansas Monticello
University of Beijing
University of Bristol
University of British Columbia
University of Buffalo
University of California Berkeley
University of California Irvine
University of California Los Angeles
University of California Riverside
University of California San Diego
University of California Santa Barbara
University of Cape Town
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Chapel Hill
University of Charleston
University of Chattanooga
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado Boudler
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Evansville
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Hawaii At Manoa
University of Houston
University of Houston Clear Lake
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Chicago
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Limerick
University of Louisiana Lafayette
University of Louisianna
University of Louisianna Monroe
University of Louisville
University of Manitoba
University of Manoa
University of Mary Washington
University of Mary-Hardin Baylor
University of Maryland
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University of Maryland College Park
University of Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Boston
University of Memphis
University of Miami
University of Miami of Ohio
University of Michigan
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
University of Michigan Flint
University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Minnesota Mankato
University of Mississippi
University of Mississippi Medical Center
University of Missouri
University of Missouri at St. Louis
University of Missouri Kansas City
University of Missouri Rolla
University of Mobile
University of Montana
University of Montevallo
University of Nebraska Kearney
University of Nebraska Lincoln
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of New Hampshire
University of New Mexico
University of New Orleans
University of North Alabama
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina Charlotte
University of North Carolina Greensboro
University of North Carolina Wilmington
University of North Dakota
University of North Florida
University of North Texas
University of Northern Iowa
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Ottawa
University of Ouachita
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pretoria
University of Puerto Rico
University of Richmond
University of Saint Augustine
university of San Siego
University of Science and Arts
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina
University of South Carolina Aiken
University of South Carolina Beaufort
University of South Carolina Sumter
University of South Carolina Upstate
University of South Florida
University of Southern California
University of Southern California Beaufort
University of Southern Florida
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Maine
University of Southern Mississipppi
University of St. Francis
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee
University of Tennessee Chatanooga
University of Tennessee Knoxville
University of Tennessee Martin
University of Tennessee Memphis
University of Texas Arlington
University of Texas Austin
University of Texas Dallas
University of Texas Tyler
University of The Cumberlands
University of The South
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Virginia
University of West Florida
University of West Georgia
University of Western Ontario
University of Winnipeg
University of Wisconsin Madison
university of Wisconsin Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin Platteville
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin Stout
University of Wisconsin Waukesha
University of Wisconsin Whitewater
Utah State University
Valdosta State University
Valdosta Technical College
Valencia Community College
Vance-Granville Community College
Vanderbilt University
Vanguard University
Vassar College
Veritas Academy
Villanova University
Vincennes University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Highlands Community College
Virginia Intermont College
Virginia Tech
Virginia Weslyian
Virginia Western Community College
Volunteer State Community College
Wake Forest University
Wake Technical Communtiy College
Wallace State Community College
Walters State Community College
Warner Southern College
Warren Wilson College
Wartburg College
Washington And Lee University
Washington Bible College
Washington University St. Louis
Washtenaw Community College
Watkins College of Art & Design
Waubonsee College
Waycross College
Wayland Baptist University
Waylon Baptist
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Waynesburg College
Weatherford College
Webber International University
Weber State University
Webster University
Wellesley College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesley Biblical Seminary
Wesleyan College
West Chester University
West Goergia University
West Palm Beach University
West Texas A&M University
West Valley
West Virginia University
West Virginia University Parkersburg
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University
Western North Carolina
Western Piedmont Community College
Western State College
Western State College of Colorado
Western State University
Western Texas College
Westfield State
Westminster Christian Academy
Wharton County Junior College
Wheaton College
Whitesburg Heritage Bible College
Wichita State University
Wilfrid Laurier University
William Carey College
William Jessup University
Williams Baptist College
Williamsburg Community Chapel
Wingate University
Winona State University
Winthrop Univeristy
Wofford College
Woodland Community College
Woodmont Baptist Church
World Mission Seminary
Wor-Wic Community College
Wright State University
Yellowstone Bible College
York College
York Technical College
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University
Zilina University
Father, for these campuses and everyone who works and studies on them... and for Your fame in the midst of them all...we bow down today. Please have mercy. Stir something new and contagious in Your people. Open eyes. Rescue and restore. Use us to make much of You, Jesus. Amen.
If you are registered for Passion 07 and your school IS NOT ON THIS LIST, post it in a comment so we can add! E-mail this link to all who are headed to Atlanta. We want to include every shcool possible.
Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 10
Day 10. Finish.
Though there are over 22,000+ of us headed to Atlanta (and growing), today is about you...and your race to the finish. Closing in on the end of another semester you may be limping, crawling, sleeping and hoping it just all goes away, sprinting, or running around in circles, but whoever you are we want you to know we are praying for you right now. Your sleepless nights and stress-filled hours spent staring at computer screens hoping words and pages miraculously appear are almost over. Happiness, your bed at home, your dog (insert pet of choice), mom's cooking (insert restaurant of choice), your little brother or sister, sleeping till noon and your part-time job at the mall all await you! Press on!
So for all of you who have had way too many cups of coffee, for all you procrastinators who have proved you can read a textbook in less than eight hours, for all you planners who have turned your projects in early (OK, for you, the one guy who turned in your stuff early) and are coasting to the finish worry free, for all of you who have done your best and for all of you who are needing a boost for that one last push before you're homeward bound...
"He [Jesus] gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power... ." Isaiah 40:29
Father, we are praying for students everywhere today, knowing that You are right where they are...right in the middle of papers and projects and deadlines. Give them (and all of us) the grace to breathe in Your presence and walk in Your strength. We want to finish well for Your sake, and ours. Jesus, be life and strength in the weary today as they put all their hope in You. Thank You, Amen.
PS-Major congrats to all you guys who have finished the bigger race and are graduating in coming days! Yippy!
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 9
Day 9. The Cross.
If you're on I-10 today, somewhere between Houston and Atlanta, you very well may pass an interesting sight...a white SUV with a huge cross sticking out the back headed here to the Passion House. And it's not just any cross, but a powerful symbol that reflected the grace of God at OneDay in Memphis. If you were there in 2000, you remember. Confession gave way to shouts of joy as we considered the price Christ paid to buy our freedom and cleanse our souls.
After a stay in Houston, the OneDay cross will again be visible at Passion 07, anchoring Pure Grace, a place for meditation on the cross of Christ in the Kneel prayer area. But how cool that it's blazing crossing a big chunk of the nation on the way to Atlanta, a reminder of the way that has been made for us to come into the presence of God. There is no muck, or stench or stain in your life today that He Himself did not bear on that tree. There is no filth that cannot be made clean like snow. His cross is forever standing over us. Grab onto it with all your might today. And let it's healing tide wash over you.
Father, I confess my shameful ways to you. Have mercy on me and restore my dark and twisted heart by the grace You have poured out so freely on the cross. Thank You for Your precious gift of love, Jesus Christ. Price-paying, sacrificing, restoring, life-giving, rescuing Jesus Christ. Help me to embrace Him now and walk in His light, Amen.
"And he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness--for by his wounds you were healed." 1 Peter 2:24
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 8
Day 8. Touch.
We are the people of God. In other words, we are the visible image of the story of God on earth. We are the light of the world, His body...hands, feet, eyes, heart, in the midst of culture. We are representatives. Ambassadors. Good news carriers. So that every person on planet earth can know they are prized and loved by a perfect Father in heaven. To this end we are inviting every single person coming to Passion 07 to Touch Atlanta, as we provide basic needs to those with the greatest needs throughout the city.
As we have approached homeless shelters and assistance organizations working in Atlanta, tops on their list of durable needs are towels. It seems that when people leave these facilities the towel often leaves with them, becoming a blanket, pillow or means of carrying their few belongings through the day. And high on the list of clothing items are socks for men, women and children.
So here's what we're going to do together. Each of us is going to make a tiny sacrifice by bringing a new/like new bath towel AND one new/like new pair of socks (you pick men's, women's, children's) to Atlanta. Our combined efforts are going to make a massive difference in the lives of people in Jesus name.
There's no way 20,000+ followers of Jesus should show up in any town without those needing food, clothing and shelter being impacted in some way. While they will probably never hear about Passion 07 (who cares, right?) we want them to know through these simple gifts they are of great worth to God.
So stuff both a bath towel and socks in your bag and bring them to Passion 07 Registration. It's going to be a beautiful sight!
Father, open our eyes to see those You see, and open our hands to announce the nearness of Your Kingdom in tangible ways to all in need. Following Jesus' example, Amen.
"And do not neglect doing good and sharing with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16
PS-We are not equipped to receive towels and socks from those not coming to Passion 07, though we would encourage you to seek ways to make a difference in the town/city where you live.
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 7
Day 7. Rest.
Rest today. Not so much in the sense of doing nothing, but of doing everything with the confidence that a greater power source is available and at work in you.
God says, “in quietness and trust is your strength.” He is not calling us to a life of ease and leisure, rather to lives of unparalleled purpose and destiny requiring determined sacrifice, effort and passion. Yet all the while He insists we remember the Sabbath—remember that He does it all—as we lean into His infinite resource of strength and ability.
Finals. Deadlines. Mountains. Miles. Problems. Work. Uphill. Long haul. Heavy. Complex. Heights. Darkness. More. Cracking. Can’t.
He is I AM.
Father, as I work I will rest in You. Thank You Jesus for Your abundant life inside me. I want Your greatness to be seen in my weakness. So happy Your power is mine. Amen.
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10a
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 6
Day 6. 605.
If you've been around the Passion 07 Live Link or the Podcast you've heard us talking about South Dakota...our nation's 40th state. And why all the SD talk? We have almost 21,000 people registered for 07 from 49 states and 31 nations, but no one representing "the 605"--South Dakota's only area code. We have discovered we have people coming who are South Dakotans, but they are now outside the state and headed our way from other places in the US.
So, we've stopped asking where the SD people are and decided we should be praying for the campuses and students there. And for us, South Dakota has come to represent many places throughout the nation that won't be as visible in Atlanta. Would you take some time today to pray for students on the following campuses:
Augustana College, Black Hills State University, Dakota State University, Dakota Wesleyan University, Northern State University, Oglala Lakota College, South Dakota School of Mines and technology, South Dakota State University, University of Sioux Falls, University of South Dakota.
As we pray for students in SD, let's keep spreading the word about Passion 07 and bring more people along with us. And let's be willing to reach SD with the story of God.
Father, we know You are alive and well throughout South Dakota. Inspire leaders of the church there and raise up a wave of students filled with the hope and power of Jesus. For His fame in SD, Amen.
“Everyone who calls, ‘Help, God!’ gets help.” But how can people call for help if they don’t know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven’t heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it? That’s why Scripture exclaims, ‘A sight to take your breath away! Grand processions of people telling all the good things of God!’” Romans 10:13-15 The Message
PS-Great job on the comments for our Staff/Team and Team Leads Yesterday! Thanks and keep praying!
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 5
Day 5. Team.
I’m sitting around a huge table today in the Georgia World Congress Center with some of the most amazing people in the world. Their names are not Tomlin, Moore, Crowder, Redman, Giglio, Piper, or Hall, but they are just as vital to the process of Passion 07 as anyone you have heard of. They are our Volunteer Team Leaders and our Passion/sixsteps Staff/Team (see beautiful pic), and they are doing a phenomenal job making sure everything is in place to insure that you have the best possible experience in Atlanta.
Our Team Leaders, people with full time jobs who devote a chunk of their year to building the guts of the event and lead the volunteer teams in Atlanta, are here for three days of final preparations. With them, over 1000 men and women will form the volunteer teams that serve you while you are here.
Looking around the table right now: Jennifer, Daniele, Abbie, Sally, Paige, Radford, Emily H, Kristen, Mike, Susanne, Katey, Aaron, Vicky, Mike, Misty, Amanda, Gina, Emily V, Lori, Carrie, Jonathan, Danielle, Eddie, Jay, Shannon, Christina, Cheryl, Masi, Scot, Lindsay, Garret, Rick, Jim, Jerome, Brandon, Jon, Lauren, Jake, Shelley. Not pictured, but on the way, Tague, Lisa, Todd, Christi, Erica, Jan.
I know it’s not all that glamorous, but these guys need to know you are surrounding them with your prayers. Pick one and hold them up...and let’s see a lot of comments today for those who are sacrificing so much to make Passion 07 happen.
Father, thank You for incredible devotion by so many people who believe in the vision of Passion and want to serve in Your name. Give them strength and inspiration for the final push to Atlanta…and sweep them into the wave of what you’re doing in the hearts of students in this generation. For Jesus, Amen.
“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” Psalm 84:10
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 4
Day 4. Feet.
If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.
For the next few days our team is downtown Atlanta, working on final details for Passion 07, walking in and through the places you will be walking in just a few days. I couldn't help but think this morning that my feet are landing on the exact spots that yours will. And as I walked I wondered who you are and what you need.
Some of your feet will be wounded. Others bruised. Some broken.
Some feet will be tired, others happy, some running, others stumbling.
Some lying, ceased living, trapped, confused, deceived.
Some feet dancing, leaping, springing, bounding.
Others limping, bleeding, dying.
Some frustrated, angry, cheated, beaten, abandoned.
Some freshly free.
Others bound, shackled, enslaved, darkened.
Some needing, waning, wasting, crying.
Others smiling, sharing, going, giving.
Which are yours?
His were pierced. And though risen, the feet of Jesus still bear those wounds. His hands and feet have been run through by whatever yours feel and face today. How beautiful are His feet, and the feet of those who bring the good news of Jesus.
Father, so many feet. So many needs. Needs not met by an event, but by You. Please do what You alone can do...heal, free, rescue, restore. For Jesus, Amen.
"But he (Jesus) was pierced for our wrong deeds, he was crushed for our sins; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 55:5
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 3
Day 3. Everybody.
Christianity is not an American phenomenon, nor an exclusive club for those of us in the western world. The family Christ is building on earth and in heaven is filled with every nation, tribe, tongue and race. We are part of a global movement which in many ways is expanding faster outside the States than within.
That's why we're thrilled to have people from 31 nations at Passion 07...and those are just the ones we know of. For many of them the journey is next to impossible, filled with complexities and costs most take for granted. Just yesterday, students in Brazil and Romania had their visa applications denied...again. For Rodrigo, it was his second attempt this year. And for the Romanians it was the second year in a row they have been denied permission to attend Passion. Rodrigo is appealing his decision and more Romanians go for their hearings this week.
Many factors go into these decisions, and the denials don't necessarily reflect a bent against Passion or Christianity. But they do highlight three things: The incredible opportunity we have to gather in Atlanta. The cost many are willing to endure to taste Passion for the first time. The need for us to go and meet them where they are.
Check out Rodrigo's beautiful comment in the previous Blog post. And pray for students and leaders coming from the following countries. Pick one, write it where you'll be reminded to pray for them all the way to Atlanta.
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Estonia, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Kazakstan, Kenya, South Korea, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.
Father, please open wide the gates and make a way in the wilderness for all who long to be a part of Passion 07. In Jesus name throughout the world, Amen.
"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord, and they will bring glory to your name." Psalm 86:9
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 2
Day 2. Today.
Though we are on the road to Passion 07 in 27 days, the challenge for us all is today. Especially those of you who are feeling the heat of finals and end-of-term projects that are looming in the days ahead. So while we want to think and pray about our time here in Atlanta, what's most important in this moment is finishing well. And to finish well we have to know that God is with us today...right where we are.
Your classes, projects, exams and deadlines matter to God. Why? Because they are part of your life, and everything about you matters to Him. God's not isolated to church, ministry or worship. He is present in the smallest details of our days and ready to bring His divine energy to bear on whatever the task at hand. Think about it... He made the universe by the power of His command, so He probably knows a little something about whatever it is you're studying right now!
So, here's the deal...Passion is going to be incredible. But God is just as interested in doing something supernatural in us where we're sitting right now as He is during the days we are together in January. Invite Him into the fray--and ask Him to empower you to focus, understand, prioritize, trust and work like never before. I think you'll find Him more than willing to meet you where you are and carry the weight of your academic load with you. And, hopefully, you'll find joy in doing your very best so that He is seen and known in your studies, which, in the end, magnifies Him.
Praying for you: Father, we bring all the students reading this today to You...asking You to allow their minds to focus, increase their understanding and help them to make the connection between doing their best and pleasing You. Cover them with a sense of Your presence in the midst of long days and sleepless nights, and bring them through with a smile and the reward of knowing they excelled to the greatest degree possible. For Jesus in their school work, Amen.
Your prayer: Father, I can't make it through these days alone. Live through me to make me the best student I can possibly be. I'm working hard, yet trusting You every breath of the way. For Jesus in my school work, Amen.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men..." Colossians 3:23
28 Day Prayer Journey To Passion 07 - Day 1
Day 1. Begin.
It's possible that the most profound words in all of scripture are the four that open its very first sentence: In the beginning, God. Without them we are reduced to chance. Yet with them we see meaning in the fabric of creation. And because of them, we are properly found.
Modern discovery seems to affirm more and more that "something" started it all, affirming the sense of eternity we have in our souls, and pointing us back to these words and their description of a Beginner who created it all. Yet, stuck in the middle of life we can forget that there is a composer about whom the story unfolds. Life did not begin with us, but with an infinite Maker who chose to invite you and me into the beautiful world of Him. Thus, it's not all about me today. Rather, I am all about Him.
Everything begins and ends with God. So as we start this 28-day journey to Passion07 together, let's begin with Him.
God, you are the beginning of life and the beginning of me.
You are the beginning of this journey we are on.
And You are the end we seek.
We want more than a conference, more than an event.
You are the starter of life and the instigator all that satisfies.
Everything we have and are has come from You.
We want to meet You here.
We want to know You more.
We want to feel Your embrace and know the hope of beginning again.
We want to breathe Your life.
And we want to show the world how great You are.
Father, be the beginning of something new and real in my heart today. In Jesus name, Amen.
"Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the LORD your God. Begin to build the sanctuary of the LORD...."
1Chr. 22:19a
Live Link Tonight
Soon the Passion 07 Live Link will be up and running. if you know someone who is on the way to Atlanta for Passion 07, grab the cell phone and give them a ring right now. We'll be on the air in minutes....